Schwartz Fabrication 64 Howard St, Elmira Grant Schwartz
Highwaymen Club house 606 Lancaster St Kitchener Parking in Gulfs Steakhouse 598 Lancaster St. Go to the back of the lot at the grand river and go to your left down a set of stairs to the clubhouse
Welder Series 244 Woolwich St. Breslau unit 4 Paul,Dorthy and DW Horton
Webber Chassis 244 Woolwich St. Breslau unit 7 Garth Webb
Hitman Hotrods 180 Sheldon Dr Cambridge unit 6,7 Scott Forbes
Lowdown Hotrods 6608 Ellis Rd [this is fire address] Tom VanDerGeld
This is GPS addresses you can start from the bottom or top but do them in order
Thanks for arranging the garage crawl Homer. It was a lot of fun, I had some great conversations, and learned a couple of things too. Thanks also to the people at the shops who volunteered their time to open up for the tour. Lots of fantastic builds going on, but I bet they don't always look so neat and organized. :)