There are different widths for the s10. I used a 2wd from a 2000 in my car I don't remember the width, but I'll measure it and post it with the wheels I have on it to give you an idea of the overall width.
The best way to get on your feet is to get off your ass.
I have no idea how narrow a rear end you are looking for or what type of vehicle the rear is destined for but here's how I've always handled determining what rear will work ...
I place the intended wheels and tires where I think they look good (tucked in the fenders if the car is going to be run with fenders or beside the body if the car is going to be run without fenders). I then measure from mounting surface to mounting surface of the wheels. This gives me the overall length of the rear end that I will be looking for. To be honest, I've never understood the backing plate to backing plate measurement since that does not take into account the width (thickness??) of the brake assembly.
In one case I had intended to run a 1970-81 Camaro/Firebird rear but was able to determine that it was actually a little too wide for the wheels I was going to use so I ended up using a 1967-69 Camaro rear that was slightly narrower (if I remember correctly the later 10 bolt was 61.5" and the earlier was 60" ... that 1.5" or 3/4" per side made all the difference in the world).
That being said, I think I recall the GM G-Body rear ends being even narrower than the 69 Camaro rears but too narrow for my application so ... it might be of benefit to you if you can determine (as close as possible) exactly what overall length you are looking for or you might end up needing custom back spacing on whatever wheels you run.
Again, saying all this while having no idea what your intended purpose of a "fairly narrow" rear end is ... for all I know you're building a trailer and "fairly narrow" might just be perfect
Actually, in real racing ... it IS how fast you went.
I should be more specific . I am building a 33 Chev PU using 35-36 Ford wires. I have newer 5 bolt chev axles .I also have wheel adaptors Chev to early Ford.The rear I have is too wide 53 in to the backing plates. So I measured the original rear and its 48in to the plates. So I thought if I could get a narrower Chev 5 bolt at 48-49in -same as original- it would put me in the ball park.