I remember when Facebook first came out and there was a "like" button that a lot of people were using but I thought it was kind of childish, as the years have gone by nearly all of the forums I regularly visit have one so I'm asking what response will the site managers have here? I recently viewed a post on the durham police issuing tickets at a car show, now opinions are like bellybuttons everyone has one, There was a couple answers I agree with and it would be nice to have a "like" button to push. What do y"all think?
I haven't been on Facebook in a few years - not since some Arab hi-jacked my page and the Facebook Moderators won't grant me access anymore but......when I was able to use it I found the "like" feature a little annoying. It seemed to become a way for people to have others "validate" their opinions and if enough people didn't then they were "offended".
Opinions to me are a personal thing, another may or may not agree - and that's perfectly okay by me. Opinions are like belly-buttons anyway, some are deep, some are right out there and others are lint-filled and fuzzy, but hey- that's what keeps things interesting right?