Last night on my way home from the cruise night in Paris in my 58, I hit not one, not two, but three friggin skunks! The stink in my shop is brutal.
Anybody else got any good road-kill stories with their old rides? This ain't my first with this car. Got a cat last year and a bird jammed into the grill too. Two weeks ago I splattered bird guts all over the front of the 58. No dents thankfully.
Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.
i ran over a giant skunk about 17 years ago, i felt it roll under the car, i stopped, reveresd and that skunk was gone, how it survived i cant say. i also hit a trutle last year towing a van from peterborough, it was already hit but my car tote is 3 inches off the ground i had no time to swerve, 6 inches of turtle doesnt fit well beneath 3 inches of tote
hit an old bloated skunk that i couldnt see because of the car in front of me.... and after putting up with the smell not fading away after a few days, i got to looking underneath the car and most of what was left of him was wrapped around the drive shaft..... guess who got to get under there and "unwrap" him.... lol.
"i got to looking underneath the car and most of what was left of him was wrapped around the drive shaft..... guess who got to get under there and "unwrap" him.... lol".
Yuck .... I can't even imagine (barf, choke, heave, gasp, barf again).
On the way to a show this past Sunday, Bambi ran out in front of a buddy's 30 Ford, he was able to swere to the left enough to just clip the ankles on the bumper, other than a little fur left behind, absolutely no damage.
"i got to looking underneath the car and most of what was left of him was wrapped around the drive shaft..... guess who got to get under there and "unwrap" him.... lol".
Yuck .... I can't even imagine (barf, choke, heave, gasp, barf again).
I'm with you...hurl...heave...spit..repeat!
Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.
They used to play the Montebello in St Catharines alot, Uncle Sams in the Falls now and then too. I listen to Kim on 107 now. Great era for music, don't remember a lot of it though, lol.