Thank you Wayne:.. I like the PDF one I plan to print off several copies and give every person I know an opportunuity to sign it .. We can make a difference if we unite.. and I can feel an election in the air. I do not beleive this Dalton-in-a-dress will last to long ..The winds of change could be calling..
I got as far as reading "Thank you Wayne", then all I could think about was, "motorboat,Motorboat,Motorboat" !!!!!
Probably a good idea to print it off and actually sign a piece of paper vs doing it the online way, if you remember way back when the old car/MOE petition began they said that electronic petitions are not accepted. I would think this would be the case this time around too? Just something to think about. I'm very happy this petition is happening.
Probably a good idea to print it off and actually sign a piece of paper vs doing it the online way, if you remember way back when the old car/MOE petition began they said that electronic petitions are not accepted. I would think this would be the case this time around too? Just something to think about. I'm very happy this petition is happening.
You and me both !! I have 2 cars to get E-tested next year, and nothing would make me happier to see this program get canned Jan 1st 2014.
Don't want to sound "off course" here as I agree 100% but do you really think the present Gov. or the next one will cancel this?? It would be "suicide" for them after all the inspection garages have invested 'large dollars" & lost a pile of money on having to scrap the Dynos, as well as "not looking GREEN" to the voters???? I don't think they will do this & send themselves down the river on votes??
I have my doubts it will ever be totally abolished, there will still be test sites available to check up on perceived offenders. Like most government operations, Drive Clean and future attempts will be ill conceived and ill managed. A person in the private sector only has so much money to produce results with, so it's imperative they get it right the first time. However, in the case of a government body, no matter how poorly thought out a program is, it will just keep throwing money at it until it gets the results it wants. If you want to see the future of Drive Clean...take alook at the Gun Registry, same crap, different wrapper. One guess who pays for this bottomless financial well the various government branches keep drawing from?
-- Edited by Sniper on Friday 22nd of February 2013 11:47:44 AM
-- Edited by Sniper on Friday 22nd of February 2013 11:52:12 AM
Don't want to sound "off course" here as I agree 100% but do you really think the present Gov. or the next one will cancel this?? It would be "suicide" for them after all the inspection garages have invested 'large dollars" & lost a pile of money on having to scrap the Dynos, as well as "not looking GREEN" to the voters???? It's OK for the Gov to back out of projects such as the Hydro plants in Oakville & "bury" the costs to the taxpayer, to save their own "A$$" but I don't think they will do this & send themselves down the river on votes??
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
"..I am certain that if all we do is whine and grumble in a forum ..we for sure will not make a difference...So lets be positive and make an effort to support this cause"
I agree - Lets all "get off the porch" and get after this. I have printed the petition which I will sign and I will mail it to my MPP here in Huron Bruce. I would also like to include a copy of The News Release from Randy Pettapiece MPP for Perth-Wellington.
fatchuk I will send a PM to you and perhaps you can forward a copy to me. I tried to print it from this forum, but it also printed your avatar and since our MPP is a lady It might not go over too well.
Hey if it's Kathern Wynn it might turn her on!!!! That idea of turning up at QueensPark is a GREAT ONE!! that would do more than anything to have the media on our side & bring it out in the open to "non Car " Ontarians!!! I've already signed this on 2 ocassions, & am 100% for it, was not whinning, just a touch of reality!!! pete
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
To me, i think the petitions should be sent into the name at the bottom of the petition, thats who i'm sending the ones i have to.
If this is a democratic society then we have a right to voice our opinion and the petition process is one way of doing it. Not sure an actual protest outside the Legislature will accomplish anything.
I've printed off numerous copies of this petition and have handed lots out to people i know to have them get their friends, relatives etc to sign it. Might even go to the extent of hanging out on main streets somewhere and spread the word. This petition needs publicity, not just on the internet, so many people do not have internet, like people who are being ripped off by Drive Clean and who would just love to sign this petition i'm sure.
I sent a e-mail to my MPP PC John O Toole, quite awhile ago but have nothing back from his office. Usually his secretary returns a message or phones in a short time peroid??
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
I sent a e-mail to my MPP PC John O Toole, quite awhile ago but have nothing back from his office. Usually his secretary returns a message or phones in a short time peroid??
Neighbour just told me his 98 Chevy P/up just failed the E-Test, new re-built 350 in it, but he cancelled the code for O2 sensor tripping the engine light just before having it tested & the D/clean or ? caught it. Said they'd pass it if he went for $450 in repairs & give him Temporary pass till next one due. Didn't do that & is hoping to try & find out which sensor isn't working
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
I'll do a 'bump' for this thread to try to keep it close to the top here, keep spreading the word about this petiton to everyone you know. There are ALOT of people who don't know anything about it yet. And keep calling, writing and emailing your MPP's about your experiences with the new program, nothing gets more attention imo that real scenarios that are going on during testing !
Done!!! I would put my .02 cents out here but theres to much bleeping to do on here so i dont want to end up making a post using alot of $#@%!^@%#$%@%$#%#%$@%$@%$#%$^$@$%@$# but im sure everyone here feels the same way
I'll do a 'bump' for this thread to try to keep it close to the top here, keep spreading the word about this petiton to everyone you know. There are ALOT of people who don't know anything about it yet. And keep calling, writing and emailing your MPP's about your experiences with the new program, nothing gets more attention imo that real scenarios that are going on during testing !
Good idea..I support your bump and raise you one.. .. With an Ont election inevitable it would for sure be in our best interest to keep pickin at this..everything to gain..
I'm with you there. What I just did, was to forward the scrap the drive clean program website to all my contacts living in Ontario(except You Chuk) and asked them to fill it in, and then forward it to all their contacts living in Ontario as well. This way it should get around pretty quick.
If brains were wire, some couldn't short circuit a firefly.