You would be better off finding a set with the push button handles 52 > . 47 to 50 had no vent window 47 to 51 the handles winders and strikers are different along with the hinges are slightly different . as I said the 52 up is just an easier fit
1947 48 49 50 have turn down handles no vent windows 1951 has turn down handles with vent windows 1952 53 54 1st series 55 have push button door handles and vent windows you can not install 1947 threw 1951 turn down handle doors on a 1952 and later truck with out doing some major surgery on the cab latch plates that being said you must know that there are hundreds if not thousands of these cabs that are not factory tagged so unless you had the factory doors that shut properly there are subtle differences in the cabs but the cab latches are the only true way of telling the different years