at the ancaster meet i bought a chevelle steering box for forty bucks that has corvette guts so im told. i took it apart to see if it could be revered since its not facing the right way for my rat truck. gm is mega simple and i see how easy reversing the box is. i saw a vega box as well but the clown who had it wanted 150 for it, heck i can buy a brand new one from rock auto for a little more than that, i told the guy he was dreaming, it had a tight spot as well so it was likely wore out. i didnt get any pictures but its pretty simple, carrier bearings at each end of the worm shaft, simply remove the balls and flip the part that engages the steering gear and plug the hole at the end and drill a new hole in the end that screws back in, i will have to machine some off it since the input shaft is short and wont have enough clearance.