Spent a few hours between Hamilton and st kits today Seems the powers to be have decided to stop salting the highways and only use that brine crap . Well today they figured brine was to costly and just sprayed the roads down with water. 140 k on an ice road and they wonder why they had so many pile ups . The official statement is poor visibility and slippery conditions . No kidding the last time I checked Ice was slippery.
Maybe they buy their salt at CTC, or home depot etc. & like the rest of us, their "SOLD OUT" I have to use "special" salt for Interlok brick driveway, that doesn't "EAT" the concrete , & haven't been able to find any!!!! Driveway is a "mess" w 2" ice base, 4 " of snow on that & another 3" of ice as top layer. Come on "thaw" or spring would be better!!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Pete, head to the local Co-op and buy yourself some bags of urea, old airport runway trick that we have adapted here at work for all of
our stamped concrete sidewalks etc, in the spring with the runoff you will also benefit from soil enriched with urea and greener grass....
Buying selling and trading garage toys and big kid stuff.
Urea will work but it's a fertilizer and if you get it too heavy on the grass beside your driveway it will burn the crap out of the lawn .......then you'll be doing some reseeding in the spring !