Finally got a call from my electrical fix-it guy that my starters are all good to go for the car.
Hopped in the '93 beater service truck and it decided not to stop at the corner. I did the brakes back in September.
A rear line has retired and I did not get the memo. Why it couldn't wait until there was 4 feet of snow to make matters worse, I dunno. I don't have a hoist, I have a pit, and the car is kinda stranded over it waiting for above mentioned starter(s).
Jack-stands and the concrete pads outside are my only option. Dang, I ain't 20 no more, it ain't 20C, and the shop fridge needs a restock for this type of job.
On the bright side the weather is not too bad for ya and the lack of white stuff helps. Those repairs mentally beat you down, yup its attitude, yes fridge stock is important. . Hear you on the age 50 and its starting to suck.
Yes been there..the beater has kept me busy also. The toy is in the garage getting some updates over the last year so issues are done out doors . One day ......a hoist .
gotta be young and dumb before you get old and wise
HI GUYS : Enjoy being 50 --( Lots of people didn't even make it that far )-- Today is the youngest you'll ever be , so go for it -- I started my one and only build when I was 60 ( My Avatar ) -- with absolutely NO experience -- It can be done , but the learning curve is LONG !!! -- All the Best and keep us posted -- LATER -- DON / Fleet 51
jeez guys. Its been 20+ years since I saw 50 and I can still get down and crawl under my Chevvy to work on her. That's no problem at all. The problem is getting back up.
jeez guys. Its been 20+ years since I saw 50 and I can still get down and crawl under my Chevvy to work on her. That's no problem at all. The problem is getting back up.
If brains were wire, some couldn't short circuit a firefly.
Been there, done that................... 2 paramedics and 3 nights in the ER
You know you are getting old when you talk about body damage and it is not about your car.
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
Ya know guys. This reminds me of many moons ago at the Garage in the city.
You'd fire up a torch, find the right wrench or something and then 'ding ding', one of those pesky customers would pull up to the pumps. Either that or a few kids would be banging the counter bell to get a Mars Bar or tell me the Coke machine ripped them off. (It never did)
Even after hours with no pump lights, no lot lights, no nuttin except one of the Bay lights and a trouble light in your hand, someone would bang on the door and ask if you're open ! Door sign is flipped over to 'CLOSED'.
I remember hearing that a Mechanics daily driver is always the most neglected vehicle.
Quote "That doesn't sound good henry. Wanna elaborate ?"
January 2007 in a Mini tornado, I climbed onto the roof to fix the steel sheeting being torn off.....................(stupid is....)
Wind caught the sheet I was on, flipped 220 lbs of me over the house, I caught the power cables and fell straight down on the ice.
Good thing my head broke my fall
otherwise I would have had even more damage than the right collar bone moved to the left side of my body, 3 broken ribs and many more cracked, some how split both knees and one elbow (for snow colouring effect).
Concussion and swelling, couldn't talk or see for the first 24 hrs. (too bad, the nurse was a looker) Now eye sight has partially returned, short term memory is intermittent, speech is at 95%.
Doctor says..... "things you have to live with"<----QUACK
Went outside and moved the car in the yard yesterday, lost the Focking $150 antitheft PATS key.
(milk in the cupboard, cereal in the fridge, leave the stove on etc)
Wife says "we did it yesterday"....... I have to take her word for it.
Good thing I remember how to drive.
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
Glad you're OK. I fell, well sorta went with the ladder that lost its footing when I was on it about 30 feet up. Didn't get hurt, but sure downed many beers after that.
I've refused to even get on a roof since then. Even have a hard time on my 10 foot step ladder. I think I grew a girly part after that. I dunno.
I fell, well sorta went with the ladder that lost its footing when I was on it about 30 feet up. I've refused to even get on a roof since then. Even have a hard time on my 10 foot step ladder. I think I grew a girly part after that.
That's actually quite common. Plenty of men, as they age, get "man boobs".
Glad you're OK. I fell, well sorta went with the ladder that lost its footing when I was on it about 30 feet up. Didn't get hurt, but sure downed many beers after that.
I've refused to even get on a roof since then. Even have a hard time on my 10 foot step ladder. I think I grew a girly part after that. I dunno.
I'm sure you already consider yourself lucky
a guy on a dodge site I use fell off a ladder back the begining of the year
broke his ankle , bones came out through the skin
wife heard him screaming and ran out - she found him on the ground bleeding really bad - called 911 and put lots of pressure on his ankle to stop the bleeding
good thing she was around he says - the doctors said he ripped an artery in his ankle and would have died from blood loss if she hadden't been around to help him
Glad you're OK. I fell, well sorta went with the ladder that lost its footing when I was on it about 30 feet up. Didn't get hurt, but sure downed many beers after that.
I've refused to even get on a roof since then. Even have a hard time on my 10 foot step ladder. I think I grew a girly part after that. I dunno.
I'm sure you already consider yourself lucky
a guy on a dodge site I use fell off a ladder back the begining of the year
broke his ankle , bones came out through the skin
wife heard him screaming and ran out - she found him on the ground bleeding really bad - called 911 and put lots of pressure on his ankle to stop the bleeding
good thing she was around he says - the doctors said he ripped an artery in his ankle and would have died from blood loss if she hadden't been around to help him
That is why I don't go anywhere without my cell on my side. I even take it if I'm taking the garbage out. Help is only a call away
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
Nasty was falling out of bed while trying to get up to pee,
when you can't bend your body or use one arm.
Had plenty'O morphine and still hurt so bad I had to
lie there and cry for a half hour.(Home Alone)
Had a rope tied to the foot of the bed to pull myself
sideways(while planking), then slide off the bed to
crouched knees and then stand up.
Getting in was easy, flop over.
Doctor scripted 100 pills.
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !
Found more stuff up on 2d floor. S10/15 fenders etc. Toppers for S10/15 and older 8' full size.
I'm thinking if you brought some C clamps, a topper could leave with ya ?
I saw some of my 69 Mach 1 things in the far corner. I'll confirm that when I beat the coons out. The coons seem to think they own the stuff. We'll see about that !
-- Edited by supernash on Friday 11th of December 2015 07:48:15 PM
Henry, hope you heal well and have less pain as you do. I have had my share of ladder issues, one being when I was putting plywood on the peak end of my 12' high garage extension standing on "top" of an 8' step ladder with 1/2 sheet of plywood when the wind picked up and off I went. Landed at the bottom non the worse for wear, just got up and went into the house to recoup courage to get back up.
-- Edited by henrys57wagon on Saturday 12th of December 2015 09:02:06 AM
I guess we all have our "bone head" stories. Mine was a math error, I figured I weighed enough to hold down a 6' x 13' magic carpet at 60 mph.
I think the decimal place was off by 2.
They told me lying in the snow for 30 minutes helped keep the swelling down and I do not remember any of it.
Did someone say "Mach1" ?
I suppose you are 1,000 miles away?
Not the Perth near Ottawa?
(and my shop truck is a "vette/Canadian") Hmmmm......
tell me what you got.....
Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !