i don't like air shocks due to pressure on the body at connecting point. building the chevelle i put bags inside the rear coils. these bags put the pressure on the axle, bottom, and frame, top. it works real slick when i put the slicks on for the day at the track. a play on words, real slick---for the slicks. dam i'm good. lol anyway bags is the way to go. remember the old days and guys would jack the rear up 4-8" using the shocks. goofy looking and there's a lot of cars today that the connection point would be inside the trunk after 3-4 passes. lol
Actually, there was enough guys to literally pick the whole thing up and move that tiny little **** box - laterally,forward or back! We used to do it as young, bored punks up at the bingo hall. We'd pick a tiny car or two and turn them 90 degrees within their parking spot. The look on the owners face when they came out was priceless - good harmless fun. In Scouts we did it to a Scout Leader at camp when he parked his Toyota in the tall grass. Some of the older guys found some cinder blocks while exploring in the woods. I was only one of the little guys, so our job was to slide the blocks under while the big kids picked up the car! It was hilarious watching him switch gears several times, forward reverse ....good times, good times!
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!