The van thread and the talk of the Coca Cola prize vans got me thinking of another custom car that was given in a contest. Most of you were likely too young, but in 1967 George Barris built these Olds Toronodo custom cars that Esso gave away. Here are a few links about them
I guess if your name is George Barris,and someone hands you a bag of cash, it's what you do.But custom work like art is a matter of personal taste weather you or I like it or dislike it doesn't matter as long as the owner is happy.But there are things done to these cars that might be a little over the top now but were awsome back in 67 . Ed
True, As much as I like a lot of GB's work some of his stuff is pretty tacky. However I cannot take anything away from him as hesmade a pretty good career doing what he loved.
"some things hurt more, much more, than cars and girls"