Some of you guys know me and know that I take a lot of pictures as I go to about 50 car events a year so far close to 4000 pics this year.I had a hard time loading up on Photobucket so I started a Facebook page Narodders before joining up on Ontario Rodders. Today I asked Admin Harry if it was OK to mention the site Harry gave me the OK so here it is North American Rodders or Narodders for short it's for posting up pics,builds,events or whatever so if you like it LIKE it and you will receive up dates.PS just posted Rocton/Watertown from this weekend.Thanks Mark
Thanks again Harry for all your help and guys for checking the new site feel free to post up anything. And Atomsplitter Facebook is a site with only 955 Million people on it if you Google Narodders you can see the site.Mark
-- Edited by shorts on Tuesday 25th of September 2012 06:23:24 PM
Coming together nicely too Mark, except that crackpot guy who keeps posting the junky striping.. Good luck, here to support you too. Go check it out guys, very good. Chris.
Buying selling and trading garage toys and big kid stuff.
955 million wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww but i prefer small sites .............i ll never live long enough to even chat with 20,000 so face book as 955,999,950 millions to many for me ...........and i m 99.99% sure you don t pics of my cars.......... but it s a nice hobby i used to take lot of pictures at car shows back when computers didn t exist but only locally around here