No doubt just another rumour. Far too many businesses and peoples jobs on the line for this to ever go through.
If this was to ever happen, then first the Province needs to go around and shut down all the fraudulant shops then that are ripping people off left, right and centre. -- Edited by Jeep4752 on Sunday 12th of May 2013 06:25:03 PM
-- Edited by Jeep4752 on Sunday 12th of May 2013 06:32:09 PM
Folks, I heard a nasty rumour yesterday from my brother in law. He told me there is a rumour going around that the Ontario government is going to legislate that car parts can only be ordered and installed by licensed mechanics. He didn't know whether it only applied to safety related parts such as brakes and steering, or everything. It sounds crazy enough to be true for this particular government that seems to know what is best for us. They've already messed with the highway traffic act in ways that don't affect the traffic or the highways, so I wouldn't be surprised by it. I hope it's not true, but I thought I'd ask here first before I went berserk on my MPP. Thanks, Fred
I think that if they was to do that, they had better buy full body armour. Just think of all the people that would effect. OEM & aftermarket manufactors, suppliers, vendors, public health from some people not being able to afford to have a shop fix their problems and puting it off till it's too late. CTC, NAPA, Parts source, UAP, list goes on..... sales would drop: unemployment... list goes on...
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is an option!!
When I lived in Germany in the early seventies it was aready legislated there that brakes had to be installed by a licensed garage. I do not know if the parts were controlled however. Also they had to have a safety check every year. That type of nonsense could easily come our way, and we can't afford it. Also, I wouldn't put it past the insurance companies to lobby the government for something like this. It could be part of a larger initiative. Notice I said initiative, not conspiracy, just so you wouldn't think I'm as paranoid as I really am! E-testing is stupid already, (yep, I signed the petition even though drive clean never made it to Bruce County) Fred
Well as a Licensed Mechanic running a shop with employees ,overhead, training, ins, tooling, upgrading, regulations, taxes, employee training, holiday pay, paid Stats and about a ton of other expenses ..I hope it's true..for me the sooner we can sever the supply to backyarders won't come soon enough for me..this is the most abused trade of all the trades with moonlighters, backyarders, crooks, and poor unskilled throw parts at it till it starts guys ..I would support it and lobby for it ..It's long over due...I would also support anual saftey inspections..Many people have no idea how much it costs to run a shop these days and watch all the unskilled ,untrained who think they are mechanics because they can change a tire maybe.. I doubt it will ever come to be..but I wish..It time people understand that lives depend on a qualified tech who is trained and tooled on saftey precedures and safe working practices..I would like to know that the vehicle coming towards me with my wife and kids has the brakes and steering repaired by a Qualified motor vechicle mechanic..not some person who thinks he is ..buying and using cheap offshore quaility parts that are installed by unskilled backyarders..
I disagree, Fatchuk, as the process is self regulating. More and more people every year take their cars to a garage to have the brakes worked on or anything else on their cars for that matter. As car engine management and heating and ventilation systems have become computer based fewer people are willing to tackle jobs on their own. The newest generation that has grown up with cell phones and video games doesn't have a clue about mechanics and wouldn't know where to start let alone which parts to order, so they will take their cars to someone who does know. You have nothing to fear and should have actually seen your business increase over the years. What that legislation will do if it is real, will be to hamper the backyard mechanic like myself who does have a clue. Fred
brakes and steering repaired by a Qualified motor vechicle mechanic..not some person who thinks he is ..buying and using cheap offshore quaility parts that are installed by unskilled backyarders..
A certificate of qualification doesn't mean the person is a knowledgeable or skilled mechanic. I have known many unlicensed people who were far more capable to repair a car than some licensed mechanics.
What's the point of writing a response if its only going to get deleted.
Just like the farmers and tires I will just buy from the states or Quebec. Another stupid rule thats not enforceable. Chuk I'm sure you and your men are up to snuff and if you were closer I wouldn't have a problem letting you do the work I have to make time for .But every time I have brought something to a so called certified auto mechanic around here I end up redoing it myself maybe I'm to picky when I want the job done once and right . Most of theres new age guys are to busy trying to beat the clock and make bonus money. Just red seal production line workers unable to think for them selfs.
True story My buddy and I are in the back of his shop tearing into his red ram hemi that needs rebuilt. Two so called certified mechanics from a few units down stop in to ask a question about the brake job they are doing on the shop truck. Both stood there slack jawed amazed that someone would actually rebuild an entire engine. Quote (We never covered that in school). My god this was standard grade 9 and 10 stuff at my high school let alone trade school. fancy r&r is what they tech now
I do my own work cause I'm tired of being told "the code said it was bad" then driving my vehicle just to find that it's still not fixed. I find that the new generation of technicians, (as they like to be called) do more remove and replace then actuale diagnostic work.
Hand these new " mechanics" a carbureted vehicle and watch them start sweating. No thanks I'll do it myself.
If they don't find ya handsom, the should find ya handy!
Slim, It's the same for any trade I think, or even profession for that matter at least to a certain extent. I was involved with interviewing some new hires where I used to work a few years ago. The absolute worst were the most highly trained engineers. I was amazed at how little they knew and by their lack of common sense during the interviews. Of course, I'm generalizing here and we did hire some very good people, some with more formal training than others. It depends on the individual, not the paper qualification. Some jobs are just too easy to be certified in. With mechanics, there are good and bad, certified and uncertified. Now, with brain surgeons, let's hope they're all good! Fred
"Two so called certified mechanics from a few units down stop in to ask a question about the brake job they are doing on the shop truck. Both stood there slack jawed amazed that someone would actually rebuild an entire engine. Quote (We never covered that in school)."
if this is the case then home depot would be out of business along with canadian tire and the such. since supposedley a licensed electrician is suppose to do wiring and a licensed plumber is suppose to do plumbing the public can buy electrical stuff and plumbing stuff off the shelf as well. i seriousley doubt the govment would or even could do something like that.
you also have to remember most mechanics are in fact part installers and dont do anything but. the shops are required to have licensed people do the work but it in no way means every licensed mechanic is some kind of expert. kinda like a GM line worker one time telling me he was a skilled trade cause he worked at GM installing steering racks.
if this is the case then home depot would be out of business along with canadian tire and the such. since supposedley a licensed electrician is suppose to do wiring and a licensed plumber is suppose to do plumbing the public can buy electrical stuff and plumbing stuff off the shelf as well. i seriousley doubt the govment would or even could do something like that.
Vary good point
If they don't find ya handsom, the should find ya handy!
from what i understand, it is perfectly legal for you to install your own brakes or whatever on your own car, if you crash because of the brakes you installled, you are the one who is liable and you takes your chances. now if you do this for someone else, you are also liable if it can be proven you installed them and they were the cause of the problem or accident. the majority of condo dwellers dont have the knowledge or facilities to install brakes or stuff, hence the need for garages
No kidding I could see some of these clowns telling you the code says its a bad injector with the rod sticking through the side of the block. Common sense just isn't that common anymore
Guess you would like to see all us guy's that can and do build our own cars forced to have you build it for us eh chuck?
I never said that ..why is that you twist the words..I recognize there are many rodders who can build their car there are a helluva lot of talented guys in all walks of life....there are lots who can't ..and yes when you do build it..I expect it should be inspected and certified safe by a qualified licensed Mechanic.. Maybe you wouldn't mind if I did your job for a couple beer and your employer might have to lay you off because to many guys are doing your job under the table and he can't afford to train or employ you anymore..Can't afford all those paid holidays you enjoy.. Can't afford the ins, and the training to keep schooled and trained.So don't give any crap about forcing you to have your car built by a licensed shop know damn well that is not what I am saying..There are a lot of rods out there are border line safe..and some that should not be on the road..So getting mouthy with me and twisting words just don't cut it..decent wages and laws will encourage better techs bad mouthing them will not do anyone anygood..except to keep the same old same want better qualified techs pay them and you get them. other wise shut your face..
Bruce said..
A certificate of qualification doesn't mean the person is a knowledgeable or skilled mechanic. I have known many unlicensed people who were far more capable to repair a car than some licensed mechanics.
its more myth than true..I have been in this trade for more than 40 years and by far the majority of techs are hard working honest guys who have been run down by back yarders and guys who run off and badmouth about the trade and insuffcient laws to force ownwers to be responsible to train and upgrade technicians in the trade..I get tired of jerks that tell me that they know this and that.. This is a damn tough trade and just becuase you change a set of plugs or flush a cooling system or a tire does not make you a qualified mechanic..this trade has evolved to where you have to be pretty damned skilled to be technican on to-days sophisticated automobiles..I absolutely would like to see this trade regulated so you can't buy sqat to do safety related work if you have not invested $20,00 to $30,00 in tools and 4 or 5years training ,yearly upgrading etc.. A certificate of qualification is something to be proud of..I have worked hard all my professional life in this trade and I don't need anybody running it down or telling me anything about the quality of work by backyarders..I get their **** every day..and watch people get ripped off by them who only know how to throw parts till it starts..people running down my trade piss me off..
Another stupid rule thats not enforceable. Most of theres new age guys are to busy trying to beat the clock and make bonus money.
I Agee, I doubt that we will see any law to support this ..Although we have been pushing for the time we do get it, it will be to late for me ..but hopefully it will provide better paying jobs for techs in the future and better working conditions with health care, medical and dental, some tax breaks on tooling, and enforcing laws that prevent unskilled workers from endangering peoples lives by letting persons work on safety related systems on to-days sophisticated ABS systems, Seat-belts, steering , and other saftey realted items..I would agree in that there are very skilled techs out there but most guys want to get it done for a 24 ..they whine and complain about paying wages for skill and knowledge unless it is their trade then the story changes ..I get tired of people putting down this trade..I have seen many, many who run off at the mouth about every thing they read in a magazine and yet stick a wrench in there hand and they don't know ****..Mechanics work hard to prvide their family with a decent wage and most of them do a damned good job and get treated like ****..I can tell you I am a damed good mechanic but that does not mean I can fix or diagnose your car on the phone, nor do I know why every time you cross the tracks at hollywood and vine why your signal light cancels.. I do agree with you on's dishonest and unfair but mechanics did not make those rules, unfortunately some have to live with them but all in all I don't knwo any bad mechaics just some who more skilled in some ares than others and that depends on the shop you work in the type of work your doing ..a mechanic who works on trailers all the time may not be the best guy to rebuild your Quadrajet ..That does not make him a bad mechanic ..I have been to many Drs in my lifetime and not all of them are skilled or qualified to do heart surgey either..
This rumour comes up every couple of years, just like the one that says MTO is going to raise the driving age. Both are nonsense. Think about it – if you couldn’t buy car parts without being licensed, you likely wouldn't be allowed to buy an electrical outlet at Home Depot unless you were a licensed electrician either, and on and on. Not going to happen. This time, I think the rumour showed up as a result of the emphasis that the new College of Trades is putting on enforcing the law to get rid of “grey market” shops, including illegal garages. I have two mandatory certificates and I don’t like their new fees any more than you do, but if they get can actually get rid of some of the unlicensed scammers, that will do far more good than restricting the sale of parts.
Fatchuk wrote "There are a lot of rods out there are border line safe..and some that should not be on the road"
All of the above mentioned have been to a mechanic for the same safety that every other car has been through, had their steering, brakes, lights etc,etc all checked out be before they get there safety certificate.
If they don't find ya handsom, the should find ya handy!
i run any trade down that victimizes the public and rips them off. canadian tire is pretty good at puffing up repair bills when you bring your car there. lots of garages get caught scamming people, not all of them do it but their not all wholsome honest places of business either. since i never bring my vehicles to any garage for any reason i only know what i read about or see on tv
Thanks Time Traveller, I guess I won't go and beat up my MPP over this non-issue. We've had so much ridiculous legislation rammed down our throats lately by this provincial government I assumed it was more of the same. Nothing surprises me anymore. Look at the legislation that was tried (and died I hope) to have us prepay at the pumps because some poor fellow was foolish enough to get in front of a car to stop a gas thief. There is a slippery slope to this kind of legislation that removes choice from consumers. Eventually it removes your rights as a citizen too. Take care, Fred
"This rumour comes up every couple of years, just like the one that says MTO is going to raise the driving age. Both are nonsense. Think about it – if you couldn’t buy car parts without being licensed, you likely wouldn't be allowed to buy an electrical outlet at Home Depot unless you were a licensed electrician either, and on and on. Not going to happen. This time, I think the rumour showed up as a result of the emphasis that the new College of Trades is putting on enforcing the law to get rid of “grey market” shops, including illegal garages. I have two mandatory certificates and I don’t like their new fees any more than you do, but if they get can actually get rid of some of the unlicensed scammers, that will do far more good than restricting the sale of parts."
A certificate of qualification doesn't mean the person is a knowledgeable or skilled mechanic. I have known many unlicensed people who were far more capable to repair a car than some licensed mechanics.
its more myth than true..I have been in this trade for more than 40 years and by far the majority of techs are hard working honest guys who have been run down by back yarders and guys who run off and badmouth about the trade and insuffcient laws to force ownwers to be responsible to train and upgrade technicians in the trade..I get tired of jerks that tell me that they know this and that.. This is a damn tough trade and just becuase you change a set of plugs or flush a cooling system or a tire does not make you a qualified mechanic..this trade has evolved to where you have to be pretty damned skilled to be technican on to-days sophisticated automobiles..I absolutely would like to see this trade regulated so you can't buy sqat to do safety related work if you have not invested $20,00 to $30,00 in tools and 4 or 5years training ,yearly upgrading etc.. A certificate of qualification is something to be proud of..I have worked hard all my professional life in this trade and I don't need anybody running it down or telling me anything about the quality of work by backyarders..I get their **** every day..and watch people get ripped off by them who only know how to throw parts till it starts..people running down my trade piss me off..
My comment had nothing to do with myth as it was my personal observation based on past experience. It seems as if you are thinking that I'm running all mechanics down and that is far from the truth. All I said was "I have known many unlicensed people who were far more capable to repair a car than SOME licensed mechanics." and I still stand by that belief.
Not all people who work on their own cars are back yarders or jerks and not all of them run down licensed mechanics. Some of us also like to think we are highly knowledgeable and skilled when it comes to doing car repairs.
What's the point of writing a response if its only going to get deleted.
Oh and by the way my father a carpet installer and uncle a welder built and raced very competitive super modified's built in a back yard garage and as a teen working on my car's both alway's instilled that if your working on a car no beer .If you want to drink beer close the garage door ,go inside, drink beer
I have never worked on a car and drank as a matter of fact I haven't had a drink in 23 years
Just on a personal note, I have always worked on my own cars because I could never afford to have a shop do it. I have done brakes, front end work, rebuilt a dozen or so engines, built 5 or 6 cars from the ground up, like to think I can tune a carb......I am however pretty much useless when it comes to computerized engines. I just cant seem to grasp that too well. I would not like to see a law come into effect that is posted here.....but its not the first time I have heard the rumour either.
I have to agree with Fatchuk on this one. As a licensed mechanic for well over 20 years I have seen some very scary back yard repairs. Are all shade tree "mechanics " bad, no. Are all licensed mechanics good, no. Every career/trades has it's good and bad. The mechanic doing 40ozer safeties should have his license burned. To me the difference between plumbers/electrician etc and mechanics is the fact that everything we work on gets out into the road where it could affect many other innocent lives. I don't care if someone wants to save a few bucks by changing their own light bulbs, wipers, heater core, radiator etc, but I do get nervous I hear guys going to the wreckers to find some good used balljoints and brake pads for their car.
Custom CNC plasma cutting. PM me for your custom parts.
Wow talk about a subject that has the same impact as a bomb blast. I dont know where to start on this thread but really the whole hotrod /race /restore/ hobby is built upon imagination and the willingness to learn and build and fix /create a ride that makes us happy/proud. This is the human spirit and for anyone to suggest the goverment needs to have more control makes my blood boil. Really....WTF what are the underlying tones here. I know im capable and yup have done BACKYARD jobs for friends etc because i am educated and very anal with my skills/capabilities because i know fact and function.Some may not, but i have repaired jobs done by SHOPS that charge 80 a hr.Hmmm guess we need to look at all the so called shops out there. I have three tickets that involve my hands and for someone to tell me me im incapapable to do a brake job or replace a coilspring is just friggin nuts. I have restored and helped with many cars so i know and feel comfortable with my skill set. Poncho62 hit on the head with regards to computers and codes etc because most of us dont have the tools and info to figure out all the BS with anything newer. I wil pay for that skill but to say that im incapable to do (ANY)repair work just baffles me. Soooo guess anyone with a toolbox in there garage is some kind of wanabe...I guess all hot rods should be scrutinized by the man.There are many many talented guys that put out quality work as a hobby so where is the end of the argument here? I can keep typing but here is one last thought ...Goverment is to guide not to dictate so think about where you want to be and what makes sense....Done
gotta be young and dumb before you get old and wise
That rumour as previously said has come out often and will never happen as long as politicians need financial support for their election campaigns. I take it personally when you cut up mechanics the way many previous posts have but then all trades and professions have those that should not call themselves professionals. I read a few bad remarks about the College of Trades on another page but what people are saying here in is why the college was started, to monitor and self regulate. There are many that can build or work on their vehicles that are not licensed techs but many, many more that can't or shouldn't. How many of us do our own plumbing or electrical work at home, are you licensed and do you have a permit? Of the 30 mechanics that work for me none of them would fall into the category of being not smarter than someone without formal training.
Keep your stick on the ice and don't pull your goalie.
I take it personally when you cut up mechanics the way many previous posts have but then all trades and professions have those that should not call themselves professionals.
Of the 30 mechanics that work for me none of them would fall into the category of being not smarter than someone without formal training.
I don't see where anyone has cut up mechanics in this posting.
If you have 30 mechanics working for you that are all heads and tails better than anyone who has not formally completed an apprenticeship then you are truly blessed with finding the cream of the crop.
What's the point of writing a response if its only going to get deleted.
30 techs that are all good ??. wow in my town I talk too an hang out with guys from like 20 shops from all levels dirty holes to sparkly clean places and truly most just see it as a job , and any new rules are just another way for big bro to watch over us all . I hear about wheels coming loose , leaky brake lines , check engine lights coming back on , every week almost . So lets say they enact this ingenius piece of legislation . How soon do you think licenced tech,s are gonna start buying parts for their friends , relatives , neighbours for a small handling fee ???. as soon as people come up to them an say hey man can u get this for me . for 20 bucks shure thing . Not meaning to sound like a di ck , but if you got 30 tech,s that show up every day sober alert concerned not scamming etc . you should be writing articles in Canadian technician , cause man , there,s a lotta shops out there that need help ..77.
I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith
Guaranteed that the shop owners will be affected the most cost/hassle wise if this type of legislation/regulation go'es forward. There is no way to "regulate" someone from doing their own brakes, or doing the occasional work for friends or relatives. You can order any parts online from out of province and have them delivered to your door. Getting parts will not be a problem. It could create a whole new underground. Supply and demand folks.
But they sure as heck can regulate a repair shop/business by monitoring what parts are brought in and/or kept in inventory. They can/will require Masters licences for anyone doing safetey related repairs. Increased liability insurance, permits to allow you do safety related repairs, monthly inspections and inventories, College of Trades fees etc. It's not a good thing IMHO.
Just like in the Electrical trade, the legit, honest, hardworking shops will get caught in the crossfire of them trying to regulate out the bad apples.
Regulations only work for those that obey and inforce them.
-- Edited by DaveM on Monday 13th of May 2013 08:04:11 AM
-- Edited by DaveM on Monday 13th of May 2013 08:08:49 AM
There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”
Chuck I see your posts in Canadian technician and your expertise will always be in demand but I'm all for guys working on their own cars to their comfort limit.
Randy at least you get it, and don't badmouth Mechanics and our trade ..And yes I believe you can change your own cabin air filter but there are a lot who don't even know they have one or how to find it.. Most of us that are rodders or in the trade grew up in and around cars ended up as rodders, I never said that there is not a lot of pretty darn smart guys who probably know a lot more than I do on certain aspects of this trade or the hot-rod hobby..I have run in to many aspects of the trade that challenge me ..I learn things every day and I learn from the YOUNG guys that work with me even though I have been in the trade longer than them and even though I was the mentor who trained them I believe they are smarter than me on some of this new stuff..but I love to learn and I love the trade and have little tolerance for people who run down my trade or others that work as professionals at this trade ..just to many guys with bullchit stories that are just that, embellished cousin seen this or my friend got ripped off by that guy or those that are looking for a free safety or somebody to over-look something on the safety they are they same guys who bad mouth the trade..most problems in this trade come from unskilled no-nothing back yarders..back yarders and guys who don't know squat but they still have know it mouths...And I don't mean you Randy..Like I saidI believe you get it.....
Pete.. a little welding in high school hardly qualifies you as welder..nor does it impress me that those doing a safety on your car thought it was just peachy.. If they were not qualified welders it only proves they were not knowledgeable to inspect and test structural welds..are they safe..I don't know but I have seen a lot clips and kick up and frames that were pretty badly welded..I ama pretty good welder as well but I have a welder with a ticket complete my welds on any customer car I build..and my own as well..I don't take risks with peoples lives..I believe that should be done by those licensed in the trade..again that is not to say that there are not a lot of super qualified welders that are very capable of building their own car..
-- Edited by fatchuk on Monday 13th of May 2013 10:00:07 AM
this 10-15% percent reduction in insurance costs that the libs are pushing for the ndp to be happy scars me. its right up there with the 112kph speed limit for trucks. ok! we will let the big trains, two 52 ft trailers on the highway but you have to slow the trucks to this speed. ok! we will agree to a reduction in premiums "but" we want "this" on the back side somewhere else. its the way it works. nothing is free. i have 5 larger trucks on the road that are saftied yrly, the oldest being 2007 and the newest a 2013. i do my own general repairs, ie, lube-oil-filters-lights-etc but i will not touch brakes or steering. at a 100.00$ an hour you do the math with 5 trucks. when yearly inspecs are do i usually go over the truck before hand so there are no big surprises. a month or so ago i had a brain fart and sent in a 2011 i-h single axle 23ft reefer box for yrly inspect and **** my pants with the bill. 15.8hrs at a 100.00 per. needed rear disc pads, ok, a universal joint on the steering column, ok, and clearance lights, ok, being an auto trans it needed parking brake pads, ok. if i had of looked i tell them my thoughts on what it needs. about the only saving if i had of gone over it first were the lights.
the scenario; truck goes in say monday 8am. sits on the stands till 4pm. tuesday 8am till 3;30pm at a 100.00 per. after i got down off the roof from shouting we settled on 8hrs. i still won't touch brakes or steering due to the liability involved but it makes you think hard. i don't blame the mechanic in anyway, it was the management that made the biil up.
the outcome; don't be surprised with any new legislation for giving up the 10-15% on the premium. on dash camera's are already here and getting bigger.
I don't think this will ever see the light of day as whatever Gov. tried to bring this in would be committing their own political death!!! As for taking your vehicle to a shop, the only time I do that is for the Suburban -2010- as I can't do much of my own work on it, BUT at $100 hr. it doesn't see much of their shop, & the last time in, I had to repair a "F-up" that they caused in wiring!!!!I've built a dozen or more Rods & Street machines from the ground up, including complete brakes,right from scratch, stg.col. & boxes, + frt end components, frame alterations [shortning] + do all my wiring from start to finish!! Now "Fatchuk" thinks this should all be done in a LIC. shop!!! They might get the bussiness of doing a safety, if they were fair & not 'stick it to me" cause I did the work on the car??? But no way am I paying them to work & can do myself or pay a "mark up" on parts that I can get thru a jobber at GARAGE Price!!! It cost a fortune to build a car yourself now days & he wants us to pay more!! Shut the F up & take what you can get from us in the way of safety or frt. alignment, Rip us off & you'll never see us again & Bad News travels FAST!!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
I read a few bad remarks about the College of Trades on another page but what people are saying here in is why the college was started,
Id suggest you put down the pipe if you believe these guys are going to change anything. Other then hassle legitimate shops that follow the rules already. Even if they did do, what they are supposed to are you willing to pay thousands more per year to fund there lawyers and lawsuits. You can bet the amount that they already raised the red seal trade tickets will go up 4 or 5 times that. Just one more endless money pit that none of us can afford. Without federal law backing them its a joke and the only ones they can dog into following there rules are those that hold a legitimate ticket.
"Fatchuk" thinks this should all be done in a LIC. shop!!! They might get the bussiness of doing a safety, if they were fair & not 'stick it to me" cause I did the work on the car??? But no way am I paying them to work & can do myself or pay a "mark up" on parts that I can get thru a jobber at GARAGE Price!!!
Pete you need to read what I said and Shut your face..Bla bla bla,,you always have a story about something or somebody that did you wrong..maybe you should read what I said before shooting your mouth off and Yes I don't think you should be buying any parts at Garage price..You have not earned that privlidge..and you should for sure not be working on Brakes stuff that you don't know squat about..I have a lot of money tied up in a shop to employee trades men and I am sick of you running your mouth off about my trade...You think your so good.. unless you have a welding ticket you should not be welding frames either..You have no business risking peoples lives welding frames.You are exactly the kind of customer I would not let in my shop you whine about everything..and blame everybody for your auto problems..your bad news is mostly my view..The trade does not need customers like you...your the guy that complains about everything..Don't think I would want you working on my car..When they see you coming they probably bump the price because they know your gonna be a whiner..I am offended with your remarks about my trade are far from qualified to say anything about this trade unless your a license holder in the automotive trade..
Slim said..
Id suggest you put down the pipe if you believe these guys are going to change anything. Other then hassle legitimate shops that follow the rules already. Even if they did do, what they are supposed to are you willing to pay thousands more per year to fund there lawyers and lawsuits. You can bet the amount that they already raised the red seal trade tickets will go up 4 or 5 times that. Just one more endless money pit that none of us can afford. Without federal law backing them its a joke and the only ones they can dog into following there rules are those that hold a legitimate ticket.
Slim.. I pretty much agree with you ..I don't believe the College of trades is going to make any-difference to the trade or that it will improved or policed by the college of trades..It seems to me we have enough laws on the books what we need is enforcement to get guys like pete and other backyarders and back-alley guys from being able to buy parts at jobbers prices ..I don't care that a guy can run out and an buy a code reader ..that don't make him a mechanic or a car builder or a welder..actually that is scary... and I have seen welders that claim to weld and more petes workmanship in my life time that I care to rememberand I wouldn't want my family in a car he welded IF he is not a welder by trade....I guess we will have to wait and see on the college of trades..but after forty years I am not hopefull this trade turn around and get the respect it deserves..It it a damn hard skilled professional trade and not for any monkey with a crescent wrench and a ballpien Hammer..
Hmmmm I wonder if I have to renew my licence in order to buy a cabin air filter
Chuck I see your posts in canadian technician and your expertise will always be in demand but I'm all for guys working on their own cars to their comfort limit.
The amount of harm caused by worn out parts e.g.. brakes is very low and the amount of crashes or damage done by people not knowing what they are doing is almost non existing,but it does make you wonder if the guy driving down the hiway at 120 with a matress tied to his roof with blue string did install his own brakes
The amount of harm caused by worn out parts e.g.. brakes is very low and the amount of crashes or damage done by people not knowing what they are doing is almost non existing,
That's what I'm thinking too!!
If a backyarder did such a bad job on his brakes, he won't even get out of his driveway. I have never heard of an accident because someone did his brakes wrong, because it ain't rocket science. Maybe not tightening the wheels back on correctly is an issue, but that danger will always be there unless they outlaw wrenches.
I think most guys that even attempt to do their own brakes have some sort of mechanical capabilities, or they would not even consider doing the job.
Chuck, you've never seen my work so how can you say that I can't weld??? The shop that did my safety was quite IMPRESSED with the car & the workmanship!! I take that as a compliement to my skills.They didn't didn't find a single defect when inspecting it!!! Would you say that to a customer of "yours" that did all their own fabricating???Doubt it!!! I did take welding in high school but never follow it up after that, as for buying parts at 'trade' price I'll bet I spent close to $ 8 to 10 grand at Napa in the last 4 to 5 yrs!! They wanted to keep me as a customer they have to do this, otherwise Car Quest here i come!!! This "rumour" would kill the economy, so "ain't gonna happen,so you go back to whinning about having overhead & salary to meet!! You chose to open up a garage LIVE with IT!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
You would be shocked at what we see in the shop by do-it-yourselfers..including new rotors and pads with the pads installed backwards..most people who do their own brakes are kids driving tuners or doing moms car girlfriends car, and they are dangerous and should not be able to work on this stuff, should not be able to walk in and buy any safety related parts at any auto part store.. no safety parts period......they can't put put their i-phnones down long enough to do the job..I see some pretty scary stuff from do-it your suffers who do not know their expertise limitations but think they do..they don't have a clue what to look for and wouldn't know a safe brake system from a tweet on twitter..I get it, I understand most rodders are pretty handy with cars and frequent forums such as this to ask questions,do the research and learn from guys who do have some knowledge..but I see a lot guys of forums that give advise that is wrong and dangerous as well..
if that rule comes in I hope every car guy paints his or her car flat black to mourn the death of individualism. All my cars will be with a hammer & sickle on the doors.
-- Edited by workin class on Monday 13th of May 2013 06:41:01 PM
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This creates a whole new set of regulations for the car owner. It would ban the purchase of wiper blades, washer fluid and related repair parts, seat belt replacement, mirrors, light bulbs and lens replacement, door latches, etc.
What's the point of writing a response if its only going to get deleted.
Yes..yes..yes.. now your getting it..and I won't give bank loans, do dental repairs, physiological testing, write prescriptions, or sell houses, give legal advice, replace any knees, dispense drugs, operate any anesthetic equipment, arrest anybody for speeding, hook up your electrical panel, cut your hair, resoul your shoes, teach your kids, even though I could do most of those things ....with some degree of skill... for sure any unskilled persons should NOT be working on seatbelts with air bags..they are very complicated and require special tool and skills ..not for idiots..nor are steering columns with clock springs that activate your air bags OR door latches..I think we could let you add washer fluid..but not without supervision.. I have seen many who have added coolant to washer fluid and washer fluid to cooling overflow bottles..oil in the brake fluid, and all of the above..These are not rare occurrences they are far more common than you might think ..
Fatchuk , if your serious here you need help & if I remember correctly, you are the one that said to me theres nothing wrong with "smokin up' when i brought that issue up about "mental health issues, well obviously, you took your own advice & are "high" all the time!! No wonder your "bitchin' that your shop needs a captive customer to keep you in your 'wacky Tobacky" habit!!! I'm outta here for awhile or maybe for ever!!! Never saw such a one sided "mental midget"!! no wonder members are bailing outta this site!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Randy and grumps..I thought you guys could read between the lines to grab hold of the fuzz..and the meat..there is humor in here for those that can find it..surprised that you haven't picked up on it..I am not excited..just don't like people running down the trade,,Some people just wind up better than others..Com-on Glen ..I thought you had me figured better ..Some remarks had me peod, but I can tell who was razzing a bit ...come on popcorn is still $5.00 a box..the poop is I got a nasty head cold and I'm going to lie down your giving me a headache..