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Post Info TOPIC: New AMP law ends opton to fight tickets.


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New AMP law ends opton to fight tickets.

Anyone else read about this  new  bill just passed in one of these omnibus bill that removes our right to take highway traffic tickets to court. I was just reading in the Wheels section of todays Star that somehow the Liberals got a bill thru that basically says that if you got a ticket you have to pay , no option to fight it. The column is by Jim Kenzie and says it covers any safety related traffic act ticket in Ontario. I never heard anything about it . What happened to public consultation and our right to a trial. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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welcome to fuhrer wynne's stalag ontario.


don't walk in like you own the place..........walk in like you hold the mortgage.


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I didn't believe it when I first read the above post ...
Its hard to imagine how 'she' could force something like that through legislation without someone bringing it public ...
The link to Jim Kenzie's article below ...

Hopefully its just the rantings of a mad man/women at this point and is not law yet ...



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WELL, all the people that voted for her [it, whatever] & none of them will fess up to it, got this "Majority" " F " ucked up mess of a Gov. that can now just about pass any bill, sell off any assets, & Tax the Crap out of us any time they want!!!!! Lets see how long it takes for more JOBS to leave the province when the carbon tax, Ont. Pension, & more hydro increases, higher Lic. plate & dr. lic. !! just to name a few. I don't think there's enough "Vaseline" in the Province, that will ease the pain of being "bent" over the barrel" & Wynne with a "strap ON" standing behind you!!!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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We're long past Vaseline and a strap on. She's using her fist, and that hand cleaner with the grit in it.


Chevy Apache10


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for once I wish people in our province would vote with their heads. That b*tch is completely frigging nuts.



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This makes absolutely no sense.

So, I (hypothetically) get a ticket for some alleged offence yet have footage from my dash camera that shows I did nothing wrong ..... sounds like even though I have concrete evidence to prove my innocence, I will be penalized for a 'crime' I didn't commit. ????

Sounds like the time a friend got a speeding ticket. This friend knew he wasn't speeding and decided to contest the charge in court. He arrives at court to find that he isn't the only one fighting a speeding ticket, on that same stretch of road, at the same basic time of day, on the SAME day for the EXACT SAME SPEED. Turns out, this cop caught one person speeding, then just started pulling people over, showing them the radar from the first guy while claiming THEY were speeding. This clown (I'm being VERY polite here) figured he could fill his quota in an hour using this method.

-- Edited by Barchetta on Sunday 28th of June 2015 10:50:27 AM



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Iwannagofast wrote:

for once I wish people in our province would vote with their heads. That b*tch is completely frigging nuts.

And it will be harder than ever to get rid of her when she ads new ridings to the Toronto area like she has planned. As long as she keeps giving our majority of tax dollars to Toronto to buy votes she will be in Power. Until everyone else in the whole province gangs up against Toronto we,re doomed. 



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Ya, get rid of her and put the next crook in. They are all the same.
I stopped voting years ago. What would happen if nobody voted.
You get 3 crooks to choose from, which only gives the people the illusion of choice.
The game is rigged, the only option, is not to play.


Chevy Apache10


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Moobster wrote:

Ya, get rid of her and put the next crook in. They are all the same.
I stopped voting years ago. What would happen if nobody voted.
You get 3 crooks to choose from, which only gives the people the illusion of choice.
The game is rigged, the only option, is not to play.

You have a point there. Maybe if nobody voted the politicians would get the hint they aren't serving their constituants as they promise to do . They have to vote for the leader and not make waves. That's what happened to Kim Craitor in Niagara Falls. He was always fighting for the Niagara area and butting heads with Dirty Dalton and that's why this area has lost so much under the LIEBERALS.  I have thought the same thing about Gasoline. What do you think would happen if everyone ran their car until it ran out of gas and blocked all of the highways and city streets. Do you think they would get the message? 



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I guess if you don't vote you don't get to bitch about what other people did to you. I don't understand why people are so focused on Whinn, she is only a small part of the problem. The staff at the provinchel departments doesn't change with the government. You are dealing with the same people. People need to start demand some form of proportional representation . If we can get away from party politics and elect more of a coalition style government we would be able to affect the way our local rep would work because they would have to listen more to the people and not there party masters. More independents would balance things out, maybe no more omnibus bills that hide stuff like this very dangerous bill. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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51 Styline wrote:
Moobster wrote:

Ya, get rid of her and put the next crook in. They are all the same.
I stopped voting years ago. What would happen if nobody voted.
You get 3 crooks to choose from, which only gives the people the illusion of choice.
The game is rigged, the only option, is not to play.

You have a point there. Maybe if nobody voted the politicians would get the hint they aren't serving their constituants as they promise to do . They have to vote for the leader and not make waves. That's what happened to Kim Craitor in Niagara Falls. He was always fighting for the Niagara area and butting heads with Dirty Dalton and that's why this area has lost so much under the LIEBERALS.  I have thought the same thing about Gasoline. What do you think would happen if everyone ran their car until it ran out of gas and blocked all of the highways and city streets. Do you think they would get the message? 

 I like your way of thinking.


Chevy Apache10


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flatblack55delivery wrote:

I guess if you don't vote you don't get to bitch about what other people did to you. I don't understand why people are so focused on Whinn, she is only a small part of the problem. The staff at the provinchel departments doesn't change with the government. You are dealing with the same people. People need to start demand some form of proportional representation . If we can get away from party politics and elect more of a coalition style government we would be able to affect the way our local rep would work because they would have to listen more to the people and not there party masters. More independents would balance things out, maybe no more omnibus bills that hide stuff like this very dangerous bill. Ed

It's because I didn't vote that allows me to bitch. If you voted, then you contributed to the problem, not me.

I'm still a tax payer and have every right to bitch about where my tax money goes.

Through my tax dollars, I still paid for the election and still paid for their advertising.

I have every right to bitch.

They have taken away my right to defend myself in court with this new law, What if the cop is wrong???

Now the cop is Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Way too much power for somebody that works for me.

What's next??? My right to bitch??? You seem to think so.

This is the totalitarian tiptoe, they strip you of your rights, one by one, until all your rights are gone.

-- Edited by Moobster on Sunday 28th of June 2015 11:45:17 AM


Chevy Apache10


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Good for you , you just keep bitching and don't do anything about it . You are then allowing me and everyone else who votes to control what happens to you . So you are letting people who don't like hotrods vote for you , people who don't like guns and hunting vote for you, legalise drugs, let me vote for you. People need to vote no matter how distasteful, even if you just show up to register as abdicating(not spoiling) your vote as a form of protest, at least you expressed an opinion. By the way thanks for the tax money I am sure they will find a creative way to waste it for you. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Thank you for sharing your opinion, Ed.


Chevy Apache10


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Sure is a frustrating situation.....It even has us arguing amoungst ourselves.

I guess we only have ourselves to blame...we did after all vote them in......funny though, I have yet to meet anyone that admits to have voted for them


Just wait until Trudeau gets in....................



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Well ,Moobster, at least they haven't taken away our right to have different opinions and to express them. Yet!!!. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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I'm with Ed on that..If you don't bother to vote you have no say in the game ..Only the players have a say..Not voting makes you part of the problem..Even if they are all crooks if more tax payers who whine and snivel from their lawn chair did vote we could make a difference..We are in this position because of the apathy of those who can't bother to once every 4 or 5 years take one hour from their busy life to vote..That is why they do not fear the electorate because they know we will bitch, whine, grumble and complain about everything but will nor take the time to make an official complaint with their civic duty ..TO VOTE.. any idea how many people have died so we could have  the RIGHT  to make our voice heard..those who don't vote,  shame and disrespect those of our fore-fathers who gave their life so we could..How many hrs do we scrape and clean **** and rust form our vehicle, or raking  the yard. sitting on our a$$ at shown and shines while we bitch about all the hassels we have from the MOE , hydro bills, hospital wait, can't defend ourselves foe traffic fines and still we are to lazy to vote ..I don't buy the **** about NOT VOTING GIVES YOU NO RIGHT TO  HAVE ANY SAY IN THE have not invested anything in the process..If everybody voted we could throw the ****ers out of office every term and they would get the message ..but as long as we are just whiners and bitchers who don't vote we will continue with the same old same old..and we get what we deserve....Just because you are not interested in the government ,does not mean they are not interested in you and your money..look at how much time and effort you put into that truck and look at what you got ..If we did put that effort into being involved in the process at election time do you really believe we could not make a difference....the greasy wheel bearing gets the grease..How do you think all the queers and lezzys and mooselims get so much special attention and so many rights..They get involved and organize while we scrape rust and bitch about how much it cost us to pay dumping fees ..We can't even organize a group of rodders to make a good show of protest at queens park for any of our causes..but we bitch away on here..It really is  sad we are so whiney and lazy..I tell the same to my family who bitch and don't vote ..I always say..STFU if you can't make it to the polling station where your voice is counted..






This is the totalitarian tiptoe, they strip you of your rights, one by one, until all your rights are gone...You can change that outcome by Voting YOU STILL HAVE THE RIGHT AND A DUTY TO VOTE..



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flatblack55delivery wrote:

Well ,Moobster, at least they haven't taken away our right to have different opinions and to express them. Yet!!!. Ed

 True that. But remember it is a tiptoe their doing.


Chevy Apache10


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I might as well chime in.

Although I do understand feeling the 'need' to vote, I also completely understand the feeling of 'why should I bother to vote' when it truly doesn't matter who a person votes for, when either way, you're voting for someone who is a liar and a cheat and someone who is going to screw you one way or the other (OK, so I lied a little bit .... I said 'who is going to screw you one way or the other' ... it should really read 'screw you ENDLESSLY, over and over, with a rusty railroad spike using the hottest Hot Sauce known to man' as lube)  cryno

If old lady carpet licker wasn't in there messing things up, it would just be someone else.  For the record, I have nothing against lesbians, for years I used to think I was one, then one day my family doctor said "No, no no, you're not a lesbian, those are NOT your ovaries and your fallopian tube, those are boy 'bits'".  




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typical how so so many think it's so funny..thats why we have the government we have cause when it's time to belly up everybody disappears or is just to busy to speak at the ballot box till after the election and then they show up to bitch..!!!!  !confuse hmm disbelief no..I guess that's why we get what we deserve...those who can't bother to vote are the reason we have the government we have..Thats where I see the problem..not in stupid jokes about why we are to lazy or apathetic to vote buy making excuses about they are all the same so why bother??? kind of a dumb analogy in my view...... 



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I think the problem is that they aren't all the same, there is a lack of a creditable alternative to the party that's screwing us presently. That's been the case in the last 2 provincial elections, remember Hudak. That was also true when side winder Cretian was in power for some 13 years. It wasn't that he was that good it was there was no decent alternative. We always seem to get someone who is ok for the 1st term and then the power goes to their head and its no holds barred. I shudder to think about the next elections coming up, Harper???????????/ Trudeau, NOT, or whats his name. A true dilemma. As for the provincials in 4 years, I just hopr the PC candidate can keep his mouth shut. I hate to waste my votes like the last couple of times.



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I hear you on that styline, my riding went Fiberal after the MPP retired [P/C] been PC forever & day but HOO DORK blew it & all the union members here, C T A & voted for Fibs [ but won't admit it now] as the slash & burn is catching up to them, eg. teachers & health workers not getting their way now. Should have been a shoe in for PC new candidate. Since 'new" Fiberal guy got in not a peep from him, hiding in office in Bowmanville & won't come to the northern region of riding!!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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If I had bothered to vote and someone else was elected, I can promise you we would all be having virtually the same conversation about what a pathetic waste of skin is holding office, and who were the morons that voted for them, how they are screwing us and our province/country by wasting HUGE amounts of money, being deceitful etc etc etc.

Different name on the office won't change the number of complaints one bit.

Here's the simple version of why I didn't vote ...... I did not feel that ANYONE was worthy of my vote. Picking one poison over another is still picking poison. Just my point of view.



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sadly not voteing and a spoiled ballot equal the same thing - not counted , or not part of the count

when " none of the above " is added to the ballot then you can bitch about people not voteing because the choises all suck .. but not until then



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There is a difference between a spoiled ballot and reneging your vote. If you take your ballot and say none of the above or f-ck them all or something like that it is considered spoiled and therefor not counted and I don't think they keep a record of spoiled ballots. If you show up and refuse your ballot they call it recusing(or something like that) your vote. This is how 10s of thousands showed there distane for all of the candidates in the last provincial election. They showed up and used there right to vote as a protest. Maybe a spoiled ballot would also work, at least it shows someone cared enough to get off there ass for 1/2an hour and express an opinion. Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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I was not going to vote during the last provincial election, and it bugged the hell out of me, but my disdain for ALL politicians at every level has reached a point that I don't trust or believe a single word from them. Then I heard you can refuse your vote, you show up, collect your ballot and turn it back in saying you refuse, it is counted, unlike spoiled ballots that are not.I still took the time, didn't vote for any of the liars, and it was counted.



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bluechev wrote:

I was not going to vote during the last provincial election, and it bugged the hell out of me, but my disdain for ALL politicians at every level has reached a point that I don't trust or believe a single word from them. Then I heard you can refuse your vote, you show up, collect your ballot and turn it back in saying you refuse, it is counted, unlike spoiled ballots that are not.I still took the time, didn't vote for any of the liars, and it was counted.



I don't understand the point of doing this confuse.  

How does staying at home and not voting, differ from attending a polling station and refusing the ballot (which is also essentially voting for no one), make any difference to the outcome of an election?  If refusing a ballot doesn't (or can't possibly) change the outcome of an election, why should I waste my time doing it?  The way I see it, if everyone who didn't bother voting, showed up and did this, Wynne would still be elected, would she not?

As I see it, refusing a ballot shows that the voter is not interested in voting for anyone.  Not voting at all also shows that the voter is not interested in voting for anyone.  What's the difference?

 You say that a refused ballot is counted  .....  my question is "towards what?"


-- Edited by Barchetta on Tuesday 30th of June 2015 07:06:30 AM



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Barchetta wrote:
bluechev wrote:

I was not going to vote during the last provincial election, and it bugged the hell out of me, but my disdain for ALL politicians at every level has reached a point that I don't trust or believe a single word from them. Then I heard you can refuse your vote, you show up, collect your ballot and turn it back in saying you refuse, it is counted, unlike spoiled ballots that are not.I still took the time, didn't vote for any of the liars, and it was counted.



I don't understand the point of doing this confuse.  

How does staying at home and not voting, differ from attending a polling station and refusing the ballot (which is also essentially voting for no one), make any difference to the outcome of an election?  If refusing a ballot doesn't (or can't possibly) change the outcome of an election, why should I waste my time doing it?  The way I see it, if everyone who didn't bother voting, showed up and did this, Wynne would still be elected, would she not?

As I see it, refusing a ballot shows that the voter is not interested in voting for anyone.  Not voting at all also shows that the voter is not interested in voting for anyone.  What's the difference?

 You say that a refused ballot is counted  .....  my question is "towards what?"


-- Edited by Barchetta on Tuesday 30th of June 2015 07:06:30 AM

To my way of thinking if you don't show up to vote the politicians, in their warped way of thinking, assume you are to lazy or busy to get out and vote. If you do show up and refuse to vote they will,,, eventually,, get the idea that the voters aren't happy with them and their policies. 



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51 Styline wrote:

To my way of thinking if you don't show up to vote the politicians, in their warped way of thinking, assume you are to lazy or busy to get out and vote. If you do show up and refuse to vote they will,,, eventually,, get the idea that the voters aren't happy with them and their policies. 


That's the only thing I could come up with too, only thing is, I can't imagine the winner or the losers of the election caring about anything more than how many votes they and the other candidates got.  I just can't see any of those idiots giving a rat-sass about votes that are technically meaningless to the election.  Just my opinion.



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Policies and election criteria are set buy parties by voting patterns. The cons have a given 30percent that vote cons every time a guaranteed 30percent that will absolutely support the party no matter how badly they screw up. They average voter turnout is aprox. 48percent usually less so they just need to have the other parties split the remaining vote and they are in. Its like a union strike vote, out of a thousand members say 150 show to vote . there will be 80 direhard members who support the union no matter what so the vote carries. So now we have 80 people deciding for 1000. Did the others want to strike ,doesn't matter they let someone else vote for them and now they are walking the line in Febuary freezing there asses of and bitching about the outcome. These parties count on low turnout , they win with less than 30 percent of the eligible population. Sad . Ed


Any day with friends doin car stuff is a good day


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Ed, that's the best explanation I've ever heard Well DONE my MAN !!!!!!!


I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!


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Cudos Ed. Excellent explanation. The union reference is bang on and I know about it first hand.




The trouble with quotes over the Internet, is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln


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Has everyone forgot what happened in Mississauga in the Federal election???
How many other ridings did this happen to??? Who knows. Elections Canada was caught cheating, red handed.
Yet the people still have faith in the system??? Nice
Did anyone hear who went to jail for that one??? Lol

The outcome of an election is decided long before you or I make it to the polls.
No matter how you vote they just put the guy, they want in.
Now we have electronic voting. Oh that should be better. Let me write that algorithm.

Still don't think the game is rigged???

How did your vote go for this new AMP law???

What about the TPP???

Just some food for thought, my $.02, and even that's rounded down to Zero!!!

-- Edited by Moobster on Thursday 2nd of July 2015 10:23:31 AM


Chevy Apache10


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So, the conservatives assume 30% and a guaranteed win.

Did anyone ever think that maybe a large percentage of the people who refrained from (or couldn't be bothered) voting, did so because they already know their party is guaranteed a win?

Just because someone didn't vote, definitely does not mean that if they had, they would have cast their vote for the same candidate/party that you voted for.

If I ever find a candidate that is decent, trustworthy, honest, and has integrity, I will vote, until then .................



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Barchetta wrote:

So, the conservatives assume 30% and a guaranteed win.

Did anyone ever think that maybe a large percentage of the people who refrained from (or couldn't be bothered) voting, did so because they already know their party is guaranteed a win?

Just because someone didn't vote, definitely does not mean that if they had, they would have cast their vote for the same candidate/party that you voted for.

If I ever find a candidate that is decent, trustworthy, honest, and has integrity, I will vote, until then .................

Decent,trustworthy,honest,integrity. These are not words used with the word politician. Maybe in days gone by ,but certainly not now. 



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51 Styline wrote:
Barchetta wrote:

So, the conservatives assume 30% and a guaranteed win.

Did anyone ever think that maybe a large percentage of the people who refrained from (or couldn't be bothered) voting, did so because they already know their party is guaranteed a win?

Just because someone didn't vote, definitely does not mean that if they had, they would have cast their vote for the same candidate/party that you voted for.

If I ever find a candidate that is decent, trustworthy, honest, and has integrity, I will vote, until then .................

Decent,trustworthy,honest,integrity. These are not words used with the word politician. Maybe in days gone by ,but certainly not now. 

 large percentage were ambulance chasers before getting into politics, those are words not used in the same sentence with lawyers



'69 bel air 454 M20


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2drpost wrote:
51 Styline wrote:
Barchetta wrote:

So, the conservatives assume 30% and a guaranteed win.

Did anyone ever think that maybe a large percentage of the people who refrained from (or couldn't be bothered) voting, did so because they already know their party is guaranteed a win?

Just because someone didn't vote, definitely does not mean that if they had, they would have cast their vote for the same candidate/party that you voted for.

If I ever find a candidate that is decent, trustworthy, honest, and has integrity, I will vote, until then .................

Decent,trustworthy,honest,integrity. These are not words used with the word politician. Maybe in days gone by ,but certainly not now. 

 large percentage were ambulance chasers before getting into politics, those are words not used in the same sentence with lawyers

I don't know where these guys came from but it seems that once they get a taste of living off of the taxpayers dollar they just cant stop being jerks. 



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I'm glad to finally see this proposed legislation in the mainstream media ... ... ... ... finally ... smile

From Global News today ...

It's still a proposal ... and they are 'seeking input from stakeholders' ... no

I hope they do get a LOT OF IMPUT on their proposed new AMP law  ...

-- Edited by DavidP on Friday 3rd of July 2015 08:57:08 AM

-- Edited by DavidP on Friday 3rd of July 2015 08:59:53 AM



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If everybody would take about two min to find their MPs e-mail and fire off a little paragraph expressing your opinion on this issue it could make a difference and you easily google your MPs is not rocket science..nor does it take any longer than taking a dump..and every body has one of them every take your lap-top to the library and while your sitting at the porcelain seat of the study send off an e-mail..better than just venting and never doing any else....through my eyes..



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E_ Mail sent today to Wayne Gates MPP Niagara Falls. Lets see if it helps the cause.



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The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that as Canadians, that we have the ability to challenge any penal matters in court. This is the highest law in Canada, and no law that Wynne pushes through can trump it. She can try to remove your ability to fight HTA offences, but Chapter 11(B)(D) of the Charter guarentees that right.

This will have to be taken out of the ontario courts, to the Supreme Court of Canada, found unconstitutional, and struck down.

This brings another serious wrinkle, especially if this law is found unconstitutional, and struck down.

The police officers have sworn an oath to uphold the law, which includes not enforcing any laws that are obviously not legal. Because the Charter trumps all other laws in Canada, any police officer who enforces an unjust law opens themselves up to being sued personally because they are not protected by the Police Services act because when they are enforcing an unjust law, they are not acting as a peace officer.

Proceedings in criminal and penal matters

11. Any person charged with an offence has the right

(a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence;

(b) to be tried within a reasonable time;

(c) not to be compelled to be a witness in proceedings against that person in respect of the offence;

(d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;

(e) not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause;

(f) except in the case of an offence under military law tried before a military tribunal, to the benefit of trial by jury where the maximum punishment for the offence is imprisonment for five years or a more severe punishment;

(g) not to be found guilty on account of any act or omission unless, at the time of the act or omission, it constituted an offence under Canadian or international law or was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations;

(h) if finally acquitted of the offence, not to be tried for it again and, if finally found guilty and punished for the offence, not to be tried or punished for it again; and

(i) if found guilty of the offence and if the punishment for the offence has been varied between the time of commission and the time of sentencing, to the benefit of the lesser punishment.



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51 Styline wrote:

E_ Mail sent today to Wayne Gates MPP Niagara Falls. Lets see if it helps the cause.

 Received confirmation today of receipt of my E-Mail with thanks and promise to look in to this proposal deeper and to get the facts. 



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51.. Great I do believe it makes a difference..They can't ignore you when you make contact..Slow ,steady, and persistently keep resending that e-mail and send it to every MP even if they are not in your riding I have the e-mails for every one of them and usually just send to all After all they want everybody to feel included in the process lets include them all the fukers..Sure hope every one remembers why we have hemorrhoids next election..throw the fukers out..I heard the Ontario government had their credit rating downgraded which means a higher interest rate we pay for the debt now standing at 375 billion dollars..



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fatchuk wrote:

51.. Great I do believe it makes a difference..They can't ignore you when you make contact..Slow ,steady, and persistently keep resending that e-mail and send it to every MP even if they are not in your riding I have the e-mails for every one of them and usually just send to all After all they want everybody to feel included in the process lets include them all the fukers..Sure hope every one remembers why we have hemorrhoids next election..throw the fukers out..I heard the Ontario government had their credit rating downgraded which means a higher interest rate we pay for the debt now standing at 375 billion dollars..

Just heard on the news we pay 11 billion interest to service the debt. Makes you wonder just what the hell they are thinking about. I wonder if they run their own households like they have the province. OH, silly me, of course they don't run their houses like the province. They have unlimited finances to run the province. If they need more they just raise the taxes or user fees and we like dummies, keep paying. 



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Ok here's my idea to get people to vote ; All elections , federal and provincial are done in conjunction with filing your tax return .
File your tax return and cast your vote , don't cast a vote pay the fine on top of your tax bill or it will be removed from your return
May sound far fetched but now your government we not be elected bye a small percentage but instead bye the masses



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fatchuk wrote:

If everybody would take about two min to find their MPs e-mail and fire off a little paragraph expressing your opinion on this issue it could make a difference and you easily google your MPs e-mail.


Now this is something I agree with and see as time well spent .... doing it right after this smile





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I received a message the other day from the NDP thanking me for the E-Mail about the AMP situation and the concerns of the Hot Rodding community about the proposed legislation changes. They said they are looking in to the AMP situation and preparing for when the Government sits again in the fall. They too are concerned with taking away peoples rights to dispute tickets. They are also going to look in to our concerns about the emission laws for hot rodders .



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The response from my local liberal MP was that the AMP law was awesome because the ontario government said it was.

The liberals are trying to get more districts in toronto, and remove them in other areas so they can maintain their power. After talking to several small business owners, I get the distinct feeling that the current ontario government is doing everything it can to kill business in Ontario.



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Posts: 687

previous liberal gov't too.


don't walk in like you own the place..........walk in like you hold the mortgage.

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