The mother turkey was having a hard time with her two kids one day,so she said to her children,if your father could see you now,he'd roll over in his gravy!(drum roll) Happy Thanksgiving
Well, its holiday Monday, most of us have it off....I will be raking leaves and other yardwork...and, leftover turkey from yesterday....What are ya all doing today?
Me? Today i'm assembling an outdoor light and installing it over my shop door, no more hurrying out there in the dark to take a pee, and hoping there isn't a skunk or worse a bear there !! Lol
Happy Thanksgiving, we took the 38 and went up to our daughters for the weekend, I deep fried a turkey while the kids whipped up a mess of ribs and other goodies. They even brought out a bowl of gummy worms soaked in vodka kind of desert for me. hope all have a great weekend with your families.................