Once again a great time at Golden Beach. Started with the night before thrash to get The Boys interior back in his wagon. Today we had a nice breakfast at the Tall Teepee in Roseneath. We had breakfast with Commander Tom(SACOTU) and one of his old Navy buddies. I was plesently surprized when The Boy picked up my tab for Fathers Day. Already a good day and we haden't even got to the show yet. Surprizingly there were way more cars there than I expected because of the forcasts. The resourt is a great place for fishing(there was some kind of big fishing derby going on )as well as camping, trailers, and cottages. Lots of door prizes and venders selling all different kinds of food and treets. Gassers seemed popular and there were some nice ones(Seekers Merc was awesome in person),there were even three or four 40-41 Willies attending. Custom panel painting seems to be gaining favour as there were some nice customs with this treatment. We stopped by the a local radio station's booth(rival to Grumpies and Kurts radio shows)to chat for a bit. Later when we were sitting around talking with Atomspliter and Seeker and everybody else, up walks the girl from the radio booth and informes us that Kurt had won a free Parasail ride. So after the show down we went to the docks and away he goes. Just goes to show you that you never know what is going to happen when you get out there. Hopefully the picture of him(yes that really is him) turned out and you can see how high they really get during this ride. Ed
-- Edited by flatblack55delivery on Sunday 21st of June 2015 07:56:33 PM