I tried looking up info on the machine and a few times I thought I was close, but it was asked for the model number. It is apparently cast into the body at the back. Most of the info available is for newer machines, although there was a site making older manuals available to purchase. Speaking of manuals, is there one to go with it?
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
Steve, the only apparent numbers we could find are as follows:
#1 1348142
#2 463-34/01BS
These were two separate numbers on the back of the machine. The owner is not on the internet, I am going back to his place one day next week to finish a car so if you can wait, I will take some better pictures at that time. I am not sure about a manual, I have my doubts. The owner never used the machine nor did the previous owner. He is not pressed for time to sell it.
If the top foot moves back and forth as it moves up and down,its a walking foot. A lot of these machines were made for only one job on a production line. If it doesn't have a piping foot,it may not be an upholstery machine. I have an old Singer that was made for production garment use (no top walking foot). Not much good for anything else.
I don't know much about upholstery machines, but I'm pretty sure that ^^ is what I want! My wife has a real nice $3500.00 machine which is also Phaff, but it is light duty and made for fancy stitches and embroidery - I wouldn't even think of using it to re-do a car! If I get the right machine, including a piping attachment, I'm going to get "Theo" to learn me how to sew!!!
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
I don't know much about upholstery machines, but I'm pretty sure that ^^ is what I want! My wife has a real nice $3500.00 machine which is also Phaff, but it is light duty and made for fancy stitches and embroidery - I wouldn't even think of using it to re-do a car! If I get the right machine, including a piping attachment, I'm going to get "Theo" to learn me how to sew!!!
What you want is a Singer 111, or a 211. Period !! They are like the small block Chevs of sewing machines.Parts are fairly cheap and readily available.
Thanks Bruce! The first # appears to be the serial and the second # is the model. I like the reverse feature along with the knee operated pressure foot release. Still trying to determine if it's a walking foot version or not. Would also like the piping foot accessories if they are included or if they aren't, I would need to check into availability of parts. Will keep investigating.
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
Thanks Steve! Like I said, I will try to get some better information for you next week. I will PM you instead of posting it here, there a few people here who can't seem to show any class when it comes to peoples' ads. Probably the same annoying people who reply to Kijjii ads criticizing the content and pointing out someone else's ad for x dollars. I don't mind someone trying to help answer a question, but to come right out in someone's ad and tell them that's not what they want!! SEND THEM A PM IN PRIVATE!!!!
I was always taught to show some class and respect!
What he said !! ^^^
We're not here to bash anything, but trying to prevent a friend (Fordy) from purchasing a machine that will not do the job that he expected it to do, and also educating the seller on what exactly he has for a machine. You're welcome !!
Thanks for having my back guys, but I wasn't being mis-led, strong-armed or pressured in any way on this machine. I'm still in info gathering mode and the seller isn't in a hurry. $600.00 is HUGE cashola for me and I wouldn't spend without verifying whether it can do the job I'll be asking of it. Let's all please get along on here.
Still going for that "Nicest Poster" at the 'Grumpy's' this year!
"If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on cars...I'd spend it ALL on cars !!!
I posted this machine for a friend who doesn't have access to the internet, it doesn't matter what I know about the machine! I would gladly give out the guy's phone number and/or location to anyone who was interested to go and see/try the machine for themselves! Like I said, if you don't think he should buy it, or want let him know about another machine for sale somewhere else, send him a PM!
It's great that you are looking out for Steve, but go back, read your postings and see how you would feel if this was your ad that you were posting for a friend.
Steve, you have my vote for the "Nicest Poster". I know who won't be getting it!
Joe, go back and read my last post again, very carefully! Do you finally realize that I am not the seller, just the poster.......IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT I KNOW ABOUT THE MACHINE!!! I WILL GLADLY GIVE THE GUY'S PHONE NUMBER TO ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED!!!!
If you are questioning my honesty, send me an e-mail and I will provide a list the top car builders in southern Ontario that I have done work for. Tell them you think I am dishonest, let me know what they say! I can also provide references for the owner of the machine if you think he is dishonest as well. Let me know what they say!