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Post Info TOPIC: Ontario Car Clubs


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Ontario Car Clubs

There are and were, hundreds of car clubs in Ontario. I used to believe the Groucho Marx line "I wouldn't join any club that would have ME as a member"! I never felt the need to join a club either. Living in Brantford and Brant County for the last 20 years, I always had a curiosity of joining the historical Piston Pushers Club. With a few pokes and prods from a couple of great car mentors (Mark Rogerson and the Club's original president from 1954, Don Douglas) I joined about 5 years ago and am glad I did. Great bunch of guys. Usual politics...some issues more colourful than others.

Anyhow, I thought I's start a thread about Car Clubs.

What clubs do you belong to and why did you join? A little history about the club too.

Brantford Piston Pushers started in 1954. We've got our own website with ALL the history. Check it out

I'm also a member of the East London Timing Association (ELTA). Google it and "The Hartman Bash" to get a hint of what we're all about.

Lets hear about your clubs fellas...

The Old Clubhouse Oct 06 2012 004.jpg

-- Edited by Chris58 on Sunday 18th of November 2012 07:55:35 PM


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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I have been in a couple ov different clubs.In the early 70s we started a club in Orillia called "The Orillia and Area Street Iron".Then I moved to the Port Hope/Cobourg area in the late 70s and helped with the forming of "The Crussin Classics"that club lasted into the early 90s our proud achivement was to start the Port Hope fall fair "Show and Shine in I belive 1977 and that show is still going to ths day.When that club folded I joined the Coasters for awhile and recently we started a club in our area called The Ganaraska Ratlers ,right now we seam to be mostly interested in drag racing at the Armdrop races and some of us do go to some shows as well, and we proudly won club participation at the Costers event this year.We will see what direction it goes next year.Clubs are funny as there are many different reasons people join a club .Some just want the crest,some want the friendship and some are willing to work to make it successful.Lots of times when you get the right mix of members it can be a really fun thing to do then sometimes its just a pain in the ass.I think a place for members to work on there cars together is probably the one thing that can keep a club going but the high rents nowadays makes that a big problem.It is nice to see some clubs with a long history and members of those clubs are very lucky to have those friendships for that long. Ed

-- Edited by flatblack55delivery on Sunday 18th of November 2012 08:48:41 PM


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Early 70s, I belonged to a club, the bastards kept stealing my tools......A few of us were there for the right reasons, most were just there to drink and smoke dope. Lasted a couple of years....Like Ed said, a pain in the ass

Not to put car clubs down, but the members have to be there for the right reasons.



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never had anyone want me in a Club disbelief         I like the Internet Clubs better....  biggrin     Ont Rodders  Cdn Poncho  Cdn Corvette





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Well somebody must like car clubs cause there sure are a lot of em out there.


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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probably filled with Baby Boomers   lol  





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We range from 80's to 20's. With 135 members we got a great cross section of gearheads. Ya there's some that don't contribute much, but generally its a good group.


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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i joined the coasters last year but i must have joined between personnel switches and i got nothing, so this year i didn't renew the coasters and i cued up with ed for the Ganaraska Ratlers. i do remembers years ago when i was on the east coast i joined a motorcycle club composed of military folks. it was a good club, lots of rides but it got very political, so i quit and have been riding bike as a loner since. the ratlers are a great bunch of guys. i gotta talk to ed about letting us put some bling on the cars.


There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.


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I've been in a few clubs in Scotland, starting with the MX5 owners club. I ended up running the Scottish area for a few years. But I got bored with the same old cars and conservative attitude.

So I started a club called SS-R (Scottish Street-Racer) lol, controvercial I know. The title was aimed at the car style, but was twisted around and emerged as The Scottish Street Racers. My idea was to encourage members of all ages and budgets, to join in, regardless of whether they owned a mini or a Ferrari.

It was a raging success for a few years. I arranged track days, dyno days, Barbeques, treasure hunts, car shows, tech days, raffles etc etc, the list goes on. The one thing I aimed to acheive was to make every member feel equal and part of the club. As you can imagine, this was a monumental task. I had around 600 members at the peak, with a very high percentage of them being active for most events. Nothing worse than having thousands of members in a club where only a handfull turn up for a show you've spent half the year planning.

But the problem was, everyone was having fun except ME!

So I started a commitee, which required funds and a treasurer etc, and it all went to crap after that.

Sometimes democracy doesn't work. Within 6 months the club was in tatters, and lots of little groups were breaking away trying to start their own little clubs. They all failed. They had no idea what me and Ailsa had been doing in the background to make sure everyone else was enjoying themselves.

Even now, ten years later, I get the odd message from a past member who now has kids and a full life, praising us for being able to do what we did back then.

Ungreatfull sodds, lol. Shame they didn't appreciate us back then, lol.

So, clubs can be great. You need just enough organisation to keep them ticking over, but help and support from members is essential for the long life of the club.

-- Edited by Dave Scott on Monday 19th of November 2012 06:24:05 AM


If you're stuck, I have a truck ;-)


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What the hell is an internet car club.What restaurant or donught shop do you meet at,when do you get together to wrench on each others cars,do you leave the chatroom together to cruse to a race or show,Not shure an internet site qualifies as a club,at least not in my books .Fun to converse with people from around the province that I wouldn't normally have the opertunity to meet and share experinces and ideas with.Nice to send messages back and forth and find out what is going on about laws and regulations , but an actual car club allows actual talking ,sarcasm and banter that would be mistaken for rudness on line .I like the web sites but you can't beat bench racing and BSin with other club members at a drag strip or on the road to some show,swap meet or other clubs event


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Many years back,, i'm talking 50 years ago there were a lot of car clubs springing up.
Many of the names i can't remember right now except one that comes to mind, and that was the "ROD BENDERS". Anyone know were they originated?

Anyone else remember any other names?



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flatblack55delivery wrote:

What the hell is an internet car club.What restaurant or donught shop do you meet at,when do you get together to wrench on each others cars,do you leave the chatroom together to cruse to a race or show,Not shure an internet site qualifies as a club,at least not in my books .Fun to converse with people from around the province that I wouldn't normally have the opertunity to meet and share experinces and ideas with.Nice to send messages back and forth and find out what is going on about laws and regulations , but an actual car club allows actual talking ,sarcasm and banter that would be mistaken for rudness on line .I like the web sites but you can't beat bench racing and BSin with other club members at a drag strip or on the road to some show,swap meet or other clubs event

          I hear what you are saying....  

          I was refering to the internet sites as a "place" to get together and swap ideas and so on  

         I have attended a lot of functions, that I would not have know about, without internet information  

         Many people are often tied up with family and work  

         Social contact is the best  

         Internet contact is making the world a smaller place    

         so  you are correct  ....





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THE LOSERS are alive and well. You can check us out by reading our sticky at the top here and go to the club page. We are not for everyone by choice.


 ///// Join THE LOSERS c.c. of Ontario Ask me how/////



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Dave Scott wrote:

I've been in a few clubs in Scotland, starting with the MX5 owners club. I ended up running the Scottish area for a few years. But I got bored with the same old cars and conservative attitude.

So I started a club called SS-R (Scottish Street-Racer) lol, controvercial I know. The title was aimed at the car style, but was twisted around and emerged as The Scottish Street Racers. My idea was to encourage members of all ages and budgets, to join in, regardless of whether they owned a mini or a Ferrari.

It was a raging success for a few years. I arranged track days, dyno days, Barbeques, treasure hunts, car shows, tech days, raffles etc etc, the list goes on. The one thing I aimed to acheive was to make every member feel equal and part of the club. As you can imagine, this was a monumental task. I had around 600 members at the peak, with a very high percentage of them being active for most events. Nothing worse than having thousands of members in a club where only a handfull turn up for a show you've spent half the year planning.

But the problem was, everyone was having fun except ME!

So I started a commitee, which required funds and a treasurer etc, and it all went to crap after that.

Sometimes democracy doesn't work. Within 6 months the club was in tatters, and lots of little groups were breaking away trying to start their own little clubs. They all failed. They had no idea what me and Ailsa had been doing in the background to make sure everyone else was enjoying themselves.

Even now, ten years later, I get the odd message from a past member who now has kids and a full life, praising us for being able to do what we did back then.

Ungreatfull sodds, lol. Shame they didn't appreciate us back then, lol.

So, clubs can be great. You need just enough organisation to keep them ticking over, but help and support from members is essential for the long life of the club.

-- Edited by Dave Scott on Monday 19th of November 2012 06:24:05 AM


Clubs need guys like you, Dave, but as you well know, you sure get abused and taken for granted. They all rave about what a great time they had at the event you organised, but few actually are willing to lend a hand. We get that in our Club. Every member should be made to play a part for the first year they join a club, else they get tossed. This would help them get better known and feel more like a brotherhood AND realise what goes into the planning of events. Granted, some guys don't have the time due to real world stuff like kids and jobs and angry wives (oh, did I say that out loud?). Some just like to belong and wear the jacket. Some truly dig in and make things happen. People, eh?



Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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Road Runners in Hamilton have been around for a long time.
Road Mates in Toronto, also.



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I was briefly in a Corvette club back in the late '70's ....looked like a bunch of prima donnas to me so I left . In the Windsor area I belonged to a model railroad club ( my other hobby ) but after a few years got tired of having the same 6 or 8 people , out of 35 , doing all the work . I suspect that's a problem with a lot of clubs no matter what the topic is .




I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.


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There is a lot of great, active clubs out there. The Tyrods, Galt Strokers, Dunnville Slowpokes...I figured some of these guys might have chimed in.

I know back in the 80's a buddy had a Vette (far from stock) and was invited to go to a Corvette Club meeting in Hamilton. I tagged along out of curiosity. No offence to any Corvette owners out there, but what a bunch of prima donnas indeed!

I never wanted to join a club myself. You hear too much bs politics and in-fighting. Hell, you'd get that from a checkers and tidly-winks club too I'm sure. Personalities will do that. So why do guys form car clubs then? Why do people join? In this day and age, why do they still exist?

I enjoy the commaraderie, the varied expertise, the availability of some helping hands when needed. The fact they don't talk about their jobs, their wives, their kids...its always car talk. A break from reality. A common thread. That's why we're on this forum too, right?


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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On paper , a club looks like the perfect way to go to pool resources , knowledge etc .......I dunno , personalities seem to get in the way . A lot of uptight people out there it seems .......I really , really enjoy walking around a car cruise ( Belle River here , near Windsor , has a good annual cruise/show ) and just admire the work everyone does regardless of my preferences ( I like Ford powered Ford ) and seeing the pride on everyones face . No politics , no B.S. ...way it should be .




I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.


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Another club i remember and it is still going, (Quite a long time actually,) is the "Norwich Road Rebels".

Another that comes to mind years back was the "Road Knights"- Where from???

Chris,, Was the Paris based "Blue Angels" a club or? Thought at one time they had a gas dragster?



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I've been a member of the OCC (Old Chrysler Club) since 1986 (?), and organizing and volunteering, helping in anyway I can. This coming summer's MOPARFEST is already being planned. And I most definitely plan on being there and doing my share. It's a great charity found raiser, and I love doing it.
Soon to be a member of the Right Coast association...


Some people just simply don't get it!


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sasquatch wrote:

Another club i remember and it is still going, (Quite a long time actually,) is the "Norwich Road Rebels".

Another that comes to mind years back was the "Road Knights"- Where from???

Chris,, Was the Paris based "Blue Angels" a club or? Thought at one time they had a gas dragster?

 yep indeed the Blue Angels were a club. in fact there are a couple of them in the Piston Pushers.


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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Gazoo wrote:

I've been a member of the OCC (Old Chrysler Club) since 1986 (?), and organizing and volunteering, helping in anyway I can. This coming summer's MOPARFEST is already being planned. And I most definitely plan on being there and doing my share. It's a great charity found raiser, and I love doing it.
Soon to be a member of the Right Coast association...

 Being a Chevy guy, I hate to admit thet Moparfest is one of THE best shows going. It must be a monumental effort. Hats off to you and your club for such a huge well run event.


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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Chris58 wrote:
Gazoo wrote:

I've been a member of the OCC (Old Chrysler Club) since 1986 (?), and organizing and volunteering, helping in anyway I can. This coming summer's MOPARFEST is already being planned. And I most definitely plan on being there and doing my share. It's a great charity found raiser, and I love doing it.
Soon to be a member of the Right Coast association...

 Being a Chevy guy, I hate to admit thet Moparfest is one of THE best shows going. It must be a monumental effort. Hats off to you and your club for such a huge well run event.

 Thanks, Chris, it makes it all worth while to see a large group of people having a great time.  Pssst, don't tell anyone, but I'm also a Chevy and Ford guy, I love them all ( my '58 Bel Air was my Fav.).



Some people just simply don't get it!


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Sounds like the Mopar deal is in the Kitchener area where I lived from 1969-1988 .....while I'm not into Mopars ( had 5 of 'em , all with " issues ) I respect and enjoy seeing all the Big 3 makes and models ....when / where is Moparfest ? it online ?




I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.


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teejay99 wrote:

Sounds like the Mopar deal is in the Kitchener area where I lived from 1969-1988 .....while I'm not into Mopars ( had 5 of 'em , all with " issues ) I respect and enjoy seeing all the Big 3 makes and models ....when / where is Moparfest ? it online ?


 Moparfest is usually the third weekend of August, this year is the 17th and 18th. For some reason, when I try to post a link, it won't work.

Link tutorial help please. (I did it, took me three tries, but I got it, LOL).

-- Edited by Gazoo on Wednesday 21st of November 2012 05:49:19 PM

-- Edited by Gazoo on Wednesday 21st of November 2012 05:53:55 PM


Some people just simply don't get it!


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Clubs are OK til you get some jerk who's a control freak trying to run everything. Way too political for me. I''ve been super happy since I dropped out and just did my own thing. We have a "breakfast cub now with real Hot Rodders and an informal group that gts together for pot luck dinners, evenings out and we run to events together but no rules, no dues, no meetings and no nitwits. Other than Right Coast Cars out of New York, I'll never join another formal club.


My wife wants me to see things from a woman's point of view, so now I spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window


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I have belonged to two clubs in my time.  The Classmen in Windsor and the E.L.T.A. here in London.  The Classmen folded because we lost our 22 car garage/clubhouse.   We built a few pretty hairy cars out of that garage.  Some of us are lifelong friends that still get together regularly.  In fact next year we are going to have a full blown reunion party.  The last one we held had 25 or so  members show up.  Some guys I hadn't seen in 35 years.  Just a great bunch of guys that cruised, built, told lies, and laughed our collective asses off. 

The ELTA is a different bunch of great guys. The only rule is over the door when you walk in the shop..."NO GOOFS". There are NO attitudes/egos/control issues at all and I like it that way. We recently held a birthday party for one of the old Sparta/St Thomas original racers from the VERY early 60's.  We ended up with about 80 people celabrating.We also co-host the Hartman's/ELTA bash in Aug and the Bar-b-que in Sept. We may be in Detroit for the Autorama in March with a few of our cars.  We'll see!


So are they some ways yes.  Are they the many ways absolutely.  Both clubs were/are good guys getting together to enjoy each others company, humour, skills and ideas, as well as running down the road together.  Sometimes the chemistry just fits


-- Edited by Rochie on Saturday 8th of December 2012 09:24:46 AM



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I belong to the "Country Car Club" thats been around since the 60's or so?? I joined in the 70's & we put on the "RODDERS WKND. car show in Cannington Ont. this started out as a 3 day show. then slowly we got it down to a Sun. show & it was re-named "The Cannington" Car Show.Averaged about 275 to 350 cars on a good turn out. We finally had to drop the show as the regulations from Durham Health Dept.[ chip truck lic. the # of washrooms per people there etc] Insurance costs & regulations,[No more tug of War games etc.] & the costs involved in renting the park & & arena "JUST KILLED US"!! We once had close to 20 members & now we have about 8 to 10 active members, that still come to mthly. meetings. More of a social meeting & have a beer, shoot the $hit as we don't have the show to contend with, or the headaches!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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Good post Rochie!!



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Great shot Rochie. When was that done? Can't believe you got all those guys standin still long enough for the pic!


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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We are a group of friends who enjoy attending car shows and cruise nights in and around the Ottawa, Ontario area together.
We have a wide variety of motor vehicles represented in our club so far.

-- Edited by Furtrader on Friday 4th of January 2013 04:27:33 AM


DON'T pimp my ride.


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I've been a member of the Wasaga Beach Cruisers for a few years now. It was a rough ride at first because I didn't really own a classic. But they took me anyway. Great bunch of guys and girls who do a lot of good in the community. Our signature event is the FunRun in June. Check it out at




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My Lady Susan And I Are Writing The Newsletter For The Coasters Canada Lead North C.C.
We'd Like Feature A Different Ontario Car Club For Each Issue (6 Issues A Year).
If You Are Interested Please Send Information (such as: date started, location, how many members, chapters, main interests etc) And Any Pictures You May Want To Send As Well As A Picture Of Your Logo To
Please Pass This Along To Any Other Club You Think May Be Interest In Appearing In Our Newsletter.
Anyone That Does Appear We Will Send A Copy Of The Issue They Appear In To Their E-Mail.
Any And All Help Would Be Appreciated.




Flats Where It's At


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Well the Ratlers are in .Any other clubs contribute anything yet.This could be a good way for clubs to set up meets and cruses to shows and other events.Wouldn't mind seeing if there is any interest from the clubs our area for some inter club compition of some sort to keep us interested during the winter.I heard the Coasters were looking to get together for for a little bowling .Sounds like fun, when you guys are finished practicing maybe you would like some real compition some time .Maybe the first anual Ratlers/Coasters challenge cup.Let Grumpy know if you are interested and we will set something up at the Cobourg bowling alley. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Bring It On Eddie No Matter What Team I Play For, Either Way I'm A Wiener!!!!!


Flats Where It's At


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Thats the trouble with having half our guys in both clubs.I can see some trades coming up.Maybe Dave(the voice) H can do play by play. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Grumpy wrote:

My Lady Susan And I Are Writing The Newsletter For The Coasters Canada Lead North C.C.
We'd Like Feature A Different Ontario Car Club For Each Issue (6 Issues A Year).
If You Are Interested Please Send Information (such as: date started, location, how many members, chapters, main interests etc) And Any Pictures You May Want To Send As Well As A Picture Of Your Logo To
Please Pass This Along To Any Other Club You Think May Be Interest In Appearing In Our Newsletter.
Anyone That Does Appear We Will Send A Copy Of The Issue They Appear In To Their E-Mail.
Any And All Help Would Be Appreciated.



 Hey Grumpy, feel free to spend some time on our Piston Pushers Club site. All the history is there as well as a pile of photos. I'm not sure if you can cut and paste from it, but I can put you in touch with the guy who monitors the site for us. Check it out

I think you can reach him through the "contact" page too.



Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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Thanks Chris I've Looked And I Can Get All I Need From The Site,But I think I'll Get Hold Of The Powers To Be And Make Sure It's Kool. Again Thanks For The Info.


Flats Where It's At


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we should organize something this year, a run or some kind of event.  i know we are in hibernation busily building our next ride but spring is coming faster then we realize.  oh ya megaspeed in march 22 to 24, just sayin



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Well I'll Talk To My People And We'll See If We Can Setup A Meeting ! !
What Do You Think Ed......eddie...........EDDIE.......Where'd He Go!!!!


Flats Where It's At


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I am currently a member of the British Automobile Racing Club - Ontario Center. No, you don't have to own a British car to be a member, you do have to be a race car enthusiast :) We organize 2 races every year at Mosport/Canadian Tire Motorsport Park and we are the host club for the Toronto Indy, organizing the track workers. The club has been around since 1959, has over 200 members, meets monthly, has a website and a Facebook page. We are a well organized club that has a lot of fun and accomplishes a lot.

I was a member of Group 25 Model Car Builders Club since its founding in 1976... once point there were as many as 1000 car clubs in Ontario :)



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Why you guys feel the need to see "The Fonz" again. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Picasso wrote:

I am currently a member of the British Automobile Racing Club - Ontario Center. No, you don't have to own a British car to be a member, you do have to be a race car enthusiast :) We organize 2 races every year at Mosport/Canadian Tire Motorsport Park and we are the host club for the Toronto Indy, organizing the track workers. The club has been around since 1959, has over 200 members, meets monthly, has a website and a Facebook page. We are a well organized club that has a lot of fun and accomplishes a lot.

I was a member of Group 25 Model Car Builders Club since its founding in 1976... once point there were as many as 1000 car clubs in Ontario :)

 Is that the show you had last year that allowed the participants to take a couple of laps around the track at Mosport?



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My Father belong to The Corsairs in the sixtys


35 Chev master sport coupe

302 GMC


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Hotrodron wrote:

My Father belong to The Corsairs in the sixtys

 Where were they out of?


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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I believe the Corsiars where out of Leaside, there are a few of the old guys still around


35 Chev master sport coupe

302 GMC


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ok, Here is an OLD car club i remember seeing a couple of cars around, back ??? god, in the early sixties.

"The Red Rim Ramblers" Lol (at one time early on red rims where a fad.)



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Ok so I thought I would bump this thred .Its about setting up cruses,tours and other activities between local clubs.Lets get together and see if we can come up with any suggestions for club gettogethers.Poker runs,charity stuff or club rivalrys.Maybe some kind of summer Olimpics,car oriented.Rad fill ,pool tourniment,boweling,poker run or maybe a scavenger hunt.Anything to get us out of the parking lot and into our cars.What do you clubs think.


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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What if we don't have a local car club? (or if no club would have us as a members?).
Maybe we can make up a few temporary club names or go by area just for "schitzengiggles".
Newcastle Nukes, Port Hope Posers, Cobourg Caucasions, Toronto Tontos, Windsor Wankles, London Lobes, Scarborough Sloths, Northern Ontario Nuts (N.O.Nuts)...etc, etc.

I vote Ed to be in charge of the schedule...thanks Ed!




-- Edited by Atomsplitter on Monday 22nd of April 2013 08:33:55 PM



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I like the no nuts. Would make for a interesting drag plate....hmmmm


i am in for some cruisin!

-- Edited by Molten on Monday 22nd of April 2013 08:26:46 PM




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