took the missus out for a spin to get a charge on the battery and a load of caffine for us. dropped by the alley and found fatstax and flatblack55delivery and his junior benchracing. saw no rods but did see a couple of astrovans and a s10.
There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hey Sacotu you want to talk about that bunney fart ,and 3inch patch you left in the alley .Is that what you call a burnout .Seriousely though it was cool to have you bring the 55 over and inspire us to get going. I think we will do better rod wise next week .Your new doors are cool and should work out great, but even if they are California doors shouldn't they have glass? Anyway like I said I know we will do better next week cause the delivery lives it needs work but it lives. Ed
i was about to give it when the missus piped up " don't you dare". you know what happened after that. good to hear about the delivery. after i left your local i went back home and completed putting the glass in the doors. it was interesting driving with no vent windows just a wide opening.
There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
yes after weeks of frustrations i came over to eds hoard and found the problem with his car, in 20 minutes, haha. seems the coil was grounded out preventing spark. we will have the 55 ported and polished and relieved and bored, when she opens all fours she will really roar. bring you truck to armdrop sacotu, put your honour on the line. try not to hit ed with your purse this time