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Post Info TOPIC: trailer hitch fines???


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trailer hitch fines???

fatstax wrote:

i had the officer check his computer in his car and he inquired about hitch regulations and nothing came up, hence he said theres no law he can find concerning trailer hitches.  i dont know how proficient he was in using the cop car computer though


I'm not entirely sure it's actually a law ... here it is again.


HTA OREG 611 Vehicle Safety Inspections
Schedule 1
1. (1) The body, sheet metal and equipment shall be inspected and tested for conditions hazardous to occupants, pedestrians or vehicles and,
(a) no bumper, fender or mudguard shall have been removed;
(b) each bumper shall be securely mounted;
(d) no bumper, fender, molding or other part shall have a broken, bent or sharp edge that protrudes in such a way as to constitute a hazard to persons or vehicles;

The wording does not specifically state "trailer hitch" so it is not surprising that searching for "hitch violations" returns nothing.  It simply states "no bumper, fender, molding OR OTHER PART ... clearly the Port Perry police are interpreting "other part" to mean "trailer hitch".  The other interesting thing is this "regulation" if you will, pertains specifically to vehicle safety inspections so apparently the Port Perry police are under the assumption that if it will fail a "safety inspection" then it is ticketable.  I'd be willing to bet NOT A SINGLE vehicle in Ontario has ever failed a certification inspection due to being equipped with a trailer hitch.  That explains why many (most?) cops have never heard about this "law".  I'm thinking the Port Perry police have decided that this is a very easy way to boost revenue and have been told to ticket for this "infraction".  I'd be fighting this one in court if I was ticketed for this "offense".  As others have stated, a receiver hitch does not necessarily protrude any further out than a one-piece hitch ... yes, a receiver hitch is easier to remove but when it comes down to it a regular (non-receiver) hitch can also be removed.  How can you possibly ticket one type and not the other.

The way I see it, this is probably a ticket you could fight and win BUT the cops (bless their sweet little black hearts) expect the vast majority of people ticketed for this "offense" are simply going to pay the ticket and get on with their lives ... easy money. 



-- Edited by Pint and a Pound on Saturday 17th of November 2012 08:18:04 PM


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Thats a safety inspection rule , not neccessarily a traffic infraction rule .
Funny i was just over at the zehyrs getting some bread and there was a honduh crv in the lot with its back end facing towards me . crv,s have the spare tire mounted on the rear hatch . Now it is a factory mounted piece , but if you drive into the back of one , that spare is gonna hit high , like over the rad saddle area and take out like the hood or headlights , rad and a/c rad . I have a crv for a winter beater .
Man then it goes even further , one of my buds Dads has a 55 or 56 chebby truck that he put a chrome bumper of some kind on the back , then grafted two of those giant caddyhack chrome bumper bullets onto it . Man they stick out like what 8 inches ???.

Oh  I just checked maps .... Blackstock   is out in the middle of no where , is there even a police force out there . Maybe theyre all just pissed off cause theyre way out there ..77.

-- Edited by 77 on Saturday 17th of November 2012 09:56:49 PM


I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith


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Couldn't find the thread we were talking about his on?? Anyway, stopped in at the Port Perry Durham Regional Police station on Fri. & asked about leaving your hitch & ball in the receiver on vehicle?? Was told by desk Sarg. anything that 'protrudes past the rear bumper" is in violation of the HTA & the fine ends up close to $150 by the time all the extra's are added on!!  He then looked outside at my Suburban, smiled & asked if I took it off before coming in??? I said NO but once you "smash your shin on it" you take it off"!!! 


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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There sure a lot of trucks around here breaking the law. I guess they have not had the "smash your shin on it" lesson yet.



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what about people with kids bike rack on the back
what about people with canoe or skis hanging off roof s.
what about my friend who has three kids , and a 4th that is handi capped , and they have a fold up handi cap cart on a rack on the back of the van cause they cant afford a full size van .
Trivia fact of Canada ....did u know that if you have quadruplets , you auto matically get an assistance check from the govt every month , Yeah , thats right , BUT , if yer gonna have 4 , one is still born , leaving you with triplets , but one of them is handi capped , ( And u already have one kid ,) you get 3 / 5ths of phuc all .
Thats something to think about when u read that nifty little tax info chart on the gas pumps .
What about police cars with push bars on the front .
what about 4x4 trucks with push bars on the front
what about grey coach with bike racks on the front .
what about that real nice Monarch cruising thru town with the conti kit on the back
What about wheel lift tow trucks
stupid laws dont protect stupid people , they just take cash outta regular peoples pockets ..77.


I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith


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Wow,, ya know what?? I'm going to start watching this on the OPP and MNR vehichles around here.
They have a number of trucks, SUV's etc that haul boats, trailers etc.

Thanks for the info Pete!



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Bike rack being used OK!! If not used Take it off!!! Police cars "exempt!!! 4x4 push bar mat be illegal!!unless it's bolted or welded on Bus likely exempt. Continintall kit doesn't extend past the bumper!!! wheel lift tow truck 'special purpose vehicle [built that way] Don't know what what the # of babies born has to do with this??? If it sticks out past the bumper & is is removable, take it off!! or pay the $150 if the cop is knowlagable on this fine!!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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WTF is the difference of a receiver type hitch and a permanently installed bar and ball hitch?....Either one will wipe out your shins....What a pile of bullsh!t......Tax grab.



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What their saying Harry is that it will cause more damage in a accident[ rear ender] than would normally happen!! Right!! you rear end me & I'm going to get a fine if the hitch bar causes more damage???? Just another thing to keep the cops on their toes [read "quota] while you driving down the road. Some of these hitches haven't been out in decades & rusted right in!!! BUT you "gotta' take it off!!! THATS THE LAW as the OPP guy says on TV. I remember Todd on the Poncho site saying that one of his customers got "bagged" on the 401 by OPP for this in London area??? I started looking in our area again & most vehicles do not have the hitch in there NOW!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!



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The rack for the handi cart , on too take the kid too school , then they,d have to remove it in school parking lot to drive home legally ???? .
The number of kids has everything to do with theyre situation , Think about this , both parents work full time jobs , this kid has to go to special therapy class , and cant go to a regular day care centre cause his legs dont work right
A day in the life , rack is on to take kid to school an drop off his cart , remove rack in school pkg lot to be legal to drive to work , leave work , put rack on in school pkg lot , drive him to daycare place , remove rack to drive to other stuff work , pick up other kids etc . go to day care place put rack on it pkg lot , an remember we get snow 4 months outta the yr .take kid home , dont forget three days a weeek after the day care he goes for therapy an muscle training work , rack on an off two more times .
Now picture this , giving that broad a ticket for the rack , holding her up for what 2 hrs on the side of the road , watching her an the kid cry , making them late for therapy appt that they still have to pay for even if they miss , so another kid cant get his spot .then giving them a 150 dollar ticket .A knowledgeable cop doesnt exist , not any where,s around barrie ontario .
Yes I,m sure if they worked a lil bit harder they could afford a real handi van , and circumvent this possible situation , and also make the world safer for idiots who uncontrollably walk into things .
There,s a sliver an green glass top monarch , ( crown vic ???) that comes to the barrie burger cruise night maybe just once or twice a yr . I think from over in the stayner area , has a conti kit mounted to back bumper , sticks out like a foot maybe .
Next thing some clown will petition the feds to have the cow catcher bumpers removed from the fronts of the go trains ha ha .


I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith


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I been thinking, and ya know there are probably thousands of vehichles with the hitch still in the receiver!

Hiway guys, Hydro, municipal trucks, fire trucks, (they tow rescue vehichles,) construction guys, Camp owners, marina owners, farmers, loggers, the 4x4 cult, on and on and on!!

The farther north you go the more trucks there are, gotta be thousands with the hitch still in.
(And as you say rusted, seized, only way to get it out is with the torch, cut it off.)

Then go buy a new one!!



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I'd sure like to know exactly which law that is allegedly being broken by not removing a trailer hitch receiver. I'm more interested in the wording because this just sounds wrong ... blocking a licence plate with a hitch mounted bicycle carrier I can understand, but just a receiver on its own ... I dunno ...


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A quick google search found this ... wonder if this is the reasoning behind the tickets. I will be heading downtown TO tonight in my coupe ... think maybe I'll remove the receiver before I hit the road just incase.

HTA OREG 611 Vehicle Safety Inspections
Schedule 1
1. (1) The body, sheet metal and equipment shall be inspected and tested for conditions hazardous to occupants, pedestrians or vehicles and,
(a) no bumper, fender or mudguard shall have been removed;
(b) each bumper shall be securely mounted;
(d) no bumper, fender, molding or other part shall have a broken, bent or sharp edge that protrudes in such a way as to constitute a hazard to persons or vehicles;


If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)


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Neighbour has a 56 Monarch with Cont. Kit but does not stick out past the bumper as the bumper has been extended!!! Yep to be legal thats what they will have to do!! Pain the A$$ but maybe they will never get a ticket, down here it's almost guarranteed!!! Think it would be 10min at road side stop, think the cops care about a crying kid?? NO!! or missing a appointment NO!! I feel for those people BUT if thats the law, then you have to conform, just because it's a PAIN doesn't exempt you!!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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BINGO Harold!! Thats it!!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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i asked  a local opp officer i know awhile ago about this trailer hitch law, hes never heard of it and has no rule on his computer for even writing a fine for it.



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Years ago I backed into my sisters brand new car with my receiver in. It punched a nice neat hole in her front cowling, when I felt it hit I stopped. If I had not had the reciever in I would have taken out her hood too. My $1500 repair bill could have been a lot more.

Just saying. LOL



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Fatstax, I also asked a relative who is a Durham Regional police officer and he had no knowledge of this either. That doesn't mean it's not true or a valid law, I'm sure there are so many "laws" to enforce most cops would never know them all. This guy is not stationed in Port Perry, maybe they have less real problems in Port...



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Had a guy back into my rod at the gas station last year with his trailer hitch. Took three 60 year old grill bars out. He looked at it and said that it would just bump out with a plaqstic hammer, no problem!!!!!!!! NO PROBLEM I said. I asked if was in the automotive trade and he said no. I told him he didn't know jack$ht about the repair and said to put it through ins. He thought I was joking!! Some of these shirts don't know a darn thing about cars and that proves it. Sory to get off subject there. John.


It;s just mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter.


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i had the officer check his computer in his car and he inquired about hitch regulations and nothing came up, hence he said theres no law he can find concerning trailer hitches.  i dont know how proficient he was in using the cop car computer though



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I'll leave my shin buster on. You know how many times it's saved my rear bumper in parking lots from people who don't know how to back up or jusge distances? LOTS !!!!!



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Based on their criteria of "that protrudes in such a way as to constitute a hazard to persons or vehicles", it sounds like we may also be required to remove any and all side view mirrors ... THOSE things definitely "protrude and constitute a hazard to persons".

Here is something else that might be slightly related to this hitch issue .... and I quote ...

(f) no exhaust system shall be shortened or modified from original equipment so as to fail to direct the exhaust beyond the underbody of the occupant compartment or luggage compartment, and in no case shall the distance between the outlet and periphery of the underbody, past which it directs the exhaust, exceed 15 centimetres.

Not sure what the "periphery of the underbody" actually means but anything more than 15 cm is a no-no, probably due to a potential trip hazard. This might also apply to hitches too, sticks out less than 15 cm and you're ok, more than that and you can get a ticket.

I still believe this can be fought and won in court, but that means taking a day off work to book a court date and then the actual court date itself ... the cops know damn well most people will pay it without a fight.

Here's another interesting law ... and I quote

e) no exhaust component shall be so located or unguarded that an individual may be burned thereby on entering or leaving the vehicle

Wonder how the owners of Shelby Cobras feel now, knowing their factory exhaust systems are illegal in Ontario (although they are probably exempt from the law due to the exhaust being factory issued and legal at the time of sale in the 60's but I'll bet owners of kit Cobras could get dinged with this one.

Ain't life in the "free world" just peachy


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Is it a presumpsion that the hitch can't stick out only at the back? confuse    Can I carry mine in the "front " receiver?  biggrin





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I wonder if it's illegal to walk around with a hard on these days? Just sayin'



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hemi43 wrote:

I wonder if it's illegal to walk around with a hard on these days? Just sayin'

 That should be OK, it will be the big bugged out hemorrhoids that get you fined.



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My job description is Compliance Officer for a rather large construction company in Ottawa, which has a number of pickup trucks that also haul trailers. I have addressed the trailer hitch topic with the Minstry of Transportation due to driver concerns, I'm here to tell you what being floated by the sergent is not true. It falls into the same category as driving with bare feet, a wives tale. I would have no problem taking this one to court. no

As stated earlier, 611 is the safety certification of vehicles and does not apply in this instance.

-- Edited by Legacy 69 on Sunday 18th of November 2012 10:07:29 AM



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The police pulled this stunt in Windsor a year to year and a half ago. Fined a bunch of people for the trailer hitch bit. That was the first I had heard of it. Seems to be popping up around the province from time to time. No different than the police around the Hamilton area fining drivers for warning others of a radar trap by flashing the high beams. That was just a year ago. I would like to know what infraction number they put down when there is no such law, and how they levy a fine? Judges apparently don't know the laws, and just go along with the police on their say so. Makes you wonder who the real crooks are.

-- Edited by Sniper on Sunday 18th of November 2012 10:37:54 AM



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With these alleged tickets, there has to be a mention, of the section in the HTA that is being enforced. Never heard of this law, nor is it defined in any HTA documentation that I have, or can source out. Can anyone find it here.


OldGuy Joe



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OldGuy 71Acadian wrote:

With these alleged tickets, there has to be a mention, of the section in the HTA that is being enforced. Never heard of this law, nor is it defined in any HTA documentation that I have, or can source out. Can anyone find it here.


OldGuy I know you only drive it one night a year but I thought I would remind you:

Every person travelling on a highway with a sleigh or sled drawn by a horse or other animal shall have at least two bells attached to the harness or to the sleigh or sled in such a manner as to give ample warning sound.

Hi Santa  




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One of the Toronto papers did a story about this "law" and the fact that there is nothing on the books that makes leaving the hitch in illegal.

I will try and find the story, I know they had a huge amount of comments from folks being rather pissed off to have paid the fine.


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hemi43 wrote:

I wonder if it's illegal to walk around with a hard on these days? Just sayin'

         Only it it lasts more than 4 hours...... rofl.gif





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427CARL wrote:
hemi43 wrote:

I wonder if it's illegal to walk around with a hard on these days? Just sayin'

         Only it it lasts more than 4 hours...... rofl.gif




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hemi43 wrote:

I wonder if it's illegal to walk around with a hard on these days? Just sayin'



Only if it sticks out more than 15cm/6" ... not usually a problem for .... ahh ... (how do I say this and still be politically correct? ....) .... caucasian males   biggrin


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I enforced those same laws for 23 years and there is NO such requirement in the Highway Traffic Act or its regulations, period! Regulation 611 is a standard for safety inspections only, not for on-road operation. Any officer who claim this nonsense is law is just making up their own rules - ask them to show you the actual section in the Act. Also, that four hour rule doesn't apply in this case - we're talking about the back bumper not the front!



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Pint and a Pound wrote:
hemi43 wrote:

I wonder if it's illegal to walk around with a hard on these days? Just sayin'



Only if it sticks out more than 15cm/6" ... not usually a problem for .... ahh ... (how do I say this and still be politically correct? ....) .... caucasian males   biggrin

 Speak for yourself,



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I enforced those same laws for 23 years and there is NO such requirement in the Highway Traffic Act or its regulations, period! Regulation 611 is a standard for safety inspections only, not for on-road operation. Any officer who claim this nonsense is law is just making up their own rules - ask them to show you the actual section in the Act. Also, that four hour rule doesn't apply in this case - we're talking about the back bumper not the front!


I thought it sounded like a load of crap ... just as I expected, the Police in Port Perry are counting on most people just paying the ticket without bothering to determine if there even is such a law.  Pathetic and sickening ...








If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)


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I have the solution to this whole problem! Just take the damb draw bar out of the hitch all together. By doing this you will save two problems from happening: it won't get swiped and you don't have to worry about whether the fine is for real or not!! Now just make sure you stow it safely or you'll get a fine for an insecure load!! Haha!



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The hitch IS the load I am carrying and my load is secured to the hitch receiver with pin and lock.




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The is about the same stikin' out the front....Oh...sorry wrong forum, no picture.

-- Edited by DaveM on Monday 19th of November 2012 06:08:26 PM


There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”


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DaveM wrote:


The is about the same stikin' out the front....Oh...sorry wrong forum, no picture.




So, if an exhaust pipe is allowed to stick out up to six inches beyond the "periphery" of the body, I'd say DaveM has a legal trailer hitch. 


If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)


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I'm going to leave my hitch in. I'll report when I get fined. LOL



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Re: The judges don't know the law:

In many cases that is very true as there are hundreds of them, So, before a judge can pass judgement , he has to check out excatly what it says.

There is a "legal" term for that, right now i can't rember what the term is.



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2inchestoolow wrote:

I'm going to leave my hitch in. I'll report when I get fined. LOL

 You will likely get fined for it being 2inchestoolow



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Talked to the guys here at work ...they leave the ball and sleeve on 2 trucks ...and they've never been cited ........not even for a hard on lasting more than 4 hours biggrin . Looks like active enforcement is a regional thing from time to time .

Frankly , I wish the cops would just concentrate on the cell phone / texting crowd if they want to do something positive .





I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.


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blah blah blah....

"only if the load sticks out from the back of the vehicle more than 4 ft are you required to have a red flag or light placed at the end"

Fight it.........


"If you don't pass on the knowledge you have to others, it Dies with you"


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poncho62 wrote:
2inchestoolow wrote:

I'm going to leave my hitch in. I'll report when I get fined. LOL

 You will likely get fined for it being 2inchestoolow

 LOL I wish I had that problem in other areas of my life.


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