With all the crappy weather outside , it's nice to remember those good things , first date , first ..y'know , and First Wheels !!
I was 20 , and had been driving the family car for fun and dates , but like most guys , wanted my own set of wheels .
Since I was paying for it myself I took my time ...wanted a mid fifties Chevy and found this '55 2-door post on a car lot in Windsor . In 1966 it cost me $475 and there was NO tax . Insurance was another $300/year which I thought was outrageous ( and I got the drivers-ed discount ) .
As you can see in the top pic it was an ugly beige and white with GREEN vinyl interior , 6 banger with 3 on the tree . The previous owner had installed ( I think ) '63 Chevy hubcaps ...I was NOT into hubcaps at the time . The body was decent , no rust but some bondo .
I lucked out on the paint job ..$100 cash to a body man acquaintance who took pity on my small budget I guess .
Chrome reverse wheels from Becks Auto in Detroit ...$49.95 ( I installed them on the tires with two screw drivers )
Rechromed back bumper , grille , headlight and tail light bezels all for under $100
Dyed the green vinyl with black dye that worked well and didn't come off on clothing .
Carpeting was orange hallway runner from Woolco
Hurst floor shift .
New rear springs from Canadian tire ....what a bitch it was installing those with NO LIFT !
Oh , the girl in the bottom pic was blacked out by the next girl friend ( she didn't last long either )
Totally gutless car but it looked cool and I did it for low bucks . Life was good !
-- Edited by teejay99 on Friday 24th of January 2014 03:20:25 PM
1976 Datsun b210 4 door...Best car ever! At 17 it was freedom!! That car never not started or left me stranded. Even with 2/3 of the battery missing at one point. Stuck in a ditch...No problem... couple of guys and you could pick it up enough to get it back on the road. Coat hanger antenna came in handy when the tail pipe hanger broke. Casette deck and 2 blown speakers blarring out Aerosmith. Good times
!937 Chev pickup, bought when i was 15 ,paid $60.00 for it. It had been sitting for two years in long grass. Got it running, and it ran quite good. Drove it around at night with no license, no insurance and 2 year old plates still on it. buddies and i used to drive out to a diner in the dark 16 miles there, with only one headlight, that flickered steady as the light assembly was loose, never could get it to work properly and stay on full time.
No money to buy parts, we needed the money for gas!! Lol
Muffler was rotted out and just hanging when i bought it, so i hacksawed the thing off.
Sweet truck, wish i had it now!!
Got my first car in 1981. 1974 Pinto Country Squire Wagon. 2.3/auto with A/C. Uncle needed some bicycles for the cottage. Traded the bikes for the car. Don't think it was a month and the auto was out and had a 5 speed installed. Think that combo lasted a couple of months. Then went with a 289/C4 and installed a 8" out of a Maverick. Granada spindles and brakes up front. Stripped the wall paper and trim and the roof rack off. Did the body work and painted it Crappy Tire Chinese red with black rockers and black roof. Masked off the Ford Oval emblem on the rear side glass and sandblasted the rest. Tinted the windows and did the interior in black. Went through a couple engine/tranny combos before the frame went on the pass side.
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is an option!!
December 1972 dad bought me a 1962 chev with a 409 for my 16th birthday. Didn't really want the car because it didn't even come with a radio. Had it 2 months and wrapped it around a tree. Sold the motor to a guy to put into his stock car hauler truck for more money than I paid for the whole car. Wish I was more careful now.
First car.... I was 17, brand new right off the dealer showroom 1986 grand prix. loaded to the nine's. Got the window's tinted so dark you could barley see out them at night.
Nice chrome rims, white lettered tires, duel chrome exhaust.
Cop's used to pull me over all the time and hassle me..... but at least no one ever asked to borrow it.
Got a "few" speeding tickets in it for sure.
My payment for it was higher then what I paid for rent per month. Yah. It was worth it.
I bought a '68 Buick Wildcat, 2dr, with the 430ci, when I was 15. Got it all cleaned up, plated and ready to cruise as soon as I turned 16.
I paid $150. for it in 1978, and only had 55,000 miles. It needed parking brake cables to pass safety, they were like $8/pc, lol.
Insurance was a rip off, at $1,000. for basic coverage.
When I was 15, my uncle gave me a 4dr 1976 Dodge Aspen.
Back then I had no inclination to get my license, so the car sat in the backyard for a couple of years. I started it every so often, moved it back and forth. Sold it to my neighbour for $100 and bought myself a better CCM Mustang.
For me freedom was on two wheels.
It was 1967 ,I was 16 and wanted to buy a 1957 Chev convert for 150.My dad would have none of it. I can still hear his words-"Youre not parking that in my driveway!" I must admit,it was quite rusty.So I saved more money and bought a 56 Cadillac for 350. It was in prestine condition and I was driving in the lap of luxury. My dad became fond of it and I once overheard him say "I knew there would be a Cadillac in the driveway some day". That car started a lifelong love affair with Cadillac for me.I still have a 56 Caddy.my favorite car of all.
When I was 15, there was a 55 Olds sitting in the front yard of a house about a mile away. Went to look at it and realized it had a standard (3 speed) trans. The owner sold it to me for $25. cuz he couldn't get the left rear wheel off (flat tire) Was he ever PO'd when he saw me get it off with no trouble at all. He didn't know that they had left hand threaded nuts on the drivers side of the car. Changed tire, jumped in and drove it home.
If brains were wire, some couldn't short circuit a firefly.
Well, my first car and the first car in my name and on the road are two different things. First car was a '71 Torino GT. Rotten. It had a 351 Clevland but "somehow" the transmission mysteriously got a broken input shaft. We took the 351C and put it in my Mom's car, junked the Torino called it done.
Then I looked around for plan B. I saw some rusty Cougars, Mavericks and kinda had my heart set on a '73 Charger SE. Metallic Brown with a white half top and interior and ralleys. It was $750.00 in the very early 80's, but my Dad and his buddy talked me out of it - TOO RUSTY! Dang it! I want a good car for cheap!!!
Dad's buddy really liked me - I used to help him cut and chop wood in the spring and fall. He must have seen how dejected I was becoming and decided to give me a great deal on his daily driver. $300 bucks for his '74 Impala was so much better than $750 for that rusty Dodge. ....and so it began....
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
Yeah I had trouble with a brand new '72 Plymouth Duster ...went through 2 body jobs and a little "freshening" from '72 to '79 .....to be fair , probably most of the Big 3 had rust problems with the recycled metal they were using .
Zactly!^^ That's why the Torino never made it onto the road! Did some cool 'check mark burnouts though!!! The Impala was the least rusty and therefore the least amount of work to get me where I wanted to go - even though it was a Chevy (ewww!), I was a happy camper. I think I got 6 or 7 years out of that car with no major issues, just general maintenance stuff.
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
Zactly!^^ That's why the Torino never made it onto the road! Did some cool 'check mark burnouts though!!! The Impala was the least rusty and therefore the least amount of work to get me where I wanted to go - even though it was a Chevy (ewww!), I was a happy camper. I think I got 6 or 7 years out of that car with no major issues, just general maintenance stuff.
eeew? A ford that was to rotten to drive but a Chevy that just lasted 6 or 7 years with basic maintenance?
Yeah, it was a good car for sure - it was still a good runner when I was done with it, but I got into motorcycles and 4x4s and just kind of abandoned it at my uncles farm. His kids(my cousins) had a blast bombing through the fields in it!
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
My first was a 1974 Dart paid 60 bucks. Rebuilt the rotted out 1/4 s two front fenders inner front fenders had both rear spring boxes rebuilt drove it for two years. It was a great party car and I put it through hell.
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My first car was a 1967 Nova SS. Love at first sight. Mom and Dad bought it for me. Thought it looked like a Hotwheels when I first saw it. Car was full of Bondo but it got me into the "Big Game". I am actually using the seats from it and the dash clock etc etc in my current wagon project. Saved all the chrome as well. Cheers. Hey I even had a hat like Grumps!!
-- Edited by slab on Saturday 25th of January 2014 06:50:41 PM
-- Edited by slab on Saturday 25th of January 2014 06:51:27 PM
slab----67 chevy II 2dr post and 66 chevy II hardtop
My first car was a 1960 VW beetle, engine was in a basket, in 1968 bot for $2 from the Byron Fina station. It had a burnt valve but the head was ok but it back together and sold it for $80. Then when I was 18 I got a 66' Ford 7 litre white leather Interior 429 auto, wish I still had it. Then a 67' El Camino 327/300hp 4sp that I raced and dumped every dollar into for three years. Lotta fun.
-- Edited by el toro on Saturday 25th of January 2014 06:57:44 PM
First car was when I was 14. Bought a 1964 Plymouth Fury from an older lady. Slant 6, push button auto, plastic "bubble - wrap" seat covers and rubber mats. For some reason she ordered it with wider station wagon wheels but it had blackwalls and soup dish hub caps. Only rust on the car was around a bumper bolt.
My Uncle Joe and his brother Ted, across the ditch in Niagara Falls N.Y. were both Dodge fanatics. Ted operated a garage near Hyde Park. When they heard about the car they went right to work. Found a wrecked '64 Dodge with a 330 Hemi. The plan was to have my Uncle drive the car to Ted's garage where I'd swap everything over(with Ted keeping an eye on me) and bring it home for my 16th birthday.
Then fate reared it's nasty head. One of the fellows working for my Dad had a pregnant wife and no car. Long story short I had to sell the car to him, Dad figured we'd just find something else. Probably saved my life, 16, Hemi powered car......
Next car I bought at 15 - the Falcon ragtop, then 6 months later a 1964 Rambler Classic that I swapped an A.M.C. 327 into. Still got the Falcon, wish I still had the Rambler.
1971 Pinto,1600 cc engine and 4 speed. Bought a Hooker Header for it from Jim McGregor's old speed shop location on Elm Street in St Thomas. Ran it at Sparta-19.27 et in the 1/4 mile. Learned a lot from that car
Reality; A test of Mind and Spirit And BODY. (`-`)
First car I bought was a 1968 Olds 442,when I was 15,then when I git to Port Hope,I got a 1968 Bel Air that we named the ZOO car, had the whole high school sign the car and then people would spray paint their hands and press on to the car,the back window rotted out in the winter and we used to drive it with a snomobile suit on.Every friday when I worked at the local Sunoco gas staition,I would empty the oil drippings from the gas island and used that to fill the crankase, that old 307 went thru hell and oil.I have lost count of all the beaters after that, ah the good old days.
If it has Tits,Tires or a Track,your gonna have a problem with it.
1982, I was in grade 12!! It was green, then orange, then blue and finally yellow when I sold it 14 years later.This car taught me how to build engines, rebuild transmissions, how to paint, upholstery and so much more Wish I still had it.
-- Edited by hemi43 on Monday 27th of January 2014 09:50:55 PM
1982, I was in grade 12!! It was green, then orange, then blue and finally yellow when I sold it 14 years later.This car taught me how to build engines, rebuild transmissions, how to paint, upholstery and so much more Wish I still had it.
-- Edited by hemi43 on Monday 27th of January 2014 09:50:55 PM
You can get one just like it, aside from it being convertible. All you need to do is bring your car to Moparfest, I might even let you park in the arena.
You can get one just like it, aside from it being convertible. All you need to do is bring your car to Moparfest, I might even let you park in the arena.
Actually, one of the reasons I don't go to Moparfest is because of the dusty baseball diamond (west of TO is a close second ). I may take you up on that Gilles !!
In 1958, I got a 49 chev torpedo back, I was 14. Never did get it on the road. The day I turned 16, I bought a 53 Chev which I used to drive 6 of us to school 25 miles every day, the gas money collected paid for the car. Going to college, I bought a two door hardtop 55 Pontiac, it was gorgeous but a pile of **** under all that shiny paint. Next came the 58 Ranchero which I drove while building the first Model A. For the next while I was cursed to drive every mistake known, Renault 5, Volkswagon, Pinto, Pacer, Valiant, Monza, Pontiac Phoenix, Cavalier wagon and then I stopped driving company cars. I have driven nothing but Club/Crew cab full sized trucks since 1990. The only bright light was my new 1969 Z28.