Now that's what I am talking about. Great video and it is nice to see somethings do get better with age. I think I was haviging a flash back for a second or Very cool indeed.
This is where drug dealers take the cheap, plastic Bic lighters and take them apart. Wash them out and rig them to put crack and coke in them. They would fill them up and sell them individually like you would do in baggies, only when you’re holding a lighter it looks less suspicious than holding a bag or vile. They would just pass them off, hand to hand or someone would ask to borrow a lighter. Hence 25 lighters means someone’s got 25 viles to sell, hence the “Gotsta get paid” part.
25 Lighters on my dresser yes sir no sir I aint gona get still a cool video though
I never knew that but I do now and appaently the song is an old rap song that the boys made their own
-- Edited by Modfather on Wednesday 19th of December 2012 08:10:35 AM
I liked the video , but when mentioned on another site I didnt like how the right frt wheel wobbled on the car early in the vid . I got harrassed , harranged by the forum grey beards . ha ha . I also mentioned that vid was biased against flat heads , because they did the profiling thing , of the one driving the flat head had to stop an put water in it . Got blasted about that too ha ha ..77.
I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith