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Post Info TOPIC: Speeding - the other end of the scale


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Speeding - the other end of the scale

A neighbours son was driving down hwy 10 into Caledon Village and was stopped for speeding.His crime was for doing 53kph in a 50 zone.I have never heard of a fine for driving 3kph over the limit.I told her to take it to court and claim speedo needle width to get it cancelled.



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That Cop should be taken out behind the Barn and dealt with, with the rest of them.

Jus sayin



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anyone who's ever driven with a digital speedo would know there's a 5-6 kph variance in speed just riding down the street at what would feel like a constant speed

anyone who's ever watched the digital display on a radar gun would know the same thing

analog speedo's only show an average speed in the moment

-- Edited by DJD on Saturday 19th of December 2015 01:17:59 PM



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Altered tire size will kinda throw things out.(from factory specs)


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I was ticketed for 1 km over and charged $3.

I thought it was hilarious and just paid the fine. Insurance lady saw it at renewal time and told me the speed doesn't matter, it's still a moving violation and will go against me.

Why was I ticketed for 1 km over? Cops were on work-to-rule at the time, caught me for doing 20+ over, felt I still deserved a ticket so they gave me the bare minimum. I'd be willing to bet the cop that ticketed for 3 over was doing the same thing (lowering it from the speed he was actually caught at, not working to rule). By the way, I have heard (don't know for a fact though) that when in court a cop can tell the judge he lowered the ticket .... possibly affecting how lenient the judge will feel.

Either way, my insurance lady told me to fight ANY ticket, they can't make it worse .... her words.


I have heard on the news, specifically during when school is restarting, that cops have a zero tolerance for speeding etc in school zones.  If that's the truth, as ridiculous as it sounds, zero tolerance does mean ticketing for ANYTHING over the posted limit .... even three over.


Definitely sounds like this cop was either a real prick or quickly needed to fill his quota  (as for those who don't believe cops have or had quota's, may I remind you of the time Toronto cops were caught being able to leave before the end of their scheduled shift once they reached a their quota). 

-- Edited by chips on Saturday 19th of December 2015 02:20:33 PM



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There is a spot on the ticket to show that the cop has already lowered it ..... say from a points offence to just a fine..... if you loose its up to the judge but he can reinstate the original fine 

if you get a ticket talk to someone like Ex copper or the likes even get a second opinion.... Normally they only get paid if they win . so they are not going to dick around with a case they don't have a chance . 

so it can get worse . 

What a long strange trip its been


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chips wrote:
I have heard on the news, specifically during when school is restarting, that cops have a zero tolerance for speeding etc in school zones.  If that's the truth, as ridiculous as it sounds, zero tolerance does mean ticketing for ANYTHING over the posted limit .... even three over.-- Edited by chips on Saturday 19th of December 2015 02:20:33 PM


they had that blitz on last week in waterloo region .. makes the news as xx number of speeders caught in SCHOOL ZONES!!  Police love statistics that prove they need more speed enforcement... cough revenue cough

-- Edited by meester_jamie on Saturday 19th of December 2015 03:48:45 PM





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"There is a spot on the ticket to show that the cop has already lowered it"

Come on now, my hip-waders aren't handy. This I'd love to see.



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supernash wrote:

"There is a spot on the ticket to show that the cop has already lowered it"

Come on now, my hip-waders aren't handy. This I'd love to see.

 Do you really think the cop and the crown sit and talk about every speeding ticket that goes trough court . Once the cop has reduced the fine its unlikely to get lowered again. If the cop lowered it its likely he screwed up . when you send in your request for trial also send a request for disclosure ( fax or registered mail )...... cops notes ... machine model  , manuals , calibration procedure  , Time and date of calibration from cop and when and how he did it....You  will not get it all at once and expect to send two or three requests. that's  were the fax or registered mail comes in cause they can't proceed to trial until you get it . the judge will be pissed after a couple appearances . Any good paralegal knows this and if they don't move on...

What a long strange trip its been


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Slim, I was being sarcastic, as in 'A cop giving somebody a break?'

I figure if you get a speeding ticket, you're guilty and ya know it, why on earth would you fight it if the cop 'decreased' the set fine to a lower speed/less cost?

Sure, there are exceptions such as the dick cop in a speed trap situation that simply shows you somebody elses 'catch' and tickets 40 guys for the same reading. I heard about that somewhere, and so many people showed up for court, that the cop was exposed.

They used to do that a very long time ago, but these days ??

Sorry for the confusion. My Parents dropped me on my head a lot when I was a baby.



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A court of law has nothing to  do with whats right or wrong. As soon as you walk into court they  have lost money and their cash grab is null and void the longer you can drag it out the more they  loose .... it warms the ****les of my  hart .

Anybody today that doesn't fight a ticket is  crazy. its not the ticket its the insurance vultures looking to double or triple your rates. even if you are convicted you can appeal it ... I love this one because the conviction won't show on your record till the appeal is heard . The record starts on the date of the 1st conviction if you can drag it out the 3 years ( not to hard today )  the conviction will never show on your record  . after the 3 years you can just pay the fine and never go to court. Why do you think they are trying to change the law so you don't have a right to a trial...... Its not to benefit the people of Ontario. 

What a long strange trip its been


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Dam, Slim, you're not just another pretty face are you??


If brains were wire, some couldn't short circuit a firefly.


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No....he's not!


"If you don't pass on the knowledge you have to others, it Dies with you"


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Life's not easy being Green...

What a long strange trip its been


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Fight it   Fight it  ......   insurance killed me with a speeding ticket     for 3 years now....





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they have been doing this in the states for years,
" I have heard on the news, specifically during when school is restarting, that cops have a zero tolerance for speeding etc in school zones. If that's the truth, as ridiculous as it sounds, zero tolerance does mean ticketing for ANYTHING over the posted limit .... even three over."
when i was driving truck years ago you knew if the yellow lights are on do the limit and thats fair. they generally leave you alone before and after the zone if your not too far over. the schools around here just started getting the light system 4-5 years ago on the main rds/sts and you still see them going 10-15km over the posted 40 when the lights are on. lots of places down south the fines doubled when the lights were on also. where you going anyway that you can't slow down a bit for an 1/8th to a 1/4 mile. maybe should of left 5 minuets earlier, lol.-----.02 cents

if your not the lead dog-the view is all the same

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shag766 wrote:

 where are you going anyway that you can't slow down a bit for an 1/8th to a 1/4 mile. maybe should of left 5 minuets earlier, lol.-----.02 cents


I don't disagree with this comment .... BUT .... 3 kms/hr over works out to 1.86 miles an hour over.  Ticketed for speeding 1.86 miles an hour over the posted limit?  I probably walk faster than 1.86 miles per hour, so this sounds more than a bit ridiculous to me.


I know they threaten "zero tolerance", I just can't get my head around ticketing someone for such a tiny amount over the posted limit.  Poor kids insurance is going to be screwed now (if he doesn't fight it and win).


I'm thinking either the cop dropped it down already, or the cop knows this kid (from other issues) and was looking for ANY opportunity to write him a ticket, or maybe the car is a slammed import, with dark tints and a stereo you hear before you see.


I'd feel like an idiot showing up in front of the judge, if I was that cop. 





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If it's a school zone and it's posted at for example 50KM  you could always do 40,, after all it is a school zone!!!!!!!!!

Most school zones are only about a KM long. When you arrive where you are going is that one KM section going to make a difference?

I wouldn't think so.

If you can't get stopped in time because you were in too much of a hurry and you hit a child how is the arrival time now. 

Just my opinion


-- Edited by toomuchjunk on Wednesday 23rd of December 2015 12:53:15 PM


"Good cowgirls keep their calves together"


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"I'd feel like an idiot showing up in front of the judge, if I was that cop."

No Kidding. What's worse is the City kids that are Bused (sp). Busing the City kids ? Really ??


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toomuchjunk wrote:


If you can't get stopped in time because you were in too much of a hurry and you hit a child how is the arrival time now. 

Just my opinion



Oh, I get it ..... the "line in the sand" is 50 kph ...... exceed it and getting a ticket shouldn't really come as a shock, BUT ....  for exceeding it (if the ticket wasn't lowered) by the amount equal to the the speed some people walk at is a bit too much for me to swallow.  With a radar detector being plus or minus whatever (in terms of accuracy) and a car's speedometer being plus or minus in terms of accuracy, he could very well have been doing LESS than three km's/hr over.  


I am not interested in doing a test to determine actual fact (for obvious reasons) but I doubt there would be any discernible difference as far as personal injury is concerned, when a body is hit by a car going 53 as opposed to a car going 50.  Also, if a driver is able to "swerve to avoid" at 50, I'm pretty sure they'd be successful swerving at 53. 


50 and 53 are so close together, that potentially someone who just took off their 18" summer wheels, and replaced them with a non factory 16", slightly different diameter thanks to the advice of their local tire shop, winter tire and rim package, could potentially set their cruise control to 50 and still exceed 50 by 3 km/h without even knowing.  

With so many variables (tire size, speedo accuracy, radar accuracy), and how much insurance rapes people for moving violations, I think it is unconscionable for a cop to ticket someone for something like this ...... warn them, hell yeah, ticket them ...... that's just wrong.  

Ticketing for 3 over is definitely NOT going to help public relations ..... and they wonder why no one wants to be around them biggrin (on or off duty).





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Don't get me going about Cops. Harry will shut me down as quick a


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supernash wrote:

Don't get me going about Cops. Harry will shut me down as quick a



Yeah, I've probably already said too much myself  biggrinbiggrin



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supernash wrote:

 No Kidding. What's worse is the City kids that are Bused (sp). Busing the City kids ? Really ??

When I went to Teachers College in 1962, this was the law and still is.  It is Universal to Ontario give or take a tenth depending on jurisdiction. 

Kindergarten to grade 1 students

  1.0 km (.625 miles)

Grades 2 - 4 students

  1.6 km (1 mile)

Grades 5 - 6 students

  2.0 km (1.25 miles)

Grades 7 - 8 students

  3.2 km (2 miles)

Secondary students

  3.8 km (2.36 miles)


You can only make it better


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1962 ? Do you fart dust ? (I'm kidding)

I'll check some distances (map quest) from when I was a city kid in 1966 walking the Kindygarten.

I don't remember EVER seeing a School Bus, except for the Country kids, and even that was High School, when I was in High Scoo.

About 23 years ago, my ex's sister was happy her kids were bused. The school was 3 blocks away. Seriously.

How is this car related ? I had to walk past Cox's Race cars everyday going to Kindergarden, and had to cross the Avon River Bridge. I would have been almost 5. All by myself with no helmet on my bicycle in the warm season. How I survived is beyond me.



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I think speeding limits should be raised near Mosques.


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BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA (gasp for air) BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin


dammit, just tinkled a little hmmno

-- Edited by chips on Wednesday 23rd of December 2015 04:13:47 PM



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The camel is running as fast as he can already!


Fords Rule ! If it ain't designed and manufactured in North America it sucks ! I don't do rice, pasta, fish and chips, sauerkraut, Ikea or other third world motor vehicle !


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School zone is 40 here . Not really a problem because they put all three schools in town in a row so traffic is backed up for a mile or more every day. Funny but its really not leaving town you pass Mc Master University For at least 40 years they used an unmarked crossing from westdale across the 102 without a problem. Some do-gooders and the town figured they need a cross walk ..... No cross street just a stop in the middle of no ware. within a year 2 dead . 

What a long strange trip its been


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Talked to the mom again,her son thought he was being stopped in a road block,they were pulling over every car.The ticket was not lowered.If you are driving anywhere around Orangeville Caledon area be aware this is a heavily radared area.My 96 old mother was driving with me and asked if the car was breaking down,I explained that 60 kph was the limit,sure enough there they were sitting in a farmers field just up the road in the middle of nowhere. Merry Christmas to all



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My sun was hit by an ambulance in April had two witnesses but the police did not need them as they had enough evidence. 24 Hr. later he was ticketed for failing to stop at a light an careless. The Crown contacted his lawyer would drop careless and plead the red light he said no. Went to court with his one witness the bus driver that was behind him. Said the police had it all wrong it was the other way around so the judge through it out. Nothing happened to ambulance driver no charges. Do not hit a service vehicle as you will always be charged he found out.


Yes they are all crazzzy but me and you........... and I am not sure about you!!!!

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Smokin Joe wrote:

My sun was hit by an ambulance in April had two witnesses but the police did not need them as they had enough evidence. 24 Hr. later he was ticketed for failing to stop at a light an careless. The Crown contacted his lawyer would drop careless and plead the red light he said no. Went to court with his one witness the bus driver that was behind him. Said the police had it all wrong it was the other way around so the judge through it out. Nothing happened to ambulance driver no charges. Do not hit a service vehicle as you will always be charged he found out.



Two words .... Dashboard Camera.




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For me at 5 years old, school was .5 miles away. My older brother was high school and it was 1.5 miles away.

No Buses. Rural kids were the only ones Bused in to High School.

Check it yourself Stratford:

155 cobourg to falstaff school
155 cobourg to NorthWestern High

Anyway, reading about crazy police pullovers. I was pulled over in the Vette coming out of London way back. Top was down but it has a wire for the Mirror 'Map Light'.

The Cop was convinced I had a Radar Detector in it because of the visible wire. Dirtbag called some of his other Gang members to verify.

A couple hours later they let me go home, but not before giving me a ticket for obstructed view or some such. The plastic rear window in the top was 'yellowed'. Yup, they made me put the top up, at the side of Richmond at the North end heading home.

Punks wanted to nail me for something I guess. I have no use for Cops. Sorry.



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There is a code box on the face of the ticket, if it was lowered at roadside there would be an R in the code box indicating "reduced at road side". You have to watch when you go to court on speeding tickets, you will have to go to trial on the original speed, whatever it was.

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