If its branded with the word flood in the tittle your going to have problems registering it if they even let you across the border with it. from cbs
NOTE: Vehicle that are listed as admissible with a brand of salvage/flood are considered as non-repairable by all licensing jurisdictions in Canada. These vehicles cannot be imported as vehicles to be rebuilt. This also applies to vehicles bearing evidence of flood damage when being presented at the Canadian border for importation.
-- Edited by slim on Saturday 16th of March 2013 12:59:09 PM
If it was flooded by salt water,,,can be a dog$ breakfa$t.. My friend got a Corvette from New Orleans that was flood damaged.. He lucked out,,, as it turned out the PO had obviously put a garden hose(fresh water) to the car to fraudulently collect insurance.,, $200 repair
If you have a flooded car in Ontario. The car will be written off and tagged "unrepairable". You can clean the interior etc, but you will never get rid of the green disease in the wiring.
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I think if it's "BRANDED" then you can only bring it into Canada as a "PARTS CAR" & it will never be allowed to be registered for the road!!! Be CAREFULL here VERY CAREFULL!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
If you have a flooded car in Ontario. The car will be written off and tagged "unrepairable". You can clean the interior etc, but you will never get rid of the green disease in the wiring.
Not quite correct. It depends on how high the water got. If it got only to the door sill, it isn't branded irrepairable. I go to the salvage sales regularly, and have seen some go through that are not branded, and some branded salvageable.
That reminds me, i was talking to one of my supplyers a few months back . he had a new colorado and a boat water didn't go over the door sills but it seems someone forgot a screw or something under the cab so the water came in from the bottom . seems for some unknown reson gm has put a lot of stuff that used to be mounted high like under the dash to a much lower position the long and the short of it after two hours at the dealer the insurance company wrote it off. because the onboard stuff was trashed and the repairs were close enough to the cost of replacement. knowing the insurance companys dont like to loose money I can see them saying it had water damage but it dint come over the door sills and running it through an auction not bare face lieing but not being to truthfull ether. again if it dosn't start and drive its probley not a good deal.
unless you can fill it up with rice and close it up in a plastic bag. works for wet cell phones might be worth a try
-- Edited by slim on Tuesday 19th of March 2013 10:30:08 PM
If you have a flooded car in Ontario. The car will be written off and tagged "unrepairable". You can clean the interior etc, but you will never get rid of the green disease in the wiring.
Not quite correct. It depends on how high the water got. If it got only to the door sill, it isn't branded irrepairable. I go to the salvage sales regularly, and have seen some go through that are not branded, and some branded salvageable.
If brains were wire, some couldn't short circuit a firefly.