I troll auctions and sometimes I find some some unusual car stuff. These pictures are from about the mid 60's I think. There were a few Army exhibits there too! Sorry about the quality.
Guess where these are from?
-- Edited by Atomsplitter on Wednesday 16th of January 2013 10:46:29 PM
I don't believe in keeping this stuff hidden in a dusty box like I found them either! I've enjoyed them and taken copies so if anyone would like to have them to check out let me know. Just pass them on to your friends, or post them up at your car club for more people to look back on and remember when.....
-- Edited by Atomsplitter on Wednesday 16th of January 2013 10:53:36 PM
I rremember those shows very well .They were in the automotive building and at the Queen Elizabeth building at the EX.Saw some of the cars that were featured in the little books and the rods that were on the street at that time.The atmosphere was so exciting.There were flashing lights and angel hair everyware.I didn't know which way to go first.Then you would see it ,surrounded by a crowd,bunch of guys talking about every deatail like they built it.I was actually seeing the latest creation from Roth,Barris or Starbird jumping out of the magazine and right in fronr of me.You would look at it and listen to whoever was talking the loudest cause they must know all about it.Then off to the rest of the show rods,customs and the latest speed equipment.I would save up my allowence and hope it was enough for snacks and a Tshirt,if not just the Tshirt which I would beg my mom to let me ware to school on Monday.They had ready made and some custom designs.The place would be packed and there was that buzz you hear whenever there is a large crowd .Pictures, I would take an entire roll.I would spend the whole day there bothering the entrants with endless questions and watching them proudley describe the work they had done to there cars to others with questions and comments.Once more round the show then I had to go cause it was getting dark and it was 2 busses an a streetcar ride home and mom would be mad if I was late.Back home bugging mom to take the film to the drug store to have it developed soon as possible cause it took a week to get them back and I could hardly wate to see the show all over again in pictures .Till then the stuff I picked up at the show would have to do.I got every handout,poster and my favorites the car show tradeing cards with the feature cars on them.Its probably hard to understand what a big deal these shows were .People looked forward to them all year.There weren't any cruse nights and certanly not anywhere near the number of rod gatherings as there are now so this was it ,the chance to see cars you had only read about and a chance to see the local club cars on desplay.I still have some of those cards and some of the pictures I took at those shows.Thanks Hotrodron for showing that poster,lots of fun memories. Ed
I grew up in T.O. but not in a car friendly family. I didn't even know car shows existed till I was in my teens and by that time we had moved to Ottawa. Did they have a car show during the EX back in the late 60s? I remember seeing the RED BARON in the Automotive building as a kid. And having to meet my parents at the Shell tower I must have been maybe 9-11.
-- Edited by workin class on Thursday 17th of January 2013 07:52:11 AM
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The only car shows I remember during the Ex were the displays of new cars in the automotive building near the Princes Gates.The custom car shows of the 60s were usually in the winter,usually the early part of the new year Jan.,Feb.,March. Ed
My brother was in a car club called The Aristocrats out of Richmond Hill. One of the guys had a very radical 59 or 60 chev (I think it was called Poisen Ivy) that he showed there. Another member had (I think it was a 32 ford called Mauve Melody) that he showed also.
My mother forced my father to accompany me when I was 14 down to Toronto from Ottawa to go to Speed -Sport. Probably the worst memory of my father I have all he could do was complain on how he was getting dragged to Toronto for a stupid car show.
///// Join THE LOSERS c.c. of Ontario Ask me how/////
My brother was in a car club called The Aristocrats out of Richmond Hill. One of the guys had a very radical 59 or 60 chev (I think it was called Poisen Ivy) that he showed there. Another member had (I think it was a 32 ford called Mauve Melody) that he showed also.
Good times for sure! Gary
The Aristocrats ran their own show at one time.......they called it the "Arist-0-Rama"......I have 26" first place trophy from 1965 from said show.......Tiredirn.....ask your brother if he remembers this show.
I would go home after these shows and try to build my favorites out of model kits.Didn't always have the right kit but got as close as possible at the time.The kits were $2.49 from the big names,glue was 12cents and a little bottle of paint was a quarter I think.I still have 50or60 of my old models.Now the local hobby store is selling kits for $25 or more,I don't no how kids could afford to pay those prices these days.Went to Pinecrest quite a few times but there was no transit so had to waite till someones dad was taking the kids to the races.Local racing was really popular back then so there was lots of chances to go way out there to Pinecrest.I remember Pinecrest had lots of demo derbys and watching the Hell Drivers stunts was exciting.You have to remember that there was no racing on TV.The only time you got to see NASCAR was for 10or 15 minutes on Wide World of Sports,between the horse races and the track and field events,if chanel 7 was coming in on the areial that day.There was a show for awhile called Jalopy Racing from Hollywood that was kinda fake because it was full of stuntmen and there was a crash on the 5th lap every show.The CNE races were another thing entirely.I could get there on my bike from Mimico ,it took a couple of hours to get there but it was a great day.Sometimes the drivers would let the kids sit in the cars ,if they snuck into the pits, after that he was your favorite driver for awhile.It was fun to be a kid back then lots of adventures and few worries. Ed
Man thats sad ,when do kids get to be kids these days.Where will there stories come from? It will be pretty sad if there best story is the time they got to level 7 on some video game. Ed
Man thats sad ,when do kids get to be kids these days.Where will there stories come from? It will be pretty sad if there best story is the time they got to level 7 on some video game. Ed
Believe it or not, they will have their own stories !! Every generation is way different from it's previous one. Our parents probably thought we were misfits because all we did was stay home and build models or build wooden go-karts. My Dad told me stories of the crap they used to do when they were kids, and to be honest, they were frigging crazy and there's no way I would have done stuff like that when I was a kid. Like I said, It's different times !! Good or bad, who knows !!
Raised in Etobicoke, went to a few of those shows at the Ex. My buddy in the RoadMates had his 32 in there. Cool stuff and dreams for a 13-15 yr old kid. I also remember taking the streetcar from Long Branch to the CNE every year to see all the new cars and take home as many brochures as I could carry, lol There also was a rod run from there, started at the steam locomotive behind the shell tower, forget now where it went though.
I remember taking a couple of Harley's in the 90's, scared the heck out of me when they put me on a wooden skid and then used a fork truck to put it upstairs................... As for the older shows, I didn't start going until the late 60's,, it was so much easier to go to the Buffalo Show at the armories...............