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Here is what our local PC MPP has been able to turn up so far, guys if we want to stop this latest tax grab help your local PC MPP with any information you have! Rather than post thoughts and rumours here lets keep this posting to facts that will help kill it at the 2'nd reading.

Good morning, Don.
As a follow-up to our conversation just now, I can confirm Bill 173 does indeed lay the groundwork for the government to bring in a mandatory vehicle safety inspection program.
The bill will make this possible, but as we discussed, the specific details of any inspection program the government would implement won't be known until the regulations are drafted after the bill is passed.
Certainly, MPP Clark would appreciate any information you can bring forward that he can use while debating Bill 173 when it's called for 2nd Reading at Queen's Park.
Thanks for your advocacy on this issue, Don, and don't hesitate to contact me in the future at your convenience.
Michael Jiggins,
Executive Assistant to
Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark
613-213-8461 (cell)
613-342-2501 (fax)



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I guess I'm off to my MP's office again !!



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hemi43 wrote:

I guess I'm off to my MP's office again !!

          Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!!!!


 If you cant move it with a hammer

It must be an electrical problem



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oldkoot wrote:

Here is what our local PC MPP has been able to turn up so far, guys if we want to stop this latest tax grab help your local PC MPP with any information you have! Rather than post thoughts and rumours here lets keep this posting to facts that will help kill it at the 2'nd reading.

Good morning, Don.
As a follow-up to our conversation just now, I can confirm Bill 173 does indeed lay the groundwork for the government to bring in a mandatory vehicle safety inspection program.
The bill will make this possible, but as we discussed, the specific details of any inspection program the government would implement won't be known until the regulations are drafted after the bill is passed.
Certainly, MPP Clark would appreciate any information you can bring forward that he can use while debating Bill 173 when it's called for 2nd Reading at Queen's Park.
Thanks for your advocacy on this issue, Don, and don't hesitate to contact me in the future at your convenience.
Michael Jiggins,
Executive Assistant to
Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark
613-213-8461 (cell)
613-342-2501 (fax)


Great ground work. 

Now what kind of information can we bring?



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Just sent an e-mail to John O'Toole. I think this Bill 173 is going to be a bigger pile of $hit than the emission crap we've been going through. Don't these pricks have anything better to do than to piss off Canadians.



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i dont have any problem with safety checks annually, anything i drive should roll a cert all day.  what concerns me is the government using this as a tool to unfairley target older vehicles, ie looking until they find something.  this is what concerns me



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fatstax wrote:

i dont have any problem with safety checks annually, anything i drive should roll a cert all day.  what concerns me is the government using this as a tool to unfairley target older vehicles, ie looking until they find something.  this is what concerns me

 I would wager, that, this is exactly what they're after.

They don't see the market/money, in keeping old cars on the roads, there is no income in it for them.


Some people just simply don't get it!


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hemi43 wrote:

Just sent an e-mail to John O'Toole. I think this Bill 173 is going to be a bigger pile of $hit than the emission crap we've been going through. Don't these pricks have anything better to do than to piss off Canadians.

 ontario is flat broke, period. anything that will generate $$ and affect the least amount of voters is on the table. i can't see how they can pass legislation without the exact details is allowed. e/mail sent.

if your not the lead dog-the view is all the same


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Already wrote Hudak.



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I just did a search on "Bill 173", and absolutely no one is talking about it, or concerned about it except us here on Ontario Rodder. There's lots of members here that frequent other car forums, so it might be a good idea to start a thread there to get the word out. The more people that know and get informed about this, the better.IMO



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Dan is right, we need to get the word of Bill 173 out to as many people as possible, not just rodders. It has the potential to impact every car, truck, RV whatever that is registered anywhere in Ontario. If you think the E-test could be rigged to fail then wait until this comes into effect. This could be a bigger cash grab than you ever dreamed of. I can see it now, brakes with half worn pads-fail, tires worn down to 5/32-fail, ball joint with any play-fail, do you start to get the picture. One of the biggest problems is we don't know how the regulations might be written if this bill passes. If you TRUST the current government to work in your best interest, fine, not with my money thank-you!!



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fatstax wrote:

i dont have any problem with safety checks annually, anything i drive should roll a cert all day.  what concerns me is the government using this as a tool to unfairley target older vehicles, ie looking until they find something.  this is what concerns me

 Do you think they are doing this for free..... Id guess double the price of drive clean and some big ugly sticker that has to be in plain view to prove you been ripped off .... 

What a long strange trip its been


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that old coot 173

This could be a bigger cash grab than you ever dreamed of. I can see it now, brakes with half worn pads-fail, tires worn down to 5/32-fail, ball joint with any play-fail, do you start to get the picture. One of the biggest problems is we don't know how the regulations might be written if this bill passes. If you TRUST the current government to work in your best interest, fine, not with my money thank-you!!




As an operator of a automotive repair-shop...

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin 

bring it on...cake.gifcake.gif  cake.gif cake.gif cake.gif

beer.gif  beer.gif  beer.gif  beer.gif  buggered.gif  buggered.gif buggered.gif


finally a money maker and wallet flush for us......hungry.gif  hungry.gif






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fatchuk wrote:

that old coot 173

This could be a bigger cash grab than you ever dreamed of. I can see it now, brakes with half worn pads-fail, tires worn down to 5/32-fail, ball joint with any play-fail, do you start to get the picture. One of the biggest problems is we don't know how the regulations might be written if this bill passes. If you TRUST the current government to work in your best interest, fine, not with my money thank-you!!




As an operator of a automotive repair-shop...

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin 

bring it on...cake.gifcake.gif  cake.gif cake.gif cake.gif

beer.gif  beer.gif  beer.gif  beer.gif  buggered.gif  buggered.gif buggered.gif


finally a money maker and wallet flush for us......hungry.gif  hungry.gif





Unless you where an Ontario E-Test facility you probably won't be on the gravy train



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slim wrote:
fatstax wrote:

i dont have any problem with safety checks annually, anything i drive should roll a cert all day.  what concerns me is the government using this as a tool to unfairley target older vehicles, ie looking until they find something.  this is what concerns me

 Do you think they are doing this for free..... Id guess double the price of drive clean and some big ugly sticker that has to be in plain view to prove you been ripped off .... 

 well obviousley not, it will be a rip no matter what.  funny i was at the garage yesterday and asked them if they knew anything about this and they havent heard anything at all.



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when i live in nova scotia (retired military) i had to get an annual inspection on everything (motorcycles, utility trailers anything with plates) and it was a joke. every year i had to buy a new set of wiper blades for my jeep so the garage could keep his profit margin up. they just did a walk around checked the lights, tires, just a big honking money grab. i was never so glad to get away from that crooked province. guess this one is going that way.


There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.


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the old coot said..


Unless you where an Ontario E-Test facility you probably won't be on the gravy train 

shocked.gif shocked.gif sniff.gif sniff.gif...Darn..


I was planning on buying all the windshield wipers I could get from fatstax..Glens new Best friend  (I am feeling rejected and disillusioned)  ..and install them on all the trailers I will have to certify..and tires and lights, I need you guys to just keep this on low volume so we can get this bill through 2nd reading..Why shouldn't my trade get on the Government gravy train..I would love to dine at that through with all the rest of the Liberal pigs, liars and thieves..Ah and who said life was not fair..could be this may be my ship!!!!!!!!!!biggrin biggrin






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Fortunately ... Bill 173 may die on the floor ... along with the Wynn government ... if the opposition parties have another few months to dig into their past dealing in cancelling the gas plants and other scandals ... biggrin



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DavidP wrote:

Fortunately ... Bill 173 may die on the floor ... along with the Wynn government ... if the opposition parties have another few months to dig into their past dealing in cancelling the gas plants and other scandals ... biggrin

 Unfourtunately, the liberals are still ahead in the polls, but only because of the Toronto area voters.


If brains were wire, some couldn't short circuit a firefly.


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parklane wrote:
DavidP wrote:

Fortunately ... Bill 173 may die on the floor ... along with the Wynn government ... if the opposition parties have another few months to dig into their past dealing in cancelling the gas plants and other scandals ... biggrin

 Unfourtunately, the liberals are still ahead in the polls, but only because of the Toronto area voters.

 They all fall in the "crack". (pun intended)smile


Some people just simply don't get it!


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the last news story about the Liberal budget "leak' should buy them enough votes for a majority. Most of the Ontario electorate can be bought with bull .

-- Edited by workin class on Thursday 3rd of April 2014 06:56:33 AM


 ///// Join THE LOSERS c.c. of Ontario Ask me how/////



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workin class wrote:

the last news story about the Liberal budget "leak' should buy them enough votes for a majority. Most of the Ontario electorate can be bought with bull .

-- Edited by workin class on Thursday 3rd of April 2014 06:56:33 AM

It's getting Scary ... disbelief

Now offering over 5 Billion Dollars  ... disbelief

It cost them much less in the last "buy" election ... biggrin



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I have emailed the minister of transportation Glen Murray to voice my displeasure. he gave a typical politicians answer. I emailed Andrea Horwath and got no response. Tonight I just emailed my MPP John O'Toole PC. I'll see what he says.



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tractorfix wrote:

I have emailed the minister of transportation Glen Murray to voice my displeasure. he gave a typical politicians answer. I emailed Andrea Horwath and got no response. Tonight I just emailed my MPP John O'Toole PC. I'll see what he says.

 John called me a couple of days ago, and I filled him in on our concerns. He was not aware of bill 173. He has since contacted Steve clark (MPP) as well as Jeff Yurek (MPP) and they will be having a meeting on this. The more of us that contact these guys, the better.



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Pretty typical of just how legislation gets dumped on us eh!!! here is a Law somebody nobody knows who, has come up with to make life another hassle/expense for most of the working "middle Class" and our politicians have not got a clue just what's in it and they are trying to make it law..((*&%^&**(*^(&*^76*&^%*%&&^%&*^% Liberals..I sure hope the Libereals end up in the same employment line as Pauline Marious from the P.Q. in Quebec..Good on the voters for throwing the dirt-bag out on her ear.....One could only dream that Ontario voters would the gonads to get off their whiney butts and take a half hr and ..VOTE !!!!!!!!!but ..... 

-- Edited by fatchuk on Wednesday 9th of April 2014 08:03:22 AM



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Because the last time we did that we got Bob Rae!!!!!



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yearly safety inspections I have no issue with that - I don't build or drive garbage

any issue that does arise would likely mean you should find another shop that won't try to take advantage of you

in addition I'd go so far as to suggest a retest for driver's licences every five years too - but first the standards for the driveing testers needs a big bump up

same goes for driveing instructors - we have a test office just down the street - the crap I see pulled off by single occupant driveing instructor vehicles is pretty bad sometimes

I'd even add if you moved to canada , no way should you be elligiable to get a driver's licence for at least five years unless ya came from the states as their driveing conditions are as close to ours as you can get

some time to learn and understand the ways of the road would be wise before ventureing out on your own set of wheels

the big ripoff is insurance
oh and a 15% reduction ... for one year (?) gee thanks so much
when the ontario government let them bump the rates by something like 35% just one or two years before ...
ya thanks ..very little

it's long past time to start the ITOTC party
(I'm tired of this crap)



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I'd even add if you moved to canada , no way should you be elligiable to get a driver's licence for at least five years unless ya came from the states as their driveing conditions are as close to ours as you can get


That a ridiculus statement..



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yearly safety inspections I have no issue with that - I don't build or drive garbage

I have an issue with it !! Most of us don't drive garbage either, but I'm getting fed up with Government control. I have 4 cars, so that means another $200-$300 out of my wallet, and the worst part is the bloody inconvenience of having to take these vehicles in to get certified.



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Not a betting man  but I would put money on the new test involves plugging in a code reader and seeing what faults you have.

No more then drive clean but 3x the price. Just wait for them to say we listened to the public  and did what they said scraped that useless program and then pat themselves on the back , but for your own safety we are going to do this.......There is a reason they want to control how the test is structured and who can do it. 

What a long strange trip its been


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fatchuk wrote:

I'd even add if you moved to canada , no way should you be elligiable to get a driver's licence for at least five years unless ya came from the states as their driveing conditions are as close to ours as you can get


That a ridiculus statement..

 what makes you think that ?

maybe if you spent the last 50 years in scarborough you'ld be more inclined to agree



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So, Being "new" to Ontario (lived here as a kid), having moved here from AB, and working to get cars certified, e-tested, get OHIP cards, get this, get that, deal with my wife's January car crash.

My thoughts

*EVERY* Interaction with the ontario government is painful. Also, they seem to write laws purely for the sake of either
paying lawyers to write laws or to generate some kind of revenue from taxes or fines.

This place is the California of Canada.

I never realized how easy things were in AB as far as that stuff went... Whew. some things need to change around here.



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My parents cars have never failed an emissions test yet every two years (since DriveClean started) they were required to show up and "pay the fine" of owning a newer car in Ontario.

I can see this safety inspection as being EXACTLY the same thing, nothing more than yet another required payment to the gov't ........ I think the legal term "just another TAX".



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DJD wrote:

yearly safety inspections I have no issue with that - I don't build or drive garbage

so you don't have a problem with paying for an inspection, or taking the time required to have the inspection done, ?

any issue that does arise would likely mean you should find another shop that won't try to take advantage of you

taking more time, and paying again......

 in addition I'd go so far as to suggest a retest for driver's licences every five years too - but first the standards for the driveing testers needs a big bump up

people trained properly go on to have experience, so after 5 yrs in a "trade" you are considered competent... why test at this late ,, after allowing them to drive 5yrs,,,, new drivers should take real driver training... on cam wooleys track! ;)

same goes for driveing instructors - we have a test office just down the street - the crap I see pulled off by single occupant driveing instructor vehicles is pretty bad sometimes

some would be upset you need a spelling instructor....

I'd even add if you moved to canada , no way should you be elligiable to get a driver's licence for at least five years unless ya came from the states as their driveing conditions are as close to ours as you can get

I think people in USA generally drive better than Canadians... ymmv but if you can drive in India, you can survive here!

 some time to learn and understand the ways of the road would be wise before ventureing out on your own set of wheels

the big ripoff is insurance
oh and a 15% reduction ... for one year (?) gee thanks so much
when the ontario government let them bump the rates by something like 35% just one or two years before ...
ya thanks ..very little

it's long past time to start the ITOTC party
(I'm tired of this crap)

 I hate to compare to USA, but the don't cry for more from their government... then bitch about high taxes, and new "tax' grabs etc... when it comes to car inspections annually, if it was a shop that does not make profit from sales or repairs doing the inspections,  well i still have a problem with the cash grabbing,,, sigh.





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I can't believe some of the comments made here. Anything the government does to restrict our freedom sucks as far as I'm concerned and the Liberals are all about control and raising taxes to offset their outrageous spending habits. If this was the USA somebody'd be getting shot over this bill.


My wife wants me to see things from a woman's point of view, so now I spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window


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Ragtop wrote:

I can't believe some of the comments made here. Anything the government does to restrict our freedom sucks as far as I'm concerned and the Liberals are all about control and raising taxes to offset their outrageous spending habits. If this was the USA somebody'd be getting shot over this bill.

   Guess thats the difference between us and them. In the states you,d get shot, in Canada the politicians just quit when they,ve done all the damage they wanted and raise taxes to pay for it, Mulroney, Harris and Dirty Dalton have all done it and we,re left holding the bag.



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X2 on that!! Then you forgot to mention the pensions etc they get, paid for by the taxpayers they shafted.



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Here's what I got from my )NDP) mpp. Obviously they don't much care.  With no group to represent us we're an easy target.

Hi Mike,


I’ve read the bill and the notes on the bill.


Nothing in the bill explicitly calls for any changes to the current safety inspection protocol with respect to frequency of inspections, nor does it affect the Drive Clean program.  The bill does however, create a new set of parameters around who will be authorized to carry out inspections.  It also gives the Minister some new powers in setting up this new regime.  From reading the notes and Hansard, it seems that these changes are really intended to target unscrupulous vehicle inspection stations, and the practice of putting cars that have been written off from collisions back on the road with fraudulent inspection reports.


The bill’s status is currently at second reading and being debated in the Legislature.   Provided it passes second reading it will be referred to committee.  I would suggest your group, and others that would like to see some changes to this bill,  be prepared to testify at the committee, and/or send written submissions.


If you would like, I can keep your information on hand and let you know when the bill is referred to committee.  I will then put you in touch with the clerk of that committee.  The clerk can advise how best to make a submission.


I hope you find this helpful.











My wife wants me to see things from a woman's point of view, so now I spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window


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Ragtop wrote:

Here's what I got from my )NDP) mpp. Obviously they don't much care.  With no group to represent us we're an easy target.

Hi Mike,


I’ve read the bill and the notes on the bill.


Nothing in the bill explicitly calls for any changes to the current safety inspection protocol with respect to frequency of inspections, nor does it affect the Drive Clean program.  The bill does however, create a new set of parameters around who will be authorized to carry out inspections.  It also gives the Minister some new powers in setting up this new regime.  From reading the notes and Hansard, it seems that these changes are really intended to target unscrupulous vehicle inspection stations, and the practice of putting cars that have been written off from collisions back on the road with fraudulent inspection reports.


The bill’s status is currently at second reading and being debated in the Legislature.   Provided it passes second reading it will be referred to committee.  I would suggest your group, and others that would like to see some changes to this bill,  be prepared to testify at the committee, and/or send written submissions.


If you would like, I can keep your information on hand and let you know when the bill is referred to committee.  I will then put you in touch with the clerk of that committee.  The clerk can advise how best to make a submission.


I hope you find this helpful.













 I particularly like the word I've highlighted in red.


Some people just simply don't get it!


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51 Styline wrote:

   Guess thats the difference between us and them. In the states you,d get shot, in Canada the politicians just quit when they,ve done all the damage they wanted and raise taxes to pay for it, Mulroney, Harris and Dirty Dalton have all done it and we,re left holding the bag.

 The worst part is, none of the successors, whether from the same party or the opposition, seem to have the desire or cohones to change these actions when they get in power. (The Conservative's action on the long gun registration is an exception to the rule.)



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Thank You for that Up Date 'Gazoo'

Its possible ... I wish I could trust our elected 'officials'

I really do ... no

Most of the items in the bill about 'safety inspections' could be true ...confuse

I could be just cleaning up the wording on the existing bill ... which is mainly geared towards commercial vehicles and vehicle inspection stations ... confuse

I really want to believe they are not going to require all the private cars on the road to get an annual safety inspection ... no

All they would have to do is add a few words to the legislation stating 'private passenger vehicles are exempt from the annual inspections' ... smile

I REALLY wish we could trust them ... no

Ah SH_T ... maybe we can get a group or volume discount on LUBE ... confuse

-- Edited by DavidP on Wednesday 23rd of April 2014 04:01:01 PM



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As a safety inspection station owner/operator,  I can tell you if the Liberals win the next election you will be looking at a much different system for safety inspections and specific inspection stations in the next year or two, as well as annual or inspections will be required every two years before you can get your sticker..Same program as the e-test..I believe they call it new revenue can trust kwynne Liberals about as far as you can piss into a hurricane ....They will be offering lots of candy  and stuff to come, if you vote for us ..We are so fking in debt they have to give away the future of our grand-kids as they no money to do anything to-day (they broke the bank on the gas plant boondogle)..they have spent our kids future and are well into our grandkids future ...I would personally like to Piss on kwynnes cornflakes...furious



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fatchuk wrote:

As a safety inspection station owner/operator,  I can tell you if the Liberals win the next election you will be looking at a much different system for safety inspections and specific inspection stations in the next year or two, as well as annual or inspections will be required every two years before you can get your sticker..Same program as the e-test..I believe they call it new revenue can trust kwynne Liberals about as far as you can piss into a hurricane ....They will be offering lots of candy  and stuff to come, if you vote for us ..We are so fking in debt they have to give away the future of our grand-kids as they no money to do anything to-day (they broke the bank on the gas plant boondogle)..they have spent our kids future and are well into our grandkids future ...I would personally like to Piss on kwynnes cornflakes...furious

   We in Niagara were told by winnie we would Not get a new hospital as there was no money available. Then they needed a byelection to replace Kim Craitor and guess what . We got 29 mil to go toward a new hospital. Didn,t help her one bit . The local Liberal candidate got whipped and ended up last in votes. Niagara went NDP and the Conservatives would have won handily if they had a different leader. HUDAK is no favorite in the Niagara area.  If you don,t mind company i too would take pleasure in pissing on her,,,,,,,,,,,,,, corn flakes.



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Ragtop wrote:

  With no group to represent us we're an easy target.


Representation needs to come from Manufactures, Retailers, Installers, Charity Benefactors, Municipalities, Car Club Associations, etc.  These groups have a ton to loose.  The individual classic car or hot rod owner also needs to speak up, but WE ALL need to be on the same page.

We all need to support and ask for the same legislation.  
















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DavidP wrote:

Thank You for that Up Date 'Gazoo'

 It wasn't my update Dave, this was quoted from Ragtop's reply.

I just had to highlight the words of an MPP, who called it, in his own words a "REGIME", in a response letter to his constituent.wink

The irony...





Some people just simply don't get it!


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I sent out an email to Brantfords MPP in regards to this bill. Currently awaiting a reply.
When he does, I will voice the protest against this bill as well, as I dont want all these new regulations either.
I dont know much about politics, but from what everyone else is saying, it doesnt sound too good.
I dont want to pay more money or have an ugly sticker either.


Ben Davis - 1987 Camaro


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Any new update or info on this bill in regards to how it will affect our cars in the future??....thanks!

"E.L.T.A. Approved" "No Goofs" "Goes like stink"


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Fast Elvis wrote:

Any new update or info on this bill in regards to how it will affect our cars in the future??....thanks!


if your not the lead dog-the view is all the same
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