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Post Info TOPIC: Why would the Ministry of Finance be pulling vehicles over ??????


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Why would the Ministry of Finance be pulling vehicles over ??????

Yeah !! That's right !! Ministry of FINANCE !!

Went into Bowmanville today, and saw red flashing lights on both sides of Hwy#2. As I drove by, they had 2 officers checking vehicles as they went by both East and West bound. They had 2 Ford pick-ups on either side of the road with red flashing lights on. These trucks had the blue finance stripe and said " Enforcement division, Ministry Of Finance" on the tailgate. WTF !!!  Is this another division of our crooked Government trying to screw with us?? For the life of me, I can't figure out what they would be looking for?? There was just the 2 trucks and 2 officers and they they had pylons setup on the yellow line. There was no OPP, MTO, MOE, or local cops. WEIRD !!



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It's part of the celebration of Obama getting re-elected. I heard about it on the radio this morning ... if you can locate the "Ministry of Finance" trucks (randomly scattered throughout Ontario today), you can approach the driver and say "Canada is the 51st State" and they'll give you a hat, a shirt, and a coupon for .125% off the tire tax on your next purchase of 11.5 inch tires.

Of course ... I guess I could have heard it wrong ............


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Ok, let me try that again ... any chance they are checking for farm fuel being used illegally? It would mean the person using the fuel wouldn't be paying the road tax .... that is right up the Ministry of Finances alley isn't it?


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The misuse of tinted diesel fuel is the issue, been doing it for years. They used to work with MTO at the truck inspection stations (maybe still do) and would dip suspicious tanks for samples for testing. I doubt that anything they're doing is a threat to rodders.



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That was my guess too!!! Checking for "coloured" diesel in a road vehicle!! Big time NO NO!!


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Ding!! So now I know what "dyed diesel" means. I can't believe they do spot checks for that. Not that I have to worry - I'd never own a diesel truck unless I was hauling weekly. Waste of money otherwise.


Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero


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You guys hit it right on they are checking the diesel fuel being used. They did the same thing here over the summer. From what I here the fines are large and 0 tolerance, one of our trucks got pulled over and it is a 2013 Chev diesel they check everyone they can. This is not new they do random checks all over the province and have been since the 90's


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What a larcenous bunch down your way, no wonder the gov't officials are so busy. I recall there also was coloured gasoline back at the farm,,not sure if it is still around,,,"purple gas" I believe we called it...



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Yup...looking for coloured fuel.

I was at the Newcastle McDonalds one day (this was maybe last summer or the summer before) and a revenue officer drove in and parked beside a black chev diesel dually, he got out, came into the restaurant and had his lunch. When he was finished he went back out to his truck and waited for the driver (who for some reason took a long time to eat LOL), When the driver finally went out to his truck the rev. officer dipped his tank and checked his fuel.

That to me that was shooting a fish in a fish bowl.

Using coloured fuel in a highway licensed vehicle is a big problem, I know of a couple of people around here who have been caught doing it. You might think "Good for them for cheating out of paying taxes"...but the reality and I are the ones getting cheated because this guy is skipping out. Someone has to pay for the roads...and everyone else better be paying as much as me!



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Thanks for the info !! I had no idea that it was up to the finance sector to enforce this stuff. Ya learn something new everyday !!
How much cheaper is coloured fuel? Is it the same as home heating oil (#2) ? the reason I ask, is because I pay as much for furnace oil as what diesel is selling for, so I don't see any advantage to using coloured fuel.



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I don't know what the cost difference is ... my understanding is that coloured fuel is used for farm equipment and therefore not subject to "road tax". Some people use the coloured fuel in road going vehicles in order to save on paying the road tax ... and what you saw was the finance people trying to catch someone for (basically) tax evasion.


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Theres a diff. between Furnace oil & diesel!! You can burn diesel in a furnace but the furnace oil is more refined than diesel therefore the cost is more!! As I was informed over at Cdn. Poncho site the Gov tax is 32% on fuel, so drop that off & thats how much cheaper it is [I think]


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Can also be looking for contraband cigs too, keep those Putters (fake Players)outta site if ya get pulled over for a fuel check.



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I guess that explanes why Finance is at the lot when the Cobourg cops get together with the MOE and MTO on there safety blitzes. Ed


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The misuse of tinted diesel fuel is the issue, been doing it for years. They used to work with MTO at the truck inspection stations (maybe still do) and would dip suspicious tanks for samples for testing. I doubt that anything they're doing is a threat to rodders.

 .........for the time being.



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"anything they're doing is a threat to rodders."


I couldn't help but see some humor or satire in your hy-lighted quote in your reply..


It really is kinda true ..they are the MOT and don't seem friendly all the time to meno disbelief confuse bleh furious



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hemi43 wrote:

 God I hate the way this Government runs and wastes money !!
We need a new one , with sensible people at the helm ....

  Yes, that would be very nice however ... has there EVER been a gov't that doesn't waste money and has sensible people in office?  I'd be willing to bet the pink flamingos on the lawn down the street from me have a better chance of coming to life and flying away before we see true "responsible gov't".



  As for the "smoking up" comments ... I assumed it is legal here, my neighbours kid does it all the time (he stands outside his garage and ends up stinking up my garage while he's at it ... hmmm, that might explain some of the odd things I've done out there and the fact that I always get the "munchies"). 


-- Edited by Pint and a Pound on Thursday 8th of November 2012 12:13:11 PM


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They're Dipping Diesel Tanks and Looking For Fake Smokes Around Peterborough..




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I bet 99% of the pickups they check have farm plates on them.



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Not a smoker here but what exactly are contraband cigs? A guy I used to work with would buy a bag of cigarettes from the Indian Reservation up near Port Perry. As far as I know those cigarettes were made locally by Indians and are tax exempt because of Indian status/tax laws. Are those cigs illegal for non-Indians to possess/smoke or are just the smokes that are smuggled in from the States illegal?

Not a big deal, just curious.


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The smokes that are sold at the reserve in Port Perry have a tax paid sticker on all their crnt's. & pkg. Other reserves "DON:T" Those are the ones the Gov. is going after. Talk radio had a RCMP on this week, & they are targeting the people that are buying in "large' amounts right now. These are the ones that "re-sell" for profit. They also said that 20to 35% of Ontario's Tabacco crops go "MISSING" on the farmers books, & "likely" end up being sold under the table to the reserves!! It's not illegal to buy or sell them on reserve BUT as soon you step off the reserve your in[ or could be[ trouble!!! From what I figured out by radio show.


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What a messed up, complicated, expensive system we live in !! The answer is quite simple, and would save millions in tax dollars. Tax all cigarettes !! You're Indian ?? Too F-n bad !! This is Canada, pay Canadian taxes !! No more breaks !! As far as the colored diesel !! Tax all diesel, and give farmers a tax break on the fuel they use for their machinery. Look at the money it would save. God I hate the way this Government runs and wastes money !!
We need a new one , with sensible people at the helm ....



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Yep the "RED TAPE" just Sinks us BUT the Gov in power [I think] does this to make work for the Gov, employees?? I f they made it "simple" look how many of their "cronnies" & friends would be out of work, just like the common Cdn. NO JOB!!! We think in "real" terms where as tha GOV. is on another planet "Smokin Up"!!!! I'm still waiting for a candadate to show up here for our Fed. By-election?? Not one so far, whats that tell you, & anyway as soon as they get voted in you can forget what they said at the door, they "bow down" to the party rule. I can see this riding voting PC AGAIN, they could run a "donkey"[ Oda won didn't she] & this area would vote it in, just because it has the "PC banner"


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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dualquadpete wrote:

Yep the "RED TAPE" just Sinks us BUT the Gov in power [I think] does this to make work for the Gov, employees?? I f they made it "simple" look how many of their "cronnies" & friends would be out of work, just like the common Cdn. NO JOB!!! We think in "real" terms where as tha GOV. is on another planet "Smokin Up"!!!! I'm still waiting for a candadate to show up here for our Fed. By-election?? Not one so far, whats that tell you, & anyway as soon as they get voted in you can forget what they said at the door, they "bow down" to the party rule. I can see this riding voting PC AGAIN, they could run a "donkey"[ Oda won didn't she] & this area would vote it in, just because it has the "PC banner"

 Yup Im in for the smokin up. I dont use it but think of the tax dollars it would generate. Perhaps the natives could sell it tax free biggrinbiggrinbiggrinno


Keeping the tradition rolling hard!!!!


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hemi43 wrote:

Tax all diesel, and give farmers a tax break on the fuel they use for their machinery. 

That would make sense, though I think it would hurt farmers thoughout the year until they got the tax break - From what I understand, most farmers have everything tied up in equipment and only few nickels to rub together

Actually, I'll make a hugely unpopular comment here - I think that ALL diesel trucks regardless of size should only be licenced as commercial vehicles (including classifying farm vehicles as commercial). Yellow annual safety inspection stickers and if they are not subject to e-tests, they friggin well should be. If you arent a contractor or farmer, you shouldnt be able to own one IMO. These are the grossest polluters on the road, yet everyone else is paying the price by having to e-test our 100 times cleaner running vehicles...retarded....

Dont tell me you NEED one to pull a camper trailer...because you DONT

rant off




Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero


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Gearhead wrote:
hemi43 wrote:

Tax all diesel, and give farmers a tax break on the fuel they use for their machinery. 

That would make sense, though I think it would hurt farmers thoughout the year until they got the tax break - From what I understand, most farmers have everything tied up in equipment and only few nickels to rub together

Actually, I'll go even further and make a hugely unpopular comment here - I think that ALL diesel trucks regardless of size should only be licenced as commercial vehicles (including classifying farm vehicles as commercial). Yellow annual safety inspection stickers and if they are not subject to e-tests, they friggin well should be. If you arent a contractor or farmer, you shouldnt be able to own one IMO. These are the grossest polluters on the road, yet everyone else is paying the price by having to e-test our 100 times cleaner running vehicles...retarded....

Dont tell me you NEED one to pull a camper trailer...because you DONT

rant off





Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero


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Don't own a diesel, but I think your WRONG on being the worst polluters?? Todays diesels run WAY cleaner than the old Black smokers!!!Emm. systems have worked this out & they still get double the milage than agas vehicle. 75% of all vehicles in Europe are Diesels, the improvements have been astounding in the last decade. We just are starting to get with the program on this side of the pond!!!!


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I have to agree with Pete on this one. Our new Gm diesel has a scrubber system and does not even have any soot on the tail pipe. It is frigging amazing But on the other hand I dont know about what you can't see. They use another chemical to burn off the exhaust before it exits the tail pipe.


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dualquadpete wrote:

Don't own a diesel, but I think your WRONG on being the worst polluters?? Todays diesels run WAY cleaner than the old Black smokers!!!Emm. systems have worked this out & they still get double the milage than agas vehicle. 75% of all vehicles in Europe are Diesels, the improvements have been astounding in the last decade. We just are starting to get with the program on this side of the pond!!!!

 Perhaps they are (new models), but in my area the trend with the farm kids is diesel powered trucks where they spew the blackest smoke they can get out of them by flogging them in a high gear. I see this almost daily. The 2 lbs of carbon puking out of these pipes at one shot has got to be worse than the emissions of 500 new cars. We cant regulate these retard drivers, so I say regulate the ownership. 95% of the diesel trucks (in my area) arent used for anything other than basic transportation. I guess what pisses me off is the fact rodders get targeted for emissions concerns when most rods/classics are driven only periodically yet the intentional "black smokers" aren't hassled (you know the type - the diesel truck jacked sky high, stacks (THE DUMBEST thing you could ever put on a truck) and as many "drove through pep boys with a big magnet" tacky crap you can bolt on a truck). I dont get the trend, and I dont get the ass-backwards mentality of these guys who know better.


Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero

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hemi43 wrote:

Tax all cigarettes !! You're Indian ?? Too F-n bad !! This is Canada, pay Canadian taxes !! No more breaks !! As far as the colored diesel !! Tax all diesel....


As far as I know, Indians don't pay any taxes. None, zilch, zippo. That's why if you're travelling through a reserve and you're not a native Indian or don't have the correct papers (such as you're married to one) and you buy coloured diesel or gas there, you're in big trouble.

I know two people who married natives. One does not pay any retail tax at all. Or if they do have to pay tax, they get it back at the end of the year. Something like that. 

Gotta get her to buy me a car!!!!!!!!!!!


-- Edited by Tangent on Friday 9th of November 2012 10:14:58 PM

-- Edited by Tangent on Friday 9th of November 2012 10:15:26 PM

-- Edited by Tangent on Friday 9th of November 2012 10:16:18 PM



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Gearhead wrote:
dualquadpete wrote:


 Perhaps they are (new models), but in my area the trend with the farm kids is diesel powered trucks where they spew the blackest smoke they can get out of them by flogging them in a high gear. I see this almost daily. The 2 lbs of carbon puking out of these pipes at one shot has got to be worse than the emissions of 500 new cars. We cant regulate these retard drivers, so I say regulate the ownership. 95% of the diesel trucks (in my area) arent used for anything other than basic transportation. I guess what pisses me off is the fact rodders get targeted for emissions concerns when most rods/classics are driven only periodically yet the intentional "black smokers" aren't hassled (you know the type - the diesel truck jacked sky high, stacks (THE DUMBEST thing you could ever put on a truck) and as many "drove through pep boys with a big magnet" tacky crap you can bolt on a truck). I dont get the trend, and I dont get the ass-backwards mentality of these guys who know better.

            LOL    good responce!     I thought all these "RICHARD heads" were in our part of the world  evileye    amazing smoke shows  





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See Carl if your were just a "bit south" you wouldn't have that problem!!!! with the "Richards from the Head family"!!!!They might get caught & fined????


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