Purchased off E-Bay for $200.00 U.S. free shipping looks like new wrong bolt pattern for my friends truck Hes running a 235 with a YF
would like $ 200.00 Cdn including shipping anywhere thanks Carl
http://www.ebay.com/itm/181224069964?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 scroll way down
P.S. the gasket was broken
Bump $100.00 shipped
Thank you for asking One of the quiet shy members asked me to ship it to him
He took it apart and adjusted the float, and added a missing clip
Shipped it back
I paid for shipping.... he would not take a dime for labor Truck turns out to have a 235 instead of a 216 and the YF runs mint
His hame is Rob and he wears a green Avatar
He a hard working Dude with a heart of gold but pretends to be a hard ass loll
427CARL wrote:He a hard working Dude with a heart of gold but pretends to be a hard ass loll
I agree,,,,,,,, that description would fit several people on here!!!!
"Good cowgirls keep their calves together"