The Morgan Motor Company located in Britain doesn't change in a changing world. Not only is it still independent, but it also makes each car by hand. A base model is about $44,000, with some cars costing up to $300,000.
People wait for over a year to get their exclusive hand-built cars with the shell made out of metal and much of the vehicle made out of wood. Working on the wood interior, workers use metal shears to individually shape a hood because each car has to be different.
Every year Morgan produces about 600 cars. The company celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2011. It has a long and interesting history, and is still run by the same family: the Morgans. Founded by Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan known as "HFS", it was then run by his son Peter, and is now run by Charles, the son of Peter Morgan.
Great post. I thought (just going off the first pics) that the wood was simply being used as a "buck" to enable the metal workers to form their metal around in order to create the bodies ... never thought for a second that the wood would be left IN the car. Very interesting.
If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)
concur fatstax, my 70 citationette camper has serious wood rot from the inside out. looks great just don't try to tighten any screws only dust will come out.
There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Looks like they 'dropped" the Wood frame that the older Morgan's had from what i can see here??? Upside down chassis is def. METAL!!!! Did a lot of wiring on wife's MG midget a few yr.s ago Sold it 8 yrs. ago but I'm still BALD from the Lucas wiring problems!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!