Some may find this interesting. Not my page. Just sharing
There should be some good comments popping up
A Place to share and trade information so hard working honest people don't have to contribute to the quota of these MTO officers... Also a place to ask questions about commercial vehicle safety so everyone stays safe on the road..
Wow almost 500 likes in two days! Lets keep this going. Please share!!
In the last two days Ive had some people ask for some of the most common infractions. So ill be posting resources for everyone in the next couple days.. I am in no way a professional on this, just a frustrated professional contractor that thinks that everyone should have access to this information, or at least knows it exists. I honestly cant believe there are companies out there still sending drivers out with no training!
For the rest of us. Share your stories, maybe you beat a ticket, maybe you know something someone doesnt... knowledge is power when dealing with these guys. .. Yes most of them are *******s and we love to bitch about the mto officers, but some of them are actually there to keep us safe...We appreciate that.
When creating this page, it was done with safety in mind, so we could all educate each other... Lets post where the blitzes are so we dont end up with tickets for not having our plate visble or some other minor infractions. But lets also teach the guys who dont know, so they dont end up with $5000 worth of fines cause there boss sent them out without showing them a pre trip or schedule 2. Or worst how to hook up a trailer .... who knows will probably save a life or two!