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restricted driving

I don't really like posting the same thing on two similar web sites but maybe this has to get out there.

Has anyone heard anything about gov't talk or proposed legislation to only allow special interest cars on the roads on the weekend?

A friend read some information that the Government may be introducing a new bill to restrict or stop operation of all older cars from Monday to Friday to reduce carbon emissions by 30%. This could involve 106,000 cars.


-- Edited by wuga on Friday 12th of January 2018 08:49:39 AM

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Haven't heard this one before.

My daily (by choice) is a 1981 General Motors car which I don't view as "special interest". Wonder what the gov't would consider "special interest" because manufactured in 1981 makes it 37 years old.

What does this "other site" have to say?

I'll have to do some poking around on the 'net but I seem to think I heard something similar quite a while ago but regarding England (or somewhere over that way) not Canada.


I wonder if this, if it is even real (and I have my doubts), would restrict cars with Historic Plates specifically, the historic plates being the means to determine which cars would be restricted.



-- Edited by Pete Moss on Friday 12th of January 2018 09:28:39 AM


Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.


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Taken from Globe & Mail article regarding Jeff Norwell's Ford coupe ... "In December, the 1932 Ford five-window coupe of Jeff Norwell of Orangeville, Ont. was named Street Rod of the Year in 2015. Candy’s Hot Rod Supply, north of Kingston, built Norwell’s car. Candy is an OPP officer with a plan to retire to full-time rod building".

I believe Neil Candy is a member of this site (as well as somewhat local to your part of Ontario) ... he might either have an answer for you or be able to get an answer for you. I am basing this assumption solely on his chosen profession.

Please let us know what you find out (regardless of the source of your info).


Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.


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Somebody's stirring the rumour pot again! According to the Canadian Vehicle Survey 2009, vehicles that are more than 9 years old in the “light vehicles” category (less than 9,920 lbs) represent 31.2% of all vehicles on the road. According to StatsCan, Ontario has over 22 million "light" vehicles registered as of June last year. That means we would lose almost 7 million vehicles during the week. At least the 401 wouldn’t be as busy! Pure nonsense.

-- Edited by TIME TRAVELLER on Friday 12th of January 2018 10:10:23 AM

-- Edited by TIME TRAVELLER on Friday 12th of January 2018 10:12:17 AM



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Somebody's stirring the rumour pot again! According to the Canadian Vehicle Survey 2009, vehicles that are more than 9 years old in the “light vehicles” category (less than 9,920 lbs) represent 31.2% of all vehicles on the road. According to StatsCan, Ontario has over 22 million "light" vehicles registered as of June last year. That means we would lose almost 7 million vehicles during the week. At least the 401 wouldn’t be as busy! Pure nonsense.


I agree that it is most likely pure nonsense BUT ... they could easily do something along the lines of limiting any historic plated cars to weekend only status or anything with "collector car" insurance/over 30 (or whatever) years old IF they wanted to/felt it was in the best interest of the majority (so they can justify their jobs)/thought they could get away with it.


Never say never.


I recently read that Texas informed ALL dune buggy owners that they are REQUIRED to turn in their ownerships, licence plates and window sticker (obv a sticker similar to the ones on our plates).  Doesn't matter if the dune buggy is a full tube style and registered for the first time last year or if it was built on a VW chassis and has been in the system since 1968, every dune buggy is no longer viewed as street legal/registerable in the state of Texas.  Point being that the governing body (of wherever) can do pretty much whatever they want to.  Obviously the VAST majority of car owners own daily drivers newer than 30 years old (for example), aren't car enthusiasts and could easily swallow (and back) the "let's get the polluting piles of crap OFF our roadways in whatever way it takes".  Likely?  No.  Possible.  Unfortunately YES!!!


Dammit, seem to have misplaced my tin foil hat ....


-- Edited by Pete Moss on Friday 12th of January 2018 11:18:04 AM


Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.



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last year I read Paris is/has banned all cars older than 1997 from entering the city during the week days

Paris accord ?
nope .. don need any of that



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'Fake news'

Bob T


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Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.


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I doubt that all 106,000 vehicles would be on road every weekend . lol .  


get the smoking Diesel transports off road on the weekends i





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Probably fake news, but with the bunch we have running Ontario, and Canada these days, I wouldn't be surprised.


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You folks Are a disappointment to our forefathers who fought killed an died for our rights to which you chose to wave with out ever asking for full disclosure of the contracts you've entered into...which are fraudulent.
Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense

BYE BYE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT.It's of no force nor effect
The highway traffic act states the public has "free "right of access to all highways roads including tunnels bridges..

So why are you paying for it...

It's fraud and extortion....PROVEN in court beyond any reasonable doubt.
Tons of case law to back up these facts.

Have nice day......when there's nothing left for your offspring to enjoy on this planet due oppression suppression fraud extortion an the theft of your the international bank of settlements to which is a foreign DE-FACTO entity...

Hell i'm betting none of even know or have read anything to do with land grants....



Ya i said what needs to be said..
Grow a pair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


P.S:  Section 52 sets out the fundamental principle of constitutional law that the Constitution is supreme. The undoubted corollary to be drawn from this principle is that no one can be convicted of an offence under an unconstitutional law.

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Friday 12th of January 2018 06:44:52 PM



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There are 1683 members here and if we discount those that don't have a pair there are 1680 who have a pair not counting you. Grow up and get a life.


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"Freemen on the land" strikes again!



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The highway traffic act states the public has "free "right of access to all highways roads including tunnels bridges..

So why are you paying for it...

meaning you have the right to ride in a conveyance or transport goods in one
you may even operate one upon the road or highway IF you have a permit to do so

we pay for it because if we did not it would not exist -- like everything our taxes support

like firetrucks , snowplows , schools , hospitals , most anything you can think of that makes our society SOOO much better than many



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I hope you have 3 to make up for those of us who increase the traction on our bicycles and broke the chain as a child?


Back to your original post.  My crystal ball suggests that there will be no formal restrictions introduced.  There would be too much risk of a revolt with Pounder carrying torches in the street.  What I predict is that measures will be taken to make the hobby increasingly more expensive and less socially acceptable.  Similiar to what smoking has become.  The insurance company I used to use starting demanding a safety every 2 years to maintain full coverage.  It becomes a death by 1000 cuts with new regs on alcohol in motor fuels, mandatory inspections, getting oil for flat tappet cams etc.  I've sold off all but one of the cars now and I'm seriously considering dumping it and putting the money into one of the new Challengers.  My older brother has not driven his 70 Mach 1 since he brought his new 2014 GT 500 home.  Buying a new car also generates tax dollars and that may be part of the leaders long game?  I suspect that the crazy high car values may also be a long term problem for the hobby.  The 67 Fastback I bought for 5k is probably worth closer to 35k now.  I don't see myself as "one of those guys" who trys to get rich off the hobby but I'm not in a financial position to watch the values drop as supply and demand take their toll.  Its not all doom and gloom, I'm hoping to finish the Stang, fill the tank and head off to the west coast this summer.  It will probably be hot, it will likely break down but the simple pleasure of the open road taunts me and for now its pure motivation!  Everyone on this site sees things different, we sometimes become the second balcony of the Muppets but its that catalyst of the simple machine that keeps us all coming back.

This may be the media release that got the 100,000 vehicle idea started?




-- Edited by Livetodrive on Saturday 13th of January 2018 08:51:21 PM



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I hope you have 3 to make up for those of us who increase the traction on our bicycles and broke the chain as a child?

boxer shorts , track pants and a bicycle seat are a really bad combination ... jus saying



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Sounds to me like this green energy thing is being driven by the corn producers and the ethanol industry whispering in the Liberal (corn) ears. We have a controversy happening here in the County with increased property taxes on agricultural land. They are mostly growing corn and with this turn of events, I don't have much sympathy for them. I don't think this is the article that started the weekend driving fiasco but my friend is trying to find the original article.


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It ain't all doom and gloom y'all :)


Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.

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Ok so first My apologies to wuga.
I have a pair an a life...little different then yours.
So all im trying to say is alot lack some important knowledge which needs to be shared.

DJD please watch an remember the bank of canada ,which the people of canada own not the government for they are only trustees for the people.
The bank of canada use to prior to 1974 pay for everything u mention in your above post..You sir have been deceived..
Hopefully this video will enlighten all.

Then watch and remember the government are trustees an cant not reinstate the bank of canada...The people have to get together educate one another .
Hold a referendum to direct the government to reinstate the bank of canada original mandate.

Remember we had all this Infrastructure prior to 1974 when turdeau sold out the country refered to as canada.
Then in 1979 turdeau incorporated canada into a corporation whitout the people consent without a referendum =Which is FRAUD upon all the people of this once awesume republic.. it was turned into a nation through war / murder via disagreements then the nation became a country then that country was stolen through deception an sold to the federal reserve which is owed by the international bank of settlements which is a foreign entity.
The criminal code we have the right to protect ourselves from foreign invasion.

So forget about all this FREEMAN on the land bull****!! Ok time traveler?
Education is the key here.

Know you all must be wondering why on a car form?
This because when you register a automoblie the corporation of canada now uses such registration has THEIR net worth without ever giving you full disclosure.(section 24)
Now they claim jurisdiction over your property that you worked hard to pay for with your labor .
That is theft fraud an extortion.( it doesn't stop there)
Peace love truth compassion and due diligence will create an educated mass of people that can stop these crimes.
Remember all forms of slavery and servitude are prohibited in all their forms.(article 4)
Also all debt er prisons have been outlawed since the 18 century.

Have an awesome day folks.
Ground pounder

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 14th of January 2018 02:39:39 PM



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Ground Pounder wrote:

Ok so first My apologies to wuga.
I have a pair an a life...little different then yours.
So all im trying to say is alot lack some important knowledge which needs to be shared.

DJD please watch an remember the bank of canada ,which the people of canada own not the government for they are only trustees for the people.
The bank of canada use to perior to 1974 pay for everything u mention in your above post..You sir have been deceived..
Hopefully this video will enlighten all.

Then watchand remember the government are trustees an cant not reinstate the bank of canada...The people have to get together educate one another .
Hold a referendum to direct the government to reinstate the bank of canada original mandate.

Remember we had all this Infrastructure prior to 1974 when turdeau sold out the country refered to as canada.
Then in 1979 turdeau incorporated canada into a corporation whitout the people consent without a referendum =Which is FRAUD upon all the people of this once awesume republic.. it was turned into a nation through war / murder via disagreements then the nation became a country then that country was stolen through deception an sold to the federal reserve which is owed by the international bank of settlements which is a foreign entity.
The criminal code we have the right to protect ourselves from foreign invasion.

So forget about all this FREEMAN on the land bull****!! Ok time traveler?
Education is the key here.

Know you all must be wondering why on a car form?
This because when you register a automoblie the corporation of canada now uses such registration has THEIR net worth without ever giving you full disclosure.(section 24)
Now they claim jurisdiction over your property that you worked hard to pay for with your labor .
That is theft fraud an extortion.( it doesn't stop there)
Peace love truth compassion and due diligence will create an educated mass of people that can stop these crimes.
Remember all forms of slavery and servitude are prohibited in all their forms.(article 4)
Also all debt er prisons have been outlawed since the 18 century.

Have an awesome day folks.
Ground pounder




So what exactly are you saying?  Seriously, I have no idea.  

Are you suggesting it is within our rights to drive a car on ANY road (407??) without insurance, plates, stickers, a licence, a road certified vehicle?





Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.



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first the "money" in your pocket is only a promissory note - or a credit as to you're ability to "pay" for something

it's like a poker chip and nothing more - issued by the bank of canada

we are issued these notes as a statement confirming a contribution to society
it is by this contribution that we are able to pay for things AS a society of selves ie "all of us" as by these contributions we generate a gross national "profit" without such there is no way to pay for anything

look at the other nations with next to no GDP - they have NOTHING as a result

freeman of the land .. sure , great but only if you wander out into the bush , build a hut and eat squirrels
thus demanding nothing from society , contributing nothing to it and receiving no benefit from the rest of the group

idealism is wonderful but you cannot eat it


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First off common sense tells us that That a safe automoblie is very good idea...If you built it yourself its always a good idea to have another inspect your work as to not to be bais an point out what might not be safe.
Your automoblie is part of your house hold goods and having a bond i.e insurance on your house is a good idea to which yor automoblie is covered under.
The registration process converts your automoblie into a motor vehicle which then puts into a category of commercial use removing such from your estate.(truck plates stickers signifies used primary for personal transportation this tells us there's a secondary)
The crown now owns your vehicle to which they want to make sure you carry insurance
However the crown does not know you or what your going to do with their vehicle as they hold legal title...not lawful title.(crowns proceeding act expresses such)
This is why there is the uninsured motorist act to which you eye every one pays for..thats also fraud.check your policies.
As far as 407 goes it was built with our monies then fraudulent sold without a referendum of the people to a foreign entity without our consent.
which is fraud an extortion...hence treason.
Federal class action is needed however we have to all learn swome of this knowledge..
Remember i've already been through a superior court court to which was ruled in our favor..
Where all these above issues were placed upon the court for answers...they in turn sealed our court case..)if any one would like to see where anything i mention is written in statue i will present the links .Most all will come government/court websites or from the statues itself ie: criminal code Ie traffic act ie the constitution...An so forth)

(Fraud vitates all contracts


52 scr 625

Gray vs.Langly

{township),1986 canii 1079 (bc sc)


Metzger v.metzger,2011

onsc 4884

I,ve kinda made it my mission to share my knowledge...its vast.
Yes some Ok many look at such in disbelief ...However i can point to where it is all written in statue...hence a statue is a legislative rule of society given the force of law...Now a question who gives such the force of law?
Answer: You Do through your Consent via Tacit agreement or otherwise..While never asking for full disclosure which i present here to educate an entertain.

Question are you happy with the current way the alleged government (your trustees are running things)?
The problem is they running a corporation with their interests at heart using the masses as pouns.
In order to conquer the people you must first divide them..
I dont like to be divided its not in our interests..
That why i am taking the time to explain such things.

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 14th of January 2018 01:38:52 PM

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 14th of January 2018 02:31:44 PM


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This seems to be another item by those who like to stir up you know what.  Let's try to do all of us a favour and before posting stuff, check out who the friend is that read the stuff and get hold of him to validate the "news"  Where did he read the "stuff"?  Where can we see the original "stuff"?  Hearing about it from my neighbour's cousin who lives two towns over  doesn't cut it when trying to track down the truth about an issue.

Not picking on Warren, but we are all to prone to taking the easy route and shooting "stuff" out there and asking has anyone heard about this.  Suddenly the next guy says I read that and...... on it goes!

There's enough fake news south of the border to satisfy anyone.



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Bingo... These posts have a way of creating more problems than correcting them. Believe it or not 'Big Brother' is often watching and to give them anymore ammunition to attack this hobby [ way of life for some of us] is wrong. Just my opinion.

Bob T

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Bob T wrote:

Bingo... These posts have a way of creating more problems than correcting them. Believe it or not 'Big Brother' is often watching and to give them anymore ammunition to attack this hobby [ way of life for some of us] is wrong. Just my opinion.

 Alleged "BIG BROTHER" as you refer should focus more on this kind of shhhit..

Cant believe in todays times we still have loons like this living among us..

Question is what happened to this woman's education?

All i can say is WOW how sad.



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Don't bring religion into this discussion.

There have been 30 replies to my original posting. That is more then all the other replies for the past two weeks. I didn't start this thread to start an argument or name calling. I was only trying to confirm a sighting. At least it woke up the community and if there is any validity to the rumor, it is better to know about it then not. I am attempting to track down the source of the statement and if I find it, you will be the first to know. So, let's start another thread about somebodies build or trip to the Bahamas or did we really go to the moon. I think this thread has been exhausted, so let's all be friends.


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wuga wrote:

Don't bring religion into this discussion.

There have been 30 replies to my original posting. That is more then all the other replies for the past two weeks. I didn't start this thread to start an argument or name calling. I was only trying to confirm a sighting. At least it woke up the community and if there is any validity to the rumor, it is better to know about it then not. I am attempting to track down the source of the statement and if I find it, you will be the first to know. So, let's start another thread about somebodies build or trip to the Bahamas or did we really go to the moon. I think this thread has been exhausted, so let's all be friends.


 Hi warren...Yes you are correct...I didn't post that article to bring religion into this discussion in fact un till you mentioned such an drew such to my attention i had over looked such

Truly sorry for that one..

The article was posted to express that some may need the system in place needing a nanny to hold their hand through life ,due to there lack of education .

Where as there is a lot of folks here on these forums that do not care for government inter action.For we see no need in our lives for such as we are grown adults that can administer our own affairs.

While i still wonder if the lady in the article had a different education or grew up in a better Environmet if she would have made the same mistake hence a life or two lives saved.

Again warren thank you bringing the religion part to my i feel the same as you in such regards.

Will be starting a thread on a build of a 69 super bee soon .(was a very rusty car as well as hit with structure damage).

Hope to show how to install aftermarket panel(s) correctly ...process of heat shrinking as well as many other tricks of the trade .Once we get far enough along to post such an get the pics uploaded off camara's and phone.(should with in the coming weeks)

Till then:


Ground pounder.....Does care....biggrin

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 14th of January 2018 05:19:52 PM

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 14th of January 2018 05:20:43 PM

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Sunday 14th of January 2018 05:21:55 PM



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I disagree, if it had not been for this post I never would have picked up on the proposed changes to the fuels which is out for public consultation right now.  If anyone here is passionate about the hobby, now is the time to make your voice heard.  Waiting until afterwards and complaining bitterly is not a very strong tactic in my opinion.  To be fair to those making the decisions, if you give people a chance to raise objections and no one steps up, you can't blame them for making a decision.



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Livetodrive wrote:


I disagree, if it had not been for this post I never would have picked up on the proposed changes to the fuels which is out for public consultation right now.  If anyone here is passionate about the hobby, now is the time to make your voice heard.  Waiting until afterwards and complaining bitterly is not a very strong tactic in my opinion.  To be fair to those making the decisions, if you give people a chance to raise objections and no one steps up, you can't blame them for making a decision.

 Why do you feel this is a threat to the hobby? 87 Octane has had 10% ethanol for years. In fact, most stations only have 2 types of fuel, 87 octane with 10% and 91 octane with 0%. 89 octane is a 50-50 blend of the two.

Ethanol in fuel is here to stay, so adapt to it, it's no big deal. As far as the politics of having ethanol (corn) in fuel, that's another topic.



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Livetodrive... I guess once again I haven't made myself clear.My problem is with unsubstantiated rumours being posted not with factual issues. Again just my opinion.

Bob T


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10% is the current content.  The proposed change states "Require ethanol used for compliance to emit significantly fewer (e.g. 35%) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on a lifecycle basis than petroleum gasoline starting in 2020." 

Its not rocket science to see that you can't hit a 35% target with 10% blend.  This was a hot topic for the SAN (SEMA Action Network) and they initiated legal action stateside for all the folks that run carbs on snowmobiles, chainsaws, ATV's and classic cars.  Yes I see the proposed regulatory amendment as a threat, you will have to do your own research and make your own decision.  Whatever you decide is fine by me.



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While I have heard nothing about restrictions on special interest cars. I would not be surprised if it happened in the future. Times are changing .


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Livetodrive wrote:


I disagree, if it had not been for this post I never would have picked up on the proposed changes to the fuels which is out for public consultation right now.  If anyone here is passionate about the hobby, now is the time to make your voice heard.  Waiting until afterwards and complaining bitterly is not a very strong tactic in my opinion.  To be fair to those making the decisions, if you give people a chance to raise objections and no one steps up, you can't blame them for making a decision.

 This needs a constitutional challenge
This will lead to a consumer RIP OFF [already has]
This is a breach of trust
This will result in a loss of liberties under section #7 of the charter of rights and freedoms which carries no statue of limitations as the charter is part of the constitution which is "NOT" a statue .

Constitution is Guaranteed under section #26 which= FOREVER.
There's a lot more to be added..
Nonfeasance in office
Malfeasance in office
Misfeasance in public office

Federal court is always an option . Automobiles conform to federal safety standards.


There is also some misinformation on the svao page!

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Tuesday 16th of January 2018 05:48:35 PM

-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Tuesday 16th of January 2018 06:19:26 PM



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Do all of the above links apply to Canadian Laws or are they just general info ? I have friends in the UK and the USA and their laws seem nothing like ours.



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I sent this rumor to Sema:

Thanks for reaching out to SEMA—your kind words are appreciated. As you suspected, SEMA Action Network (SAN) researchers have found no such proposal introduced at this point. However, the team will keep an eye out for efforts like this while reviewing bills going forward; our Canadian contacts will be provided information accordingly.

I also wanted to thank you for getting involved with our force! As a SAN member, you’ll now be among the first to be notified about opportunities to shape a bill’s course in your jurisdiction. Please encourage others interested in staying informed to enlist free of charge at Like you, those contacts will receive legislative updates as they happen in their jurisdiction—no cost, SPAM or “catch.” After all, great strength comes with great numbers. 

Many thanks again for your interest and support,

Colby Martin

SEMA Action Network (SAN) Director

1575 S. Valley Vista Dr.

Diamond Bar, CA 91765

Direct: 909-978-6721 | Fax: 909-860-0184

The racing community remains at risk until the 2017-2018 RPM Act is signed into law.
Act now by visiting! For details on how you can “Save Our Racecars,” go to




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Thanks Pugsy

I should have done this right at the beginning. I too belong to SEMA/SAN. I didn't want todo a chicken little, I just wanted to know if anyone else had heard it.


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RWW wrote:

Do all of the above links apply to Canadian Laws or are they just general info ? I have friends in the UK and the USA and their laws seem nothing like ours.

 Keep this in mind before northern north America became populated..(Hence The republic of Canada)

Canadian  [North American] alleged Courts used American Case Law.

Now Drop the word "NORTH" what are you left with?

The wording they use is different to confuse And deceive.

Remember before it was referred to as America it was referred to as Americas,before that it was Referred to as turtle island by the natives of this land.(before new comers came and stole it)

Did you know that the white house is "in" Washington D/C, however is not legally part of Washington as such it is registered to an offshore island.?

Did you know: Only a person can exist in the Geographical location known as Ontario ,A human being can not?

Did you know [y]our /[t]Heir birth certificate's are being traded on the stock exchange?

Did you know the federal reserve has stock/share holders that receive an annual 6% dividend of [y]our tax dollar?

If you had a proper English teacher in school an you wrote an Essay all in capital letters essentially what would your mark be?

So if the teacher didn't except such why do you?

Could write a book here pointing out all the differences .

However dont think folks want that to happen,simply put  no time i'm enjoy n the planet an everything it has it to offer without government interference for the first time in this families life..

Thus cause we took a stand against the deception and corruption by doing what others refuse to do, or take the time to do!!!

maxim: let those who be deceived be deceived.

Gotta go Dinners burn n...




-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Saturday 20th of January 2018 09:26:10 PM



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Ground P ... You appear to be extremely well versed in a great many issues that most of us aren't even aware existed or would never be inclined to dispute if ever confronted by them.

Serious question here ... wouldn't the lessons we can learn from your knowledge and personal experiences be better spent letting the masses know rather than just the paltry few on this site?

Why aren't you running for office yourself so these issues and many others that most certainly exist, can be resolved to the benefit of all law abiding, tax paying citizens?

Again, serious question.


Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.



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Ground Pounder wrote:
RWW wrote:

Do all of the above links apply to Canadian Laws or are they just general info ? I have friends in the UK and the USA and their laws seem nothing like ours.

 Keep this in mind before northern north America became populated..(Hence The republic of Canada)

Canadian  [North American] alleged Courts used American Case Law.

Now Drop the word "NORTH" what are you left with?

The wording they use is different to confuse And deceive.

Remember before it was referred to as America it was referred to as Americas,before that it was Referred to as turtle island by the natives of this land.(before new comers came and stole it)

Did you know that the white house is "in" Washington D/C, however is not legally part of Washington as such it is registered to an offshore island.?

Did you know: Only a person can exist in the Geographical location known as Ontario ,A human being can not?

Did you know [y]our /[t]Heir birth certificate's are being traded on the stock exchange?

Did you know the federal reserve has stock/share holders that receive an annual 6% dividend of [y]our tax dollar?

If you had a proper English teacher in school an you wrote an Essay all in capital letters essentially what would your mark be?

So if the teacher didn't except such why do you?

Could write a book here pointing out all the differences .

However dont think folks want that to happen,simply put  no time i'm enjoy n the planet an everything it has it to offer without government interference for the first time in this families life..

Thus cause we took a stand against the deception and corruption by doing what others refuse to do, or take the time to do!!!

maxim: let those who be deceived be deceived.

Gotta go Dinners burn n...




 WOW.   I could care less about where the White House is registered and most of the other BS posted. Think before you post this crap !!!!!




-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Saturday 20th of January 2018 09:26:10 PM




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I'd like to see you try to argue any of this 100 years ago .. while holding your conscription notice in hand

to be a citizen means actually that you , I and everyone here is OWNED and the PROPERTY OF the state
this makes sending out draft or conscription notices doable

much like signing up to serve .. makes you nothing more than the equal to a rifle on a rack .. to be used as deemed needed , when needed
and the state really doesn't care if you come back bent ,rusty or just get lost along the way as you're only a resource to be used until depleted and replaced by another

freeman of the land sadly becomes moot once you have received benefit provided by society
like being born in a hospital .. or being sent to school going to a doctor other's taxes support etc

if you lived "on the land" as a society grew around you and never took part in it .. maybe you would have a point

but sadly you were pretty much signed on even before ya even got here

to close I'll add that I have in fact met some of those born & raised in the bush types
it ain't pretty
the ignorance , complete lack of education and lack of understanding as to society really works .. it's disturbing
be glad , VERY glad you ain't one of them



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I think we all saw "Deliverance".  Not pretty at all!



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ok - so back to the original question
It is NOT very far fetched and could be very possible in the near future, as self driving cars become commonplace
It is already in place in most of Europe so I am told.
My English friend tells me they pay an annual fee to operate on the roads of some $3500 #, they pay ridiculous insurance, they pay a gas guzzler tax, AND they can only drive from 1-4pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

Time will tell.

As to our rights - we have only whatever the elected idiot of the day says we can have - any thoughts that we have free will and "rights" is a fantasy well disguised as what's good for the many and is subject to change on a moments notice.

All of that will be of no force and effect when the insurance companies will no longer insure you - as without insurance you aint driving anything anywhere at any time legally. Police would have no problem picking you off - as all older vehicles will have no insurance. Show me that in your constitutional rights :)

I could do pages of this inequality **** but to what end...smiles


1947 Ford convertible, 73 Javelin drag car, 1953 Mercury pickup, 1963 F100 Unibody 4x4


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"Red Barchetta" (by Rush) is a song about a time when cars are no longer allowed to be driven. Interestingly, the album this song is on was released in 1981. Wonder if grumpy old Neil Peart knew something back then the rest of us wouldn't find out about for decades ...

My uncle has a country place
That no one knows about
He says it used to be a farm
Before the Motor Law
And on Sundays I elude the eyes
And hop the Turbine Freight
To far outside the Wire
Where my white-haired uncle waits

Jump to the ground
As the Turbo slows to cross the borderline
Run like the wind
As excitement shivers up and down my spine
Down in his barn
My uncle preserved for me an old machine
For fifty odd years
To keep it as new has been his dearest dream

I strip away the old debris
That hides a shining car
A brilliant red Barchetta
From a better vanished time
I fire up the willing engine
Responding with a roar
Tires spitting gravel
I commit my weekly crime

In my hair
Shifting and drifting
Mechanical music
Adrenaline surge...

Well-weathered leather
Hot metal and oil
The scented country air
Sunlight on chrome
The blur of the landscape
Every nerve aware

Suddenly ahead of me
Across the mountainside
A gleaming alloy air car
Shoots towards me, two lanes wide
I spin around with shrieking tires
To run the deadly race
Go screaming through the valley
As another joins the chase

Drive like the wind
Straining the limits of machine and man
Laughing out loud with fear and hope
I've got a desperate plan
At the one-lane bridge
I leave the giants stranded at the riverside
Race back to the farm
To dream with my uncle at the fireside


Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.


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If all this is true, I am glad that I don't have that many more years to live.

As for this self driving car sh!t...I don't get it.....If you are going somewhere, half the fun is driving to get there


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.. A society is a group of people joined together by mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act for a common goal.

At least we are here discussing these issues...

While not turning such into a SHHit show!

For that folk's i 'd like to thank you all.

The problem is the government needs to act for a common goal of the people they are suppose represent as they are only your trustees.

They do not get to dictate by doing so they breach the people trust. Thus not meeting the definition of a society as they are not acting for a common goal for all equally .

Equality is paramount in law must never be abandoned.

@DJD . there is a "VERY IMPORTANT WORD " called consent along with full disclosure.(s24)

First consent must be implied expressed and written by each an everyone in order for an any one to have or gain control over anyone on this planet.

The merchant law act states that if you or anyone states that they do not consent to this security transaction such transaction becomes void.(Admiralty and Maritime Law)

[A field of law relating to, and arising from, the practice of the admiralty courts (tribunals that exercise jurisdiction over all contracts, torts, offenses, or injuries within maritime law) that

regulates and settles special problems associated with sea navigation and commerce.]

Ask yourself whats wrong with the above ^(remember your private individual on land)

As mentioned before the alleged Queen has not "OVER"reigned Canada since 1982 when she signed off in the house lords in england.(now think about equality)(shes not even british,has no

right to any such alleged throne)

Now think About when you are standing in court on any [victim-less] charge the paperwork usually states regina or Her Majesty’s VS Mr blah blah.(that is fraud upon the court the people and

points to extortion)(when they read the charge aloud in court goes like this..Mr blah blah did commit on or about blah blah" WITHOUT LAWFUL EXCUSE" How do you Plea?

First off which lawful excuse do you want Have many.

Second No plea will be entered at any time as im not here to get on my knees an plea with a forign enity or a public servant your not my god to which i have no obilgation to this court as it is

in violation of my fundamental rights in my pursuit of happiness guaranteed by the constitution to which is worth 10'000 dollars per agent for officer involved for each an every infringement as

per the uniform bonding code.(Seeker1056=Show me that in your constitutional rights=just did also the charter states this charter does not override previous existing rights which points to

the great magna carta.

@ DJD by the way we are all decedents of freeman. the court rely on the magna carta to which they claim gives the jurisdiction to run their justice system...



This @ All Justice

King John’s father, Henry II (r.1154-89), introduced extensive judicial reforms, established the authority of the royal courts and laid firm foundations for the future system of justice in England.

In contrast, John regularly abused the justice system to suppress his opponents and to extort revenue from the barons. The justice system and feudal law were two of the main themes

addressed in Magna Carta, and the most famous clause dealt with justice:

The magna carta also states you can not take the conveyances of a freeman!!!!!!!!!! ya might want to look at criminal 333 as well.

well your at it read criminal code 422.


1. In the first place we have granted to God, and by this our present charter confirmed for us and our heirs forever that the English Church shall be free, and shall have her rights entire, and

her liberties inviolate; and we will that it be thus observed; which is apparent from this that the freedom of elections, which is reckoned most important and very essential to the English

Church, we, of our pure and unconstrained will, did grant, and did by our charter confirm and did obtain the ratification of the same from our lord, Pope Innocent III, before the quarrel arose

between us and our barons: and this we will observe, and our will is that it be observed in good faith by our heirs forever. We have also granted to all freemen of our kingdom, for us and our

heirs forever, all the underwritten liberties, to be had and held by them and their heirs, of us and our heirs forever.

No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against

him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.

The barons ensured that numerous other clauses in Magna Carta defined in more detail how the justice system and its officials were to operate. These clauses sought to remedy specific abuses by the king and to make the system more consistent, accessible and fair.

This has FU-CK all to do with living in the bush wither educated or not... we are all freeman on the land.9when you actualy start to study legals you will discover such.We keep you free"r then

you will ever know.

Also you mention the birth certificate which is indentity theft based off your creation without your expressed implied written "CONSENT" which can be revoked at any time..

I for one Choose to renounce Such an any alleged citizenship to which you imply.(Remedy)

The charter also states it applies to non citizens an citizens so dont start with the Bull shhit that a non citizen has no say...Believe me I've paid my duties.(cause of people like our

mutual[x]friend cough cough)

If you want to adjudicated,administer,invoke your right to your own power attorney over your own affairs/estate then this stuff needs to learned or at least looked at..Or you can let the

courts do such for you while robbing your estate.

Trust/estate law is a good place to start.

Again no time....Family is of upmost importance They are calling
Later folks.

Not writing novel to point out what Most folks just dont get it!

For they have been taught the wrong ways.


Just pointing out legal lawful remedy for discussion of course.

leave you with something to consider.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.(unless you volunteer through your own ignorance of not knowing ,To which i'm

binging to the round table for discussion)

As usual there's alot more.



-- Edited by Ground Pounder on Monday 22nd of January 2018 07:21:55 PM


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Pete Moss wrote:

Ground P ... You appear to be extremely well versed in a great many issues that most of us aren't even aware existed or would never be inclined to dispute if ever confronted by them.

Serious question here ... wouldn't the lessons we can learn from your knowledge and personal experiences be better spent letting the masses know rather than just the paltry few on this site?

Why aren't you running for office yourself so these issues and many others that most certainly exist, can be resolved to the benefit of all law abiding, tax paying citizens?

Again, serious question.



Thanks Pete for the kind words...
Also for posting the rush tune.
[masons here an another console member wanted me to run for mayor] due to not wanting to breach any trust will leave such at that.]


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RWW wrote:
Ground Pounder wrote:
RWW wrote:

Do all of the above links apply to Canadian Laws or are they just general info ? I have friends in the UK and the USA and their laws seem nothing like ours.

 Keep this in mind before northern north America became populated..(Hence The republic of Canada)

Canadian  [North American] alleged Courts used American Case Law.

Now Drop the word "NORTH" what are you left with?

The wording they use is different to confuse And deceive.

Remember before it was referred to as America it was referred to as Americas,before that it was Referred to as turtle island by the natives of this land.(before new comers came and stole it)

Did you know that the white house is "in" Washington D/C, however is not legally part of Washington as such it is registered to an offshore island.?

Did you know: Only a person can exist in the Geographical location known as Ontario ,A human being can not?

Did you know [y]our /[t]Heir birth certificate's are being traded on the stock exchange?

Did you know the federal reserve has stock/share holders that receive an annual 6% dividend of [y]our tax dollar?

If you had a proper English teacher in school an you wrote an Essay all in capital letters essentially what would your mark be?

So if the teacher didn't except such why do you?

Could write a book here pointing out all the differences .

However dont think folks want that to happen,simply put  no time i'm enjoy n the planet an everything it has it to offer without government interference for the first time in this families life..

Thus cause we took a stand against the deception and corruption by doing what others refuse to do, or take the time to do!!!

maxim: let those who be deceived be deceived.

Gotta go Dinners burn n...




 WOW.   I could care less about where the White House is registered and most of the other BS posted. Think before you post this crap !!!!!




  WOW.   I could care less about where the White House is registered and most of the other BS posted. Think before you post this crap !!!!!


Exactly the problem dont want to or refuse to be properly educated...As is your choice have at er...


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