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Post Info TOPIC: Driver Etiquette


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Driver Etiquette

hemi43 wrote:
Sacotu wrote:

when i was in bermuda a couple of years ago for a couple of months ,they also drive on the wrong side. it wasn't till i got back to canada that i made my first faux pas of turning into the oncoming traffic. got so used to concentrating on driving on the wrong side slipped on when i got back home.

 If someone cuts you off, just flash them your bottom lip !! biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin Of course, other readers here won't know what the hell I'm talking about !!

 I'm one of the charmed guys that knows about "the lip" lol!

Good luck with the commuters in this part of the province. I drive 75 kms each way to work right on through Hamilton, Burlington and Oakville. I've been doing it for 20+ years and believe keeps getting worse. It truly is "every man for himself". They used to target young men as being aggressive, but take a look around when you're stuck in the mess on the QEW around 4 in the afternoon...all shapes, sizes, colours, genders and ages...and they all drive like morons. Well, except me of course biggrin! I have dodged accidents all these years, mile after mile, but in the past 3 months I got sideswiped in 40km an hour rush-hour traffic and t-boned a guy who thought I was stopped when he pulled in front of me. Both morons!

Eyes wide open Dave...and just take er easy.

-- Edited by Chris58 on Wednesday 12th of December 2012 01:30:29 PM


Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.


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Dave..just a suggestion but you could shop for houses online and save yourself a lot travelling and cover lots more real estate much quicker.... When you find something you really like then go in person.

-- Edited by Jazz on Wednesday 12th of December 2012 01:37:47 PM



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Hey guys!

So i've been in Burlington since Saturday, and I've been driving about Hamilton areas looking for places to live.

I have a couple of questions on driving habits etc.

I did nip in to "Chapters" and bought myself the MTO Driver's handbook, which has explained a couple of things, like turning right on red, lol, that just feels wrong.

Highway driving:

If someone is joining the highway from your right, and they signal to move over, you don't seem to have the un-written rule of flashing your lights to "invite them into your lane", would I be right there?

"Driving up your ass": This seems to happen a lot, and in the UK this would be seen as a very aggressive driving style. It seems to be normal and accepted here? In the UK, the car in front might slam on his brakes to scare the driver behind into backing off.


I read on the driver's handbook, that if two cars reach a crossroads at the same time (no traffic lights) then you should give way to the car on your right. This makes no sense at all! lol


Being a "tourist" at the moment, I'm generally driving slower, as I'm either looking for stuff or just taking in my new surroundings, but so far NO-ONE has passed me. They just get closer and closer, almost pushing me to speed up, lol. Are they scared to pass?


That's about me for now.


Loving my new country. Off to look at some houses today :)


If you're stuck, I have a truck ;-)


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Flashing your headlights means nothing as far as signalling a vehicle to move. Maybe 30 years ago it was a general hint of intention but now it's an invitation to middle finger salute. Tailgating is common among other poor practices hence the higher insurance premiums levied in your chosen area of the province. Plenty of drivers young and old have very bad habits,,texting while driving,,,putting on makeup, taking off making , getting dressed , getting undressed.. It's an awful lot like driving in India so be careful.



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Glad you made it!!! Driving by the rule book is "just a suggestion" what your seeing is what you get!!!! Some will abide by the rules others take the "every man for himself approach" If a police officer happens to see the breaking of the rules then he "might" issue a summons or give a warning, or just ignore it depends on the mood!!! Welcome to Ontario & our BAD DRIVERS


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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Well have you heard of NASCAR just about the same thing on the 400 series highways You know bump drafting, drafting, side drafting, getting loose especially in the winter. one finger salutes, yelling at your crew or vise versa. lol


Keeping the tradition rolling hard!!!!


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Dave Scott wrote:

Hey guys!

So i've been in Burlington since Saturday, and I've been driving about Hamilton areas looking for places to live.

I have a couple of questions on driving habits etc.

I did nip in to "Chapters" and bought myself the MTO Driver's handbook, which has explained a couple of things, like turning right on red, lol, that just feels wrong.

except in quebec. actually they changed the law thats its allowed but put of signs everywhere that its not allowed

Highway driving:

If someone is joining the highway from your right, and they signal to move over, you don't seem to have the un-written rule of flashing your lights to "invite them into your lane", would I be right there?

If you have the room you are required to move over to the left. you are not allowed to stop on a on ramp on a 400 series highway.

"Driving up your ass": This seems to happen a lot, and in the UK this would be seen as a very aggressive driving style. It seems to be normal and accepted here? In the UK, the car in front might slam on his brakes to scare the driver behind into backing off.

thats because we don't want you to get to timmies before us


I read on the driver's handbook, that if two cars reach a crossroads at the same time (no traffic lights) then you should give way to the car on your right. This makes no sense at all! lol

Now that you are driving on the proper side of the road and not the wrong side. to the right first.


Being a "tourist" at the moment, I'm generally driving slower, as I'm either looking for stuff or just taking in my new surroundings, but so far NO-ONE has passed me. They just get closer and closer, almost pushing me to speed up, lol. Are they scared to pass?

don't want to wear out my brakes

That's about me for now.


Loving my new country. Off to look at some houses today :)

when i was in bermuda a couple of years ago for a couple of months ,they also drive on the wrong side. it wasn't till i got back to canada that i made my first faux pas of turning into the oncoming traffic. got so used to concentrating on driving on the wrong side slipped on when i got back home.


There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.


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Sounds like, you are "up to speed" on driving, in Ontario on 2 plus lane highways..biggrin    

When you venture onto 2 lane country roads, you will enjoy the driving more...   





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It appears to me anyway, that the clueless drivers are multipying, as it gets obvious at times. Everybody in a mad rush.- "Gotta save time!"
I once seen a guy driving Brushing his teeth!!-And checking in the rear view mirror!!



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2 things fry my arse....

1) Drivers in passing lane doing speed limit or less......and not passing....just holding up traffic no

2) Drivers in stop and go traffic that leave the slow lane and drive up (on the right) the on ramp and merge back into traffic 4-5 cars ahead confuse

"Motherfreekingcorksmokingsackofmanureeatingcamelplucking" not nice people. furious

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR wish I drove a POS with big bumpers to take them out! wink

By the way....peace on earth and good will to all men..... biggrin


"If you don't pass on the knowledge you have to others, it Dies with you"


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See grump has the nascar thing going on too..lmao


Keeping the tradition rolling hard!!!!


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Grumpsbodyworks wrote:

2 things fry my arse....

1) Drivers in passing lane doing speed limit or less......and not passing....just holding up traffic no

2) Drivers in stop and go traffic that leave the slow lane and drive up (on the right) the on ramp and merge back into traffic 4-5 cars ahead confuse

"Motherfreekingcorksmokingsackofmanureeatingcamelplucking" not nice people. furious

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR wish I drove a POS with big bumpers to take them out! wink

By the way....peace on earth and good will to all men..... biggrin

So you're the guy I pissed off.

Rule #1 about driving in rush hour.  The lane that ends always gets you there quicker.

I don't actually jump into a ramp lane though, those guys piss me off as well.



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Sacotu wrote:

when i was in bermuda a couple of years ago for a couple of months ,they also drive on the wrong side. it wasn't till i got back to canada that i made my first faux pas of turning into the oncoming traffic. got so used to concentrating on driving on the wrong side slipped on when i got back home.

 If someone cuts you off, just flash them your bottom lip !! biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin Of course, other readers here won't know what the hell I'm talking about !!



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Unfortunately Dave, you stumbled on the worst part of the province to drive. Courtesy and common sense, (from the vast majority of driver's in that area), are long gone.

Be Careful !


Some people just simply don't get it!


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Stay with it, It's all good experience for when you move here!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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I mounted a small "dashboard" cam in my car (up near the rearview mirror), that way if something happens that is not my fault, I will hopefully have caught it on video. Takes some of the worry out of driving amongst idiots. You can find them on eBay cheap too (yeah they are Chinese, but you can't beat $30 for the unit and delivery right to your door).

The only (slight) worry is some sack of sh_t smashing a window to steal the camera. I mounted mine up high so it hopefully isn't easily spotted. Turns on and off with the car ... no need to even think about it.


If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)


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So I'm driving along the 401 in the slow lane (I am in the slow lane because I am getting off at next exit). I am following behind someone and there is no one behind me. Some clown in a p-up is getting on the 401 and decides he doesn't want to be behind me (remember, there is no one back there) ... he'd rather blast up the "enter/merge" lane, pass me then jam himself in between me and the car in front of me ... without signaling. I honk my horn ... we are both doing 100 kmh on the 401 and what does he do? He completely LOCKS UP his brakes. Not a tap of the brakes to trigger the lights, he SLAMS hard on his brakes and STAYS on them ... I'm not sure you could have slipped a piece of paper between his truck and my car. Sad thing is if I had actually hit him, it would have been my fault for following too close (I would probably also be charged with littering as I just might have pulled his arms, legs, and head off and tossed them into traffic).

I learned a lesson that day ... keep your brakes adjusted and keep extra underwear in the trunk biggrin.


Actually, the real lesson is this ... idiot drivers ARE idiot drivers and honking your horn or giving them the "finger" isn't going to change them, it will piss them off and only make things worse.  Best just to steer clear and let them do their thing to someone else.

I have since installed a video camera in my car so if I am involved in an accident due to some idiots stupidity, I'll have a video to show the judge. 



-- Edited by Pint and a Pound on Wednesday 12th of December 2012 11:41:51 PM


If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)


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I find it safer to stay "off the roads"  

From Nov to April  

I have "take out" and "beer" delivered by Taxi







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Look for property just outside Hamilton. Binbrook, Stoney Creek up on the hill, etc.
Are you interested in a nice townhouse? My daughter will be listing hers in the new year.
Bottom of Green Rd., by the lake.



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hemi43 wrote:
Sacotu wrote:

when i was in bermuda a couple of years ago for a couple of months ,they also drive on the wrong side. it wasn't till i got back to canada that i made my first faux pas of turning into the oncoming traffic. got so used to concentrating on driving on the wrong side slipped on when i got back home.

 If someone cuts you off, just flash them your bottom lip !! biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin Of course, other readers here won't know what the hell I'm talking about !!

 no, but we can guess....a F U tat on the inside of the lip


Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero


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Dave, once you get past the right-side conversion, you will be fine. Actually, your're probably going to be one of the few people around that arent bothered by round abouts. 

I dont know what the flap is about those around here...I think they are the greatest


Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero


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Haven't driven in the "Horseshoe" area for 40 years, can't imagine how "Wacky" it is now!!

Up in my area the most serious things to deal with are dodging the deer, moose, and bears.
( that is, providing you stay off the 4 lane highway.)



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Flashing your lights at someone, usually means "get outta my way!" If you drive any 400 series road, and want to be a law biding citizen, stay in the right lane...anything under 115 in the left lane and you'll get your share of flashing lights.
Just wait till the power goes's a free for all at any intersection...



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Gearhead wrote:
 no, but we can guess....a F U tat on the inside of the lip

 Not that i've seen ;)


There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.


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There has been lots of talk on here about the MOE enforcing the emissions rules on our hot rods. Why could they not take that manpower and apply it to retesting drivers. Other than a commercial driver, those who get their G license at 18 do not get another test until they are 80 unless they get caught for enough infractions. Even if it takes them multiple tries to get it in the first place they are good for life. Air bags are a good thing to protect us from the bad drivers but save too many idiots.

Keep your stick on the ice and don't pull your goalie.


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Tailgaters?. That's what hand brakes are for! I flash my lights to let people in. Usually they are so stunned that someone is being courteous to them they are frozen in terror. Moments later I regret letting them in... as for roundabouts I LOVE THEM but I usually have to back off the loser in front of me who is usually confused and horrified at the thought of manuevering through a Yield sign (Give Way to you Dave) and stops at the slightest provocation.



 "some things hurt more, much more, than cars and girls"


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spinner43 wrote:

There has been lots of talk on here about the MOE enforcing the emissions rules on our hot rods. Why could they not take that manpower and apply it to retesting drivers. Other than a commercial driver, those who get their G license at 18 do not get another test until they are 80 unless they get caught for enough infractions. Even if it takes them multiple tries to get it in the first place they are good for life. Air bags are a good thing to protect us from the bad drivers but save too many idiots.

         Great idea    I have not been tested in 45 years  and would welcome it    I can still outdrive these new canadians   biggrin





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Thanks for all the replies.

I have concluded that, most drivers here are crap!, lol

However, I trained as a driving instructor in Scotland, so I have a reasonable idea on predicting other drivers actions, lol.

I did the flashing headlights technique today. A truck (tractor trailer?) was joining the highway on my right, I slowed down a little, flashed my lights once and he moved over. Once he got into lane he did a "left/right/left" on his indicators, so TRUCKERS get it!

Unless that signal means something completely different to what I thought, lol.

We have decided to settle in Acaster, well, the wife has, and she's the boss, lol.

We need to find a short term rental to give us time to sell our house in Scotland, so if anyone has a spare barn they're not using??? ;)

It's been a great visit, got lots done, and thanks for the awesome weather!


If you're stuck, I have a truck ;-)


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Flashing headlights to oncoming drivers is also to warn them of a radar trap.



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Up here flashing lights also means there are animals on the road, just like this morning. Traffic had to stop due to a BIG bull moose, a cow and a calf casualy checking out the road salt. Blowing horns of the three vehciles lined up finally got them to get off on the shoulder!!



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hemi43 wrote:

Flashing headlights to oncoming drivers is also to warn them of a radar trap.

 I used to do that, but after all the A-hole drivers I see on a daily basis, I figure I'll let them get whats coming. I've seen 2 lane highway passing up hills, in thick fog, past schoolbuses turning left or with signals flashing, transports running full out red name it. 15k over in an 80 and they wont bother thats all I do now


Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero


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Dave Scott wrote:

We have decided to settle in Acaster, well, the wife has, and she's the boss, lol.

It's been a great visit, got lots done, and thanks for the awesome weather!

         Ancaster is great!    

        home of great auto flea markets  

        Close to airport  and  Canadian Airplane Musuem    


        great great 




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