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Stirling Flea Market

So, anyone who has been a vendor at the Stirling Flea market will have been handed a notice that this May will be the last and final meet there according to the AACA car club. It seems that the older fellows who have been in charge of this event have decided that it would be in their best interest to move it coloser to their homes and have it in the Lindsay fairgrounds. I know that I have spoken to many,many people who have been quite upset with this decision and will not attend the new venue so I am here asking if anyone would support my hairbrained idea to continue with a flea market the same weekend at the same place without them? I am a local from 20 miles away, my family originally came from Stirling so I have ties there as well. I cannot understand why they would want to move after 30 plus years of success, always have a sold out show etc.. The club has stated that there will be way more space available with many more folks in the Lindsay area to come through the gates, my way of thinking is the fact that this will not neccessarily mean more folks buying from the vendors, but will only benefit the folks collecting gate fares...Sort of a Barrie Flea Market effect. I have not been to Barrie for more than 10 years as I had finally had my back broken by the costs, the rules and the sock vendors.. I have said it before and will continue until it's demise that dollar for dollar, Stirling has the best flea market in Canada. You will always find more cool stuff there than any other place, the automotive content is at it's highest, the rates are good, the layout of the market great and if we had a couple of good food vendors nothing else would need to be changed in my opinion. Please give me some feedback as I will be contacting the fairboard and Museum in Stirling to make my offer if enough interest is genuinely shown. I would love to have some backers for help as well, so please contact me if you're up to it..

Chris Stapley

705-924-3837 leave a message if not there.


-- Edited by poncho62 on Sunday 27th of January 2013 02:25:19 PM


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Stirling Flea Market finished this year,after 30 plus years....

well i don t know where Lindsay is or Stirling is but may be i ll have time to go before it s too late

-- Edited by flatduck on Monday 5th of March 2012 02:02:22 PM




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Some one else posted this either here or another site, said the "reason" for moving it was they were "losing" the use of surrounding property of fairgrounds?? & it wasn't feasabile to hold the swap meet with losing the grounds???? Maybe you better check this out before jumping in??? Hate to see it go BUT Lindsay is a lot closer for a lot of us, as long as they don't "sock it to" the venders & admission fees!!! As I said in other post "NO Vendor's NO Swap Meet"


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Don't know if you've been to Stirling very many times,but they have never had a year in the past twenty that has not been a sellout ,this to me tells that this show should not be moved.You don't fix what isn't broken. I know many citizens of Stirling and many of the surrounding farms etc.. Wasin the farm trade trade and supported most of the local area farmers so I think we can easily work around parking to maintain the location. Pleas ekeep responding as I am looking for as much feedback as I can. I know from talking with a few in the past couple weeks that there are quite a few that will not go on to the new location if this goes through.


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flatduck wrote:

well i don t know where Lindsay is or Stirling is but may be i ll have time to go before it s too late

-- Edited by flatduck on Monday 5th of March 2012 02:02:22 PM

 Lindsay is North east of Oshawa [west of Peterbough] & Stirling is North of Belleville Ont. all east  of Toronto. Hope that helps you out. Been to Stirling meet for the last 20+ yrs. not vending but always lookin for PARTS


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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well i know about Belleville been there twice when my son had move there ........i been close to Peterborough but never in the town...........i may be going throughor close to some of those places in may............ the wife wants to go see her cousin in London




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If I was closer and a different time of year I would help out but May is a right off for me (planting crops), no time for much of anything in May. Hope it works out for the event.


Proud member of the Brantford Piston Pushers. (Second Generation) & Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A. 

Braeside Farms (since 1803)

"Makes sense if you don't think about it."


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Always does, I think I have a fighting cahnce, have ahad a few good offers so far al arge family and no idea what no means,ha,ha. Hope you have a good season coming up, god knows you could use a good year for hay...


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To Bad About Stirling Dave Horn Told Me About It.
I'll Be There This Yr Won't Miss It.
Don't Know What I Can Do To Help.
But I'm Willing To Help Keep It There
Let Me Know If There's Anything I Can Do.


Flats Where It's At


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Im in for Sterling and so is Fred Way we will see you this weekend in T.O. . Lindsay is to far for me


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For those who have yet to see an official notice, here's the proof unfortunately. I still cannot imagine why they stated it was beyond circumstances of their control? The members of the Stirling fair board that I had talked with briefly hadn't even heard of the news yet! Lets keep this ball rolling, I have been made offers of help and promises of vendors if we can get this thing to stay on the grounds..


Also sort of makes me wonder two other things about this organization

(1) why did a dozen or more Peterborough members suddenly quit?

(2)why is the club after this many years, suddenly  having a hard time getting

attendee's for the Annual London to Brighton tour , could it be their current


-- Edited by Chris Stapley on Thursday 8th of March 2012 09:46:18 AM


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That's just the thing Carl, the grounds have not been lost....It's a club thing! I know farmers all around the area for general parking too...As for the preferred for show cars, might be the thing that just has to go. Hate to say it but, there's really no reason to have a show car field at a flea market, the point of this type of event is to buy and sell parts, sort of the same reason you
don't see much of a flea market area at most real shows either..Keeping an event well organized without too many demands, keeping cost down and quality up would be my only concerns. The group that runs the Stirling Museum located at the back of the show grounds are a great bunch of guys, I'd hate to see them left out if I can help it! I am hoping to have them on board with me and with a few chats I've had with a relative who is pretty instrumental with that group it looks pretty promising too. I can think of no better way to help a group out than letting them take care of the gates etc.. Proceeds could go back to thew community and their excellent job of preserving the local history.... Keep bringing the ideas and questions guys. I really want to hear them all.


-- Edited by Chris Stapley on Thursday 8th of March 2012 01:41:24 PM


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Could it be "AGE" & very few people getting into "ANTIQUE" vehicles??? Most of my age car people [55 & up] are into cars of the 60's & modified!!! As for Stirling I will be sorry to see it go but last time, I had problems parking the 64 Catalina in prefered parking & ended way down the back by the buildings down there, car was covered in dirt & dust. & I got there at 8:30 after a 2 hr. drive!! So, if the regular parking on site, is being "taken" away, & alternatives are "iffy" then "I think" it will become a nightmare" Traffic jam now is pretty bad, just trying to get to the entrance gate.


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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Chris:    If the Stirling (original) is moving becasue of losing "grounds" Where would you hold the Event? 





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get all the info you can for this weekend.Im with you broevileye

-- Edited by workin class on Thursday 8th of March 2012 08:44:06 PM


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I always like a car corral   with a flea market  but think that the flea market is more important (location wise)   The  corral or show can be on the outside





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the way i read that letter, they are "losing" ground, not the flea market area but "surrounding" ground for "PARKING" & thats a BIG problem!!! All available parking spots have been at a Premium!!! If your alternative parking in farmers fields is not close then it's a "hassle" to drag your "finds" back to your vehicle. Alot of us treat this event as the 1st. outing with our cars, & I for one want to bring my car to the meet, thats 1/2 the fun of the trip & park it with the other folks who bring their cars!! I think that is also one of the attractions of Stirling, & there was always alot of people wandering the prefered parking looking at the cars, & it's close to the swap area to haul your parts back. I do not want to park it in a "muddy" field. Hope you can get around these & other problems that are going to crop up trying to save this???


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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Thanks Pete,

Think we'll have no troubles " getting around it" . I have sent word to the Fairboard President this evening to let her know what sort of stupidity I've been up to already,ha,ha.. Hoping to hear back from them before the weekend... As I have said before, there really has not been a problem losing ground, this is a hairbrained idea brought on by the guys in the AACA that live very near the Lindsay fairgrounds...


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Hate to see Stirling market close down for no other reason than nobody wants to run it.We all hate to see change but like the old saying goes build it and they will come.
We all hated that barrie market was moved from molson's site to burles creek and hated that Ancaster was moved from the race track to it's present site. We hated that waterdown was moved from in town just to the edge of town and I here rumors it may move again or has, but it doesn't seem to hurt vender's or shoppers from showing up.
I do agree though it would be nice to save Stirling in it's present location, as a move may change it's diversity to everything old.A true antique car and collectable market, I even bought a dog there.
If there is anything I can do to help keep this fine market where it is just ask Thanks for your efforts joe mac


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Seams to me the value of Stirling is that it is in south/eastern Ontario .Easy ride from Kingston.Bellville etc.Centrial Ontario already has Spring and Fall Barrie ,Western ont servived by Ancaster ,Watterdown etc.Stirling is succesful because of where it is ,if they move it in order to servive in thet area it will have to become just another place o sell socks.Why do they think the centrial area needs another event I would love to see the projections on there business plan.It doesn't seam well thought out ,beaning closer to a larger city doesn't mean the vendors will sell any more car parts but the promoters may sell more burgers or get a larger gate ,and I guess that is probably the real reason.I doubt it matters what vendors they get and what they sell as long as the spaces are full. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Hit the nail on The head there Ed! Joe,we will do everything we can to keep it here,awaiting a call back fron the fairboard president as we know how many of my family alone have spaces there, we'll have little touble filling in the gaps from the AACA followers...
Stay tuned in same Bat place same Bat channel.......


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We can fill 3 spaces just from Fatstax,TJ and me.Don't think there would be a problem selling more. Let me know what you need Chris. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Thanks Ed, thought you guys might still be on for the "Greatest Little Flea Market on earth!"
I'll let you know as soon as I hear one way or another....



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If this letter has been sent to vendors "then the DAMAGE has allready been done" I would imagine that they are planning the "move" for 2013. There was supposed to be another swap meet to start up in Havelock this spring to go against the Barrie one, as alot of vendors have stated they aren't going back to Barrie's "sock & jewlery" sales,& cost of spots getting "WAY" too high. BUT from what I have heard to-day that has fallen thru, as he couldn't get any help to organize it or to help out on the grounds!!!! Shame, would have liked to see somebody at least "try" to kick Hainey's A$$


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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I don't think you have any idea how many have already come to me in regards to staying in Stirling Pete, no damage done here. The AACA club has not go the pull they once had...Most of the folks involved in vending at Stirling are good friends and will stand behind my decision if I can arrange to take over with the Stirling Fair folks...
This is not the only forum I have been voicing my concerns on, and have been to three indoor shows since learning of this news. I am making waves as much as I can while still trying to sound civil..
Bear with me, we have a good chance to save the best thing that has happened to the Ontario car scene in the past thirty plus years..



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oh dont worry chris we will be there in force, with the force of booze as well, i may even get out the motorized bar stool, i think some garbage cans need more crashing into this year.  we need to get drunk-er together this year.  hey buddy whats the contact info for getting a space this year, i cant remember if i pre paid our space last year.



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Hey Rob,

The contact info for this year will still be the AACA car club. I'll try to remember to post a phone number for tomorrow when I get it out of my truck buddy... Can't wait!


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I would be interested in a booth for Stirling too. I have been vending there for 10 years. Close to home, definitely won't be going to Lindsey.
Keep us posted Chris.


Custom CNC plasma cutting. PM me for your custom parts.


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Thanks Mike,

certainly will,thanks for the support guys..


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i cant wait as well, we gonna have a rippin time this year.  see you there bro



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Just got my "Truck News" magazine & see the Stirling Truck show,put on by the Lions club has been "CANCELLED" as well!!!! Says it's gotten "Too Big" & lack of volunteers has forced the cancellation of this yrs. show!!!! Hope to "try' & get it going for next yr. but does not look promising????? Stirling Ont sounds like it's in trouble?????


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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Don't read too much out of that Pete. Don't know if you've heard but the trucking industry has tanked buddy.. I was at the Truck show last year and attendance was down by two thirds at least! Was really sad actually, the show was starting to really take off the year previous. The worlds largest truck show just happens to be partnered with Stirling , its the big show in Fergus Ontario and it too was way down in attendance last year but it would have to drop significantly to be in bad shape as well. Nothing to do with Stirling or the Fairboard as far as I can see here locally, just coincidence,that's all. This is why I'm so adamment to help save the greatest little Flea Market in Ontario... Thank you for your concernes as well, good to know others are watching as well.


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Keep the hard work going Chris. Though not a regular at Stirling, I can attest to its calibre compared to the "socks" swap as you guys are calling it. I don't know how some of the older guys muck their way around Barrie. If they would eliminate all the non-auto-related crap, it wouldn't be such a drag on the body. It truly boils down to the dollar there. Sometimes BIG ain't always BETTER.
I will be aiming for Stirling this May for sure.
I admire your passion on this, man. keep er going!


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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I know too that between my family and friends that had also been attending Barrie since it's opening at Molsons park the first year that we combined had left behind probably 30/40 spaces alone... My family alone had 8 spaces. Funny, I had a call from friends who had attended Ancaster Flea Market last weekend and the word of the weekend was that they had all heard that someone was trying to save the Stirling  location as well and were all willing to stay behind with us too... Who knows, might have a pretty good chance???


-- Edited by Chris Stapley on Wednesday 28th of March 2012 08:53:42 AM


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That's why I don't go to Barrie!! At my age I find it difficult to walk rows of endless "non car parts" while looking for piece's, & it's been brought to promoters attention for the last few yrs. by the vendors, but might as well talk to the wall. I know at least 6 vendors in my area that "cancelled" their spots last fall, said price keeps going UP & sales going DOWN


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I know at least 20 guys from around here that gave up there spots at Barrie including me. A lot of guys don't even go to buy any more I haven't been in ten years now. But Sterling is a must. But not Lindsey.


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ok, i dont know how you all feel about stirling but i will give you my take on it, i have been going for almost 15 years,  i have vended now for about 5 years, this trip is very special to me, i look forward to it all year, i gather up junk to sell and this is a major trip for me and my friends.  this is like muslims going to mecca for me.  if we can keep stirling going i would attend hands down



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Hey Rob, ha,ha, think you missed a couple shows buddy. It has been going for more than 30 now... Time flies when we're having fun in Mecca! Pretty hard to describe the show to those who haven't attended,but sure worth the time to spend a weekend there vending....


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Thanks Pete,

Have been talking with the Stirling Fair folks, they have decided to try running it themselves and this is just fine. The main objective is to keep it here, even if some fks go next year to Lindsay, they will be beack when they realize that it was a bad move, they will however give up their chances of the spots they'd traditionally had before. I have offered to help as much as they wish to keep the momentum going for Stirling and if ey do with the Flea Market what they did when they made up their minds to win the Guiness World record for the worlds longest tractor parade and this past weekend when they won the Kraft Hockeyville by almost double the votes of second place Kelowna ,BC. I have nothi to worry about, this community is everything anyone could ever wish to be part of and the other reason I was so adament about saving this event. The fairboard group will be out in fill force during the final AACA held event there to assure everyone that this is a go in the same spot for next year, parking will not be a challenge as all of the adjoining farmland to the fairgrounds is owned by many generations of fairboard members ensuring this will not be an issue. I will continue on here as aofficial ear to the masses as a relay of messages to the group if anyone has anythi they wish to pass forward.

-- Edited by Chris Stapley on Monday 2nd of April 2012 08:57:35 PM


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Chris just was speaking to a vendor at Stirling,& told him what you were doing, he said to pass this on to you, "better get it together by May 6th. or you'll loose out" as he is going to sign up for Lindsay, along with most of the other guys, he vends with!!!! That letter that board sent out is the "killer" & he agrees with the parking problems & it's outgrown the property!!!!


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I have been there as a seller and a buyer over the last 5 years and have never had any issues with parking. I do get there before 7 AM though any later you really aren't there for the flea market.


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That's awsome Chris!

I think we should get some t shirts done to show some support to the people that vend and new manegment coming in.





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Joe, I think that's an awesome idea, I'll have to see if I can get me one of them,ha,ha....lets all see what we can do to make that happen! Oh yeah,see you there buddy!


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I have a friend I think can get the shirts printed and supplied fairly resonable,unfortunetly my artistic abilities are block letters.Let me check on some pricing and maybe you could design somthing we all could wear after the market as well.We could probably get them advertised here on site and do some pre sale order's Just a thought joe mac


 If you cant move it with a hammer

It must be an electrical problem



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Forget the shirts get talking to the Vendors "NOW" before they all have decided it's over!!! Board has addr. [I hope] for them???& let them know "whas up" before this yrs Swap meet even starts & try to rectify the damage the 1st letter has done. Just MHO


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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Not as huge a problem as you see Pete! No one will be prepaid before Stirling weekend when they pay for the following year and when they hit the grounds there will be signage and a buzz of things to happen as soon as they hit the show. The other thing that not too many folks are aware of is the fact that the AACA Lindsay show has decided their layout of spaces will be a first come first served basis for locations etc.. Therefore if you like having your sites in the same spot year to year for your repeat clientele such as I have had for the past. 25 or so years, this option is out the window, a few people this will not bother but the folks who know how to market themselves efficeintly realize this is a key ingredient. They have tried to change far too many things all in one move such as a name change as well, this leaves open the possibility of the Stirling group to even carry the original name. Imagine going to buy a new Camaro, all excited with anticipation, going around the corner to the new " Bubble Gum Motor Company" to buy a nice new Jawbreaker V8, just doesn't have the same appeal as Camaro SS now does it? Why so negative anyway Pete? Don't want a success in Stirling, I hear if you get there really early there will be good spaces in Lindsay......

Just pulling your leg buddy,
Chris Stapley.


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Chris, not being negative, talking to guys that vend at Stirling & passing on what they are telling me, They want to know NOW whats going on!!! They are confused about the letter being sent out thats it's finished" & now hearing it may not be???? Most of these guys aren't computor guys & don't have access to whats going on, Pete

-- Edited by dualquadpete on Thursday 5th of April 2012 07:52:51 AM


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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The gang in Stirling will be more than ready for them this year Thursday on Pete,
the only thing that will change this year is a trip to the north end of the field to prepay for next year as they haven't evicted the AACA out of the sales office , they will be taking arrangements on Brian Grills vendors spaces for this year, he just happens to be married to the current fairboard president... Thanks for bringing up valid points too, it's very easy to forget that a huge part of our group of friends still don't use computers or cook with heat etc,etc.... My dad is a really good example. He will be the guy with the 8 spaces full of stuff across from me ...
See you there, please drop by my site for a nice cool beverage of choice, look for my Red 2004 Ford truck and fifth wheel camper with my name on the front window cover...

I am about as dead center to the main field as you can get right on the crossroads so to speak...


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I am actually going to mention that the Stirling Ag Society puts an add in the Old Autos for many of the guys without computers still rely heavily on this paper as well. It will be too late for Stirling likely but we may get one kick at the can there before hand as well.


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i was just reading a post on ratrodsofontario that somebody wrote that the founder of this Stirling flea market just passe away ,,,,,,,,,if someone new him



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