If you do nothing but whine and bellyache from your arm chair of course the elected officials will cow tow to the select few who initiated these parking laws. This discussion came to council here in the great white north and was met by significant opposition. We can still park boats, rv's,sleds etc WTF we please but you gotta get off you ass. show your mug before council and say "HEY! Douchebag,,this is not what I elected you for" and so on..make a point... Don't think for the minute the SOB's proposing such laws can outnumber/or holler louder than the those folks who will be affected by such change,,,
-- Edited by Jazz on Tuesday 11th of December 2012 01:16:55 PM
B.S. we in Port Hope just wen't thru a long process of fighting our council to keep our police service ,council wanted to disband the local service and bring in the OPP. We got together ,a small group 20 or so people and started a sign campaign to fight this change .From this small group a ground swell of support started to happen and eventualy there were over 2000 signs on the lawns of houses on every street in town.It was a visual that the council could not ignore.We still have our police service and a very pissed of mayor.The point being go out and do something if you hope someone else will do it ,you are sadly mistaken.If it means something to you get off your ass go to the council meeting and ask questions,If you are dumb enough to present your question the way it was suggested in another post than I would guess that you get what you deserve.No one wants to listen to a foul mouth screaming from the gallery .When you go Make your point in a civel manor ,ask your question then concider the answer .It may take several meetings to get answers,use the letters to the editor section of your local paper to vioce your opinion,get a facebook group together.Only you can decide if its worth the effort,you can win if you work at it ,you won't win if all you do is whine about it. Ed
-- Edited by flatblack55delivery on Tuesday 11th of December 2012 02:35:54 PM
Jim Giff If you own a trailer (utility or any other) or an RV and you live in Carleton Place this message concerns you!! There is a town council meeting tonight starting at 7pm and Carleton Place is revising bylaws that will impact many residents including RV and trailer owners. One of the amendments states "No parking of summer use RV's in winter months (campers, RV and boat trailers or any other summer use vehicle or trailer) or winter use RV's in summer months (snowmobile trailer and related). There are many other items on a list far too long to list here but if you disagree with any of this then you need to be at the meeting at town hall tonight!!
This is just the begining of many, many changes that we will be faced with over the coming years and I really don't think we have much chance of doing anything about it...Except of course a lot of grumbling and whining..Look at how the MOE is moving in on our cars ..we may be strong enough to fight a bit but, they are really planning to make rules so stiff there will not be too many more behind us that will be able to continue this hobby to far into the future..Some of us will probably live to see the end of Hot-rodding as we know it..There are allready so many changes happening in our society that we just can't fight them..Privacy laws, ministry of enviornment covers so many areas including our own personal lands, homes, and what we can do on our own property such as this bylaw in Carleton Place ..Every little municipality is passing these bylaws without any people doing much complaining and by the time people realize whats been done, it will be too late to reverse the changes..How in hell did this ever happen..What is wrong with us, is it that we just have it so good and we have so much that we are just blind to what our government is doing..Look at all the EXPENSIVE scandals from the ****ing McGinty government and you know what... !He got Voted back in..!!we as a province are buried in debt and guess who is going to pay the bill...... Ok..off my rant for to-day..but nobody really cares !!!!!!!!!!!
If you do nothing but whine and bellyache from your arm chair of course the elected officials will cow tow to the select few who initiated these parking laws. This discussion came to council here in the great white north and was met by significant opposition. We can still park boats, rv's,sleds etc WTF we please but you gotta get off you ass. show your mug before council and say "HEY! Douchebag,,this is not what I elected you for" and so on..make a point...
What he said
Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero
It is not that simple..If you attend a council meeting to say"HEY! Douchebag,,this is not what I elected you for" and so on..make a point"....You will be tossed out ..period..Try to attend a local municipal council meeting and voice your objection to anything..It can not be done..You can not open your mouth at a council meeting..You have to get permission several days ahead to be able to speak at a council meeting ..And you only get speak to something that is on the council agenda maybe..This has become an extremely complicated process...You Mr taxpayer have very little to say to effect any change...It is too late ..the agenda has set and now it being implimented the ony thing that may change the agenda is civil disobedience and we are just to fat, lazy and happy to stick our tender little neck out for fear of getting it chopped off...nobody wants to go first..and haven't we learned ..Politicians are LIARS,AND THIEVES....THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!
"Only you can decide if its worth the effort,you can win if you work at it ,you won't win if all you do is whine about it."
I agree...Just how many people do you think will come out to fight so you can keep a couple old cars/trailer/motor home, in your yard because you are a hot rodder/car guy and are always playing with "YOUR HOBBY"
And as far as dealing with Council being "BULL****"..It is bull****.. what I said is reality..You are not permitted to speak at council meeting unless you have gotten your name and issue on the council agenda..I am somewhat involved with council and I know of what I speak..At least in Perth South, I am very much aware of the how the system works and it is very ,very complicated..They wear you down Not saying change can't be effected but it sure is not a simple thing to do ..it takes a lot of work and some things cannot be changed if they involve the MOE or the planning committee..or anything to do with land use..and for sure you are right about being a bully or loud-mouth you will get zip and tossed out...
This same kind of bylaw was tried in St. Catharines recently, but so many people complained that they put it on the back burner for more input from residents. I have a boat in my driveway and I sure don't want to move it, so I'll be watching for the next meeting to say my piece. Like what was said before, you CAN fight city hall and win, you just have to stand up and make enough noise. Do it, and good luck.
Scugog Twp. won't let you speak at council meeting unless you've been approved earlier by letting them know you want to speak. Before you do they want the questions ahead of time, so they know whats coming!!!! We already have a by-law like that here but was not enforced till this fall. We went from 1 large Motorhome to 6 or 7 of them, multiple house trailers & pop ups & 1 airplane!!! Subdivision looked like a KOA campsite!!! All the owners are PI$$ED & 2 haven't removed them from the driveway or frt. lawn, all the rest complied, even the airplane is gone!! I have to say it was getting out of hand, & a few homes that were up for sale had a hard time selling with these things in every 2nd. property.If you don't have these by-laws, then just watch how fast your neighbourhood goes to a SLUM
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
You should suggest that you get a rebate on your taxes for the amount equal to the cost of paying for storage off of your own property. I think they would be more than willing to accommodate.
There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”
You should suggest that you get a rebate on your taxes for the amount equal to the cost of paying for storage off of your own property. I think they would be more than willing to accommodate.
Good thought but it won't work if theres a By-law already in place that prohibits them in the 1st.place!!! Up to the owner to check these things out before going ahead & parking it there!! Can't "assume" anything any more!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
When i first moved to the North i was impressed with then Mayor Jolly Wally who invited one councillor to "step outside" and let another councillor know he would not be able to land a job in town if not for family ties. Now that mayor had spine..Having to get prior permission to speak at council is nothing less than censorship. Sounds to me like the select few rules the masses down your way.
no bylaw is retro active - period - so get out there and take date stamp pictures of your stuff in your yards as it is today. Move your **** around all over the place, taking pictures of them in various resting spots Then you can politely tell them to piss off
oh and by the way - you can make a difference - get enough signatures or people to come to the "Public" meetings that are required by law, and vote no to any bylaw that doesnt suit you. If they pass it anyway - you can appeal it
lots of stuff gets passed cuz they know two things - either your not informed of your rights, or your just too darn compalcent to do anythign about it
Agreed,, Get enough people with "SPINES" and stand UP to these dipsticks, shout it loud and CLEAR,, we DID NOT elect you to pull stunts like this on us!!
This BS is being tried everywere, like a similar bylaw here that was tried stating, you were only allowed to have ONE unlicensed vehicle in your'e property!
Well, guess what? It was NEVER enforced,, as those "ANYTHING" you have "Stored or parked on your'e property are....... "Your'e Assets !!
I am lucky enough to have a copy of a cease and desist order my neighbor was given by my town counsel. After he complained about the old owners of my house. I get along with this neighbor better than the old owner. He gave me the letter that state as long as they cant see any thing from the road they dont care what is in my yard.
-- Edited by workin class on Wednesday 12th of December 2012 06:56:15 PM
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There is an old wrecking yard in Stittsville Ont second or third generation. The town is growing on top of them and they are being forced to clean up. The owner has been fighting and ignoring the city to the point of forcing city employees to bring warrants and keeping his lawyer on speed dial. Sorry but if you do not like what is on my property look the other way. I moved away from real estate speculators for a reason. (most city dwellers these days only bought there houses to sell and dont know what living is) When I grew up in Scarbrough our house was the one with all the kids hanging around there must have been 20 bikes on the lawn at any given time. We had the hater neighbors who always complained about noise (kids having fun) a no no now a days. WE HAD THE CREEPY neighbor hiding behind the curtains staring out the windows. And we had the ones with the little white fences and the manicured lawns. It turns out now that we were the bad ones as my parents were open and loved people and all our friends loved to hang at our house. I WOULD NEVER EVER move back to a city I cant and will probably never conform to the boring sterile life. I would never live in a Petain Place some of you guys enjoy. Not for me.
-- Edited by workin class on Wednesday 12th of December 2012 08:49:43 PM
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no municipality can do anythign to you no matter how bad you are in default of something without going through due process.
There are some "short order" fines available for small infractions like long grass or garbage or noise, but thats it. Most municipalities do nothing unless there is a written complaint - for which you can never ever find out who complained, not even by FIA request.
In order to come to someones property and take anythign away they have had to been to court, won their case, and got an order from the Judge to do anything like that. If they were bringing stuff back - that means some ones head rolled for not going through due process first , and some Judge just slapped their wrists and told them to smarten up.
I am glad to see the my sisters brothers nephews son opinions are still in force out there... without a shred of truth.
Example - the wrecking yard - it is legal non conforming in its use, it predates any bylaws, and Property Standards Bylaws do NOT apply to commercial Properties - period The only thing anyone might be able to do to them is ask the MOE to look into ground contamination - but any order issued can be forstalled indefinitely for the aforementioned reasons. So please dont tell me they are being "forced" to do anything - if there is something going on, there is likely much more going on that you have no idea about , but it aint Property Standards.
You want to know your rights under the Municipal Act or the Planning Act or the Ontario Building Code Act which ALL municipalities must abide by, and can NOT invent thier own rules for, or outside of, those three legislations, just ask - thats what I do for a living.
Between this thread and the building a garage thread - I havnt heard so much distorted crap other than in the MOE threads
-- Edited by Seeker1056 on Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:30:17 PM
Well i guess I'm the person who doesn't want to see this $hit happening in my subdivision, nor do I want my property values going down due to these crap holes having cars dumped in the drive way, back yard or beside the house, or upteen motor homes & campers on the frt. lawns & drive ways!!! Taxes keep going up but try & sell your home with this going on around you, or get the TWP to reduce your tax because of it!!!If it's against the By-law then enforce it, & tow the $HIT out of there!!! I can see if your out in the middle of nowhere & no one cares but not in a built up area!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
A similar situation just took place in N. Bay, right in the city:
After repeated warnings etc sent to this guy who had a yard FULL of all sorts of stuff, he was selling like a fleamarket. (Not sure if his property was zoned commercial, but i suspect it was after what took place. The guy refused to get rid of his stuff, so, the city hired out a crew to do the deed. They hauled all his stuff away, (don't know for sure where they put it,, )He resisted verbally and physicaly, the cops were there and picked him up and put him in jail, while this "Removal" was taking place.
After about 4 days or so, (he had been released as soon as the stuff had been removed,) suddenly the city had to get the removal crew they had hired to BRING ALL HIS STUFF BACK!! It was put BACK in his yard .
No results yet,, but i'm hearing a lawsuit is in the works against the city.
dualquad I had neighbors in Ottawa that would complain about the pic in your avatar as in there minds your old cars in your drive way lowered there property values. I had the city come and had to prove that my cars ran and were plated three different times one summer because a nosy neighbor didn't like old cars. Alot of city dwellers believe old cars are eye sores .
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The point i am trying to make here , is everyone is entitled to their hobbies, interests, etc.
I am not so sure these bylaws are actually legal in a superior court.
Due to: As i posted earlier, the items on your'e property are "your'e Assetts".
I really doubt if anyone may preach what your'e assets can be, and cannot be.
Creating a Health problem is a different story altogether.
BUT, if you wish to, and enjoy collecting things like old cars/trucks/machinery, what ever, What is the difference between collecting those things compared to collecting say different styles of wooden wagons, or wooden lawnchairs even??
Hell, people collect WEIRD things, Things other people don't like.
Dictating to people what they can have/own for assets, is a dictatorship!
The yard is still there but did run through alot of red tape and money proving rights. You are right but that does not stop municipalities from trying. I moved from Ottawa after being threatened regularly by city workers and getting notices from the city regarding my old cars (all but one not plated) Project car hidden from view. What were my rights as I am not great at deciphering legal mumble jumble. They also told me a person is only allowed one bicycle per person as at that time my son started collecting banana seat bikes and had 5 plus the other three each member of the family owned.
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with anythign municipal - you need to ask for a copy of the operative Bylaw and the offical date of passing - which is not always one and the same as the date on the bylaw.
Without that - no one can tell you what your rights are because no one can tell if the Bylaw is written within the confines of the appropriate Act or legislation.
If it is a truly legally written document - then your rights are dependent upon the definitions section, and the penalties section, as well as knowing if you predate a particular bylaw in some manner.
Bylaws are open to interpretation, not only by the Enforcement Officer - but by yourself as well, and if you have to go to court be ready to plead poor me - usually the judge will side with the tax payer doin poor me - but not always - especially if it looks liek the enforcement offical is being "aggressive" in thier interpretation, and in the pursuit of his/her duties.
That is why most bylaws are only enforced under written complaint so that the bylaw offical doesnt appear to be witch hunting or agressive or adversarial et al.
One neighbor can complain over and over. A few months and each complaint will be seen as a new complaint. The first time the city guy showed up we had a great conversation seemed like a cool guy he loved the old cars and left saying he saw nothing wrong. A month later he was back wanting to see each car move under its own power and see the plates on the cars. At the time we had 5 cars all plated and on paved side by side drive way. My wife had a Dodge mini van I had a Dodge p/u we had a 1975 Chev van I used as a flea market truck and also had the 1947 Ford and a 1966 Olds Cutlass. The neighbor did not like the fact we had 5 cars even when my yard was completely surrounded by a 10 foot hedge. Im glad I moved away from the city as most city dwellers are way to anti social and self important for a low life working class bum like me.
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I guess the problem here in towns and cities is too many people living too close together.
Seems there are a select group who like to bitch, then there appears to me anyway, another group who think everyone should be living the "Martha Stewart" lifestyle, or whatever, i can't see this getting any better, as towns and cities just keep spreading with seas of subdivisions springing up every year.
Much like the bylaws in some places where it is against the law even to have an outside clothesline ! All this stuff is getting Pathetic!
Seeker is right on the button with Property Standards Act. We have a house in subdivision that has 5 broken down vehicles in D/way a back yard full of "stuff" old storm windows, scrap metal etc. that the owner a dragged home. Was charged 4 times by Twp & found guilty 3 times in court but never paid the fine or cleaned up. Now the Twp say he's a HOARDER & suffering from Mental Illness, & they can't do anything about it????
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Between this thread and the building a garage thread - I havnt heard so much distorted crap other than in the MOE threads
I read the "building a garage" thread again, and not sure what was distorted about it. Can you point out where the bad info is? If you see us posting stuff that is not correct, please tell us so we don't mislead anyone. If I see someone post something that I know for a fact is false, I will call them on it ( which usually gets me in trouble ) but at least the info posted will be correct. Thx