Just thought I would post the info on the 9th Annual NRMCC Maverick Comet Meet and Greet and Mountain Cruise 3.
Location is Skyway Jack's restaurant in Streetsville Mississauga just South of the 401. 6461 Mississauga Rd South, right next to the Burger King.
1:00 PM
There is also a Mountain Cruise to Skyway Jack's starting at JC Saddington park at the bottom of Mississauga Rd. South of the QEW and Lakeshore Rd.
Departing at 12:15 PM.
All years of Mavericks and Comets welcome. No charge for cars or spectators. Just pay for your lunch if you choose to eat. Dash plaques for all Comets and Mavericks. Meet new people or get contacts.
Thank you to all who brought out their Mavericks and Comets to the Meet and Greet this year,it was a great success. See you at the 10th Anniversary NRMCC Maverick Comet Meet and Greet 2015. Once again....... Thank you.
Northern Region Maverick Comet Club website........... http://nrmcc.weebly.com/