Man that dude has gotta be taking his Mom,s meds again . Question , if we,re sposed to trust cops cause they should be the only ones armed , and there to protect us . Where the H#ll were they . That looked like maybe 5 major roads , several u turns , driving on a bike / walking path twice . Traffic backed up both ways . lotsa witnesses . And not ONE cop ???. And that triple zero chick should be fired , she had no idea what was going on at all . Did u hit the man with your car . WTF . Who cares if he did , He shoulda just ran him over ..77.
I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith
Unreal!! That's scary... people are nuts!! I witnessed an incident a few years ago in a parking lot that opened my eyes to the level of insanity around us....
I'm sitting in my car waiting for my wife to return from the store. I watch 2 cars approach the same lane (to turn down and park) they both stop and don't collide at all... you'd think one person would just let the other one go... NOPE guy opens his door and stands up and starts screaming at the other driver (who I see is an older woman) he's swearing his head off and hitting his hands on the roof of his car... WTF!!! she didn't do anything wrong! I can see she is terrified...So I'm sitting there thinking - OK if this guy walks around his car and starts going toward her, I'm going to get out and stop this crazy f*ck! Thankfully he didn't and eventually drove off..... The woman saw me sitting there and drove over to me. She was visibly shaken...and asked if I had seen what happened, and I said yeah! but you didn't do anything wrong... I was going to help if he went any further... as I'm talking to her I see she has her very young grandchild in the back seat! What the hell is wrong with people!!!???... Be careful out there, you just never know!!
This road rage thing appears to be getting worse in populated areas, crazy people, stressed out to their limit, and a bunch of them on drugs, unpredictable as hell.
I had a guy jump out of his car and pound on my window really hard. Then he started a masterbation jesture. As I took off, I saw a cop pull him over a mile or so away. Scary.
You know what, the guy being interviewed was a bit vague about the trigger to all this..
He mentioned that he was rear ended and that the next thing he knew, the guy was trying to run him off the road.
So did he not stop when the crash happened? Who's to say he didn't cut the guy up in traffic, causing the other guy to hit him, then try to flee the scene.
It also mentions he was an ex cop, so the events could be a little doctered to suit.
I would like to hear the other guy's side of the story, and if there were any witnesses to the intial incident.
I generally don't believe anthing I see or read on the internet, although that eagle clip caught me out the other day lol, damn you!
-- Edited by Dave Scott on Monday 24th of December 2012 01:28:37 PM
Here's a video from when he turns himself in, there's not much there to his defense. The video is mostly a repeat of the chase, but there is a woman on there claiming the same guy chased her of the road etc...the fellow is not exactly courteous to the news cameras, if you know what I mean. .