Looking to contact Rick Proctor of Port Stanley. I was in Rockton today and bought some stuff from him. Looks like he got the 'short end of the stick' on the sale. I just want to straighten up with him on what I owe. PM me a phone number, email, or have him PM me direct would be great. The phone number I found on the net is out of service. He's not listed as a director on the ONDR so no number there. ONDR archive showed an email address but it won't work. So, I'm asking for your help. Thanks, Sniper.
For some reason I think he used to have something to do with the ONDRA and I think you believe the same thing as you have mentioned it in your post (I'm picturing a white altered ... maybe a Bantam).
I wonder if someone currently involved in the ONDRA (assuming they are still operating) might have the contact info you seek.
Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.
Pete Moss, Thanks for the help, the number is the same one I had tried earlier. The car your thinking of is a Fiat Topolino. He had it on the street at one time painted red with "Rat Trap" on the doors. Took it back to it's racing roots with a cream or off white colour paint job. Apparently that was what it was when it held the Championship for (I think) 1966.
Wuga, Thanks for the number, I gave it a try but no answer, couldn't leave a message, Rogers recording said it wasn't "initialized" yet. I'll give it a try again tomorrow.
And a thanks to Parklane, he tried to help out as well. As I mentioned to Parklane, I don't think I have ever had this much trouble trying to pay somebody before. (Watch the help pour in now!!)
Pete Moss, Thanks for the help, the number is the same one I had tried earlier. The car your thinking of is a Fiat Topolino. He had it on the street at one time painted red with "Rat Trap" on the doors. Took it back to it's racing roots with a cream or off white colour paint job. Apparently that was what it was when it held the Championship for (I think) 1966.
Wuga, Thanks for the number, I gave it a try but no answer, couldn't leave a message, Rogers recording said it wasn't "initialized" yet. I'll give it a try again tomorrow.
And a thanks to Parklane, he tried to help out as well. As I mentioned to Parklane, I don't think I have ever had this much trouble trying to pay somebody before. (Watch the help pour in now!!)
Whoops, my mistake. Found a pic of an off-white Topolino on the ONDRA site (should be pictured below) but that isn't the car I thought was owned by Proctor. Just for fun, I'll see if I can find a pic of the car I thought he owned. Pretty sure it was Bantam based ... I think, maybe ...
Ok, I googled Rick Proctor Bantam and this is the car I was picturing. Was wrong on the colour but I don't know if a Rick Proctor is the owner of the car or the taker of the picture.
Sorry to waste more space on something completely unrelated but here is a link to a video titled "Ontario Nostalgia Drag Racer Rick Proctor Altered Shakedown Run" so I'm guessing this is where I got the idea Rick raced a Bantam. Not saying he doesn't own and race a Topo, just saying this (the Bantam) is the car I pictured when the name Rick Proctor popped up
Sounds like Wuga has you on the right track to connecting with Rick.
Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.
Hey Rochie, it's 9:30 am and I just tried to phone again, it rings but no answer. If your close by, and don't mind letting Rick know I'm trying to contact him, that would be great. Thanks, Sniper.
He has a bunch of ads on Kiji maybe you can get him that way TMJ https://www.kijiji.ca/o-posters-other-ads/92344318
Tried the address line but it won't bring anything up. Tried item number under London and/or Ontario, gave the same result, won't show anything. Tried the 92344318 number but no, add a 1 to the front of the 92344318 number but nope, no dice. Looked at posters up to the $25.00 but didn't see anything that might be what he would have. (Seen some at Rockton he had for sale, so they were the ones I was looking for. Thought he may have had them online.) May have to run across him at random. Thanks. Sniper.
The elusive Rick has been found. Got a hold of him by phone just before 6pm today (Mon). (WUGA's phone number panned out in the end.) Everything is good, I'm set to meet up with him now. Thanks for the help and interest guys. Sniper.
Keeping this post on topic, I'm looking for someone too. Rather than write a detailed description of the person I seek, I feel it is best just to include a picture.
Please wish me luck in my search I believe, based on her pose in this picture, she is looking for me as well ... I hope
Keeping this post on topic, I'm looking for someone too. Rather than write a detailed description of the person I seek, I feel it is best just to include a picture.
Please wish me luck in my search I believe, based on her pose in this picture, she is looking for me as well ... I hope
Looking to contact Rick Proctor of Port Stanley. I was in Rockton today and bought some stuff from him. Looks like he got the 'short end of the stick' on the sale. I just want to straighten up with him on what I owe. PM me a phone number, email, or have him PM me direct would be great. The phone number I found on the net is out of service. He's not listed as a director on the ONDR so no number there. ONDR archive showed an email address but it won't work. So, I'm asking for your help. Thanks, Sniper.
This post says a lot about your character and integrity!..I'm impressed!