You most likely already know this but your Ranchero is in the Fall / Winter Performance Improvement magazine near the back of the mag in the Unfinished Nationals section. The picture is at the bottom of the page. I'm pretty sure it's your car. I have a copy of the magazine that i can sell you for $75........... (just kidding, your a friend ......only $30). You can get a copy if you don't have one at the Performance Improvements stores for free (truly the best price). I'm only telling you this 'cause you have a Ford and i hope if my car ever gets in the magazine someone will tell me about it, but i think my car would have to catch on fire in the Performance Improvements parking lot and be in full burn before that would ever happen i'm just sayin'.
It's funny but your car from a distance sorta looks like a El Camino........(i'm so sorry, please forgive me as i have sinned).
Northern Region Maverick Comet Club website...........