Normally, a Drive Clean pass is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. There are a few exceptions:
Transfer of Ownership
A light-duty vehicle tested in order to transfer ownership does not require a test the following year to renew its registration, unless there is another change in ownership.
This means that a Drive Clean test done when buying a used car is good until the end of the next calendar year.
Example: If you bought a used car and had a Drive Clean test to transfer ownership on January 3, 2013, that car would not need a test for a 2014 registration renewal, provided there was no change in ownership. If you kept the car for several years, the car would not need to be tested until the car’s next scheduled registration renewal date – in this case, 2016.
Do I need a test if I’m buying or selling a used vehicle?
As a consumer-protection measure, used vehicles must pass the emissions test in order to transfer ownership if the model year is older than the current calendar year.
This requirement helps to ensure that consumers do not unwittingly purchase a used vehicle with emissions problems.
There are two exceptions to this rule:
When you are buying your car from a leasing company at the end of the lease When you sell your vehicle to an immediate family member*. Immediate family members include your applicant’s:
Exemption forms for family transfers and lease buy-outs are available at ServiceOntario counters.
It is the responsibility of the buyer and the seller to determine who pays to have the vehicle tested. Cars manufactured before 1988 are not subject to Drive Clean testing.
From what I gather I would need a new test. But they don't specifically say how old the test can be for an ownership transfer.
-- Edited by scott420p on Sunday 26th of May 2013 12:48:44 PM
I've been researching for a while but still am unsure and can only find really old forum posts. When buying a used vehicle 1988 or newer you obviously need an e-test. My question is how old can the e-test certificate be when trying to transfer the ownership? Does it need to be dated the same day of the sale or after to be valid? Or is one dated before the sale still good? The MTO site just states that I need a "valid" E-test but doesn't state how old it can be? Thanks in advance. Scott
Thanks Lightspeed Mike I think that I found my answer.
My vehicle permit has expired – how do I get my vehicle tested?
For late renewals or vehicle transfers, a Drive Clean pass certificate must be valid on the date of the transaction.
You may get a temporary vehicle registration ($15 for 10 days) from a ServiceOntario centre that will allow enough time for you to have your vehicle tested and get any needed repairs done prior to renewing your regular vehicle registration. For any questions regarding licensing issues, please contact the Ministry of Transportation at 416-235-2999 or 1-800-387-3445 from within Ontario.