I have had this old engine sitting around for quite some time now and have many a time thought about just scrapping it out. But....with all the emissions laws being enforced, I thought it might be worth investigating what it really is.
I have checked the codes a few times in the past and came up with different answers and since the motor is probably junk(or I thought) I never pursued it. It came with a car that was junk yard bound but I saved it. It was missing carb(2 barrel) and may have had water in it etc. It was sitting in the engine bay of a 77 Nova Concours but I don't think it was original. So... not to prolong this anymore. Here is the info I have on it and have found.
The block is painted(was painted) orange.
it has a single point distributor
2 barrel intake
2 bolt main
Looks like a normal balancer
The block casting number is 3970010
on the pad by the front of the head is K05 29 CTL
Now I am hopeful that it is a 1972 350 with T/H from a Chevelle,Nova, Monte
But the CTL code was also listed for a full size chev 400 in 1975 and a 350 M/T corvette in 1970
There is no flywheel attached.
Anyway, any help connecting the dots would be appreciated. If it is pre Emissions I will probably get it stripped down and checked out.
slab----67 chevy II 2dr post and 66 chevy II hardtop
Not to happy to see that 1978 305 in that list. I had three of those Novas to make one good one and maybe I was mistaken on the year. It might have been a 78 Concours. That would be disappointing if it was a 305 smogger.
slab----67 chevy II 2dr post and 66 chevy II hardtop
It is a 72' Nova/chevelle/monte 350. The 2 bolt mains are the give away. A corvette would have been 4 bolt. All 010 2 bolt blocks are 350's from the factory.
I wire brushed off the back of the block in the bell housing area and no date code. We have another 350 the clearly shows 1978 but this one and a 79 350 out of a Pontiac don't. Is there another spot to look?
slab----67 chevy II 2dr post and 66 chevy II hardtop