I find that the cruise nights aren't quite as exciting to me anymore. I even leave the shows early now. It is nice to meet with people and meet new people but a lot of time at the shows is just sitting when I could be driving on a beautiful summer day.
So with that in mind, if there are any groups out there or individuals who want to do a small tour now and then aroundn the paved roads in the countryside, please let me know. Drive a bit, stop for lunch or a coffe, then drive some more. Sounds like fun to me.
This is why I swapped out my Nova for a Harley. Got tired of cruise night people.. not the other participants but the folks attending with stupid questions or "you should" or go on about a car they use to have or a buddy has/had that was better then yours. Blaring and distorted 50s music was the worst. With the Harley you can do a Poker Run or get together every day if you choose. The cost was also a big factor... The Nova was $25/hour vs $25 per weekend in the bike. Have to say the biggest reason was the up keep. The responsibility of maintaining, polishing and cleaning a classic vehicle got to be to much for my broken old body.
I would say start your own "Cruise" using local social media. Post a get together with the criteria you posted above and say meet up at 10am Tim Hortons Sunday and see who shows up. There are others like you that would rather meet and drive then park at a "show". Plan a 2-3 hour route and see what happens.
I would be all for cruise runs vs car shows - they never ever did anything for me.
Most fun I ever had was an impromtu run up through the Highlands for lunch and back
Poker runs for sure.
Anyone interested in a lunch or supper run - let me know
I don't really know the best routes or diners in the area. A Tim's and diner run might be nice, providing a destination at least. Meet up at a Tim's or other and then head for a somewhat distant diner. I like the 50s style diner in Port Hope off to the east as I enter town from the north. Or wherever. Lunch or supper sounds good to me. I'll contact 2 friends and see if they are interested to go wherever. Thank you Seeker.
First time my wife ( girlfriend at the time) and I attended a show with our Falcon was the last until a few weeks ago. We'd parked, I left to get us some food and returned to find 2 guys " critiquing" the car. Not in a good way. I explained we'd done the car the way WE liked and if they couldn't appreciate it then kindly F#CK off. That was 40 years ago, this past summer was the first one we've been to since. I much prefer driving to sitting and jawing.
If you're up for it, or anyone else for that matter, I ran across this. It looks pretty cool and it's just what you were talking about Jim.
It looks like a cruise between Ft. Erie and St. Thomas on Hwy #3, very nice drive I've driven it myself. I realize it may be a little further than some can come but it's worth the trip. Sounds like fun.
As soon as that last light turns green........floor it!!!!!!
Thank you Iron Horse. And it sounds like a gorgeous run but yeah, a bit too distant for my ride. But if it can be done there, it can be done here. Someday.
I have attended this event for two years and it is outstanding. It is held in a field behind the host hotel and requires an area of 1/8 mile total in length. The ground is grass/sand and the actual drag race is 1/16 mile and a further shut down area. Although this is a two day static event because it is at the hotel, there is constant drag racing and on Saturday morning there is a 40 mile tour usually involving about 25 cars. The reason I bring this up is that I would like to see this type of event held in Ontario. Does anyone know of a site where this could be held, the hotel is not a prerequisite. Check out their Facebook page.
Very nice. This is what I am talking about. I don't think it matters how many get involved initially. Once a small group figure out a time and place, others will join in annually. Especially if those on this side of Toronto are weary of sitting in a lawn chair for a day instead of driving. I find it hard to believe there aren't enough interested people in the area when I see so much vintage tin at shows like the Barn, Pumpkinfest or Chrome on the Canal.
Convoy, poker, drags, it's all good ? All we need to do is start something and let it grow. To do something like Rodtoberfest sounds more challenging to me because we would need a specific playground but there must be somewhere between Toronto and Ottawa ? We need some connections for that. Who comes to shows from that area & has land or knows someone who does?
Maybe planning a route first, for a convoy or poker run would spark enough interest for drags in the area ? A geographical approach sounds the most logical. A good diner, paved back roads, coffee shops along the way for others to join in. Google Tim's or Coffee Times in the area and for those who know good back roads, let's map out something. I love the drive between Peterborough and Stirling or Picton; smooth roads and country. But that's just me. Promote the good roads in your area and let's connect the dots. Could be fun.
Thank you Flatback55 and wuga. It's a start.
I have a friend who has been touring with a motorcycle group for years. I'll ask about some of his favourites and whittle down a nice route to start us off.
Once I put on a tour . We only had 6 or 7 cars but it was a blast . One week long from Picton to Lake Placid then up to Cornwall's cruise night and then off to Qttawa , Kempville and back along the St Lawerance River . It was great, we traveled as a group and then did what ever we wanted at stops .
I did the Ontario Hot Rod Power Tour this year. 90 vehicles plus passengers. It was a blast. Drove to the start point on a Wed. Started the tour on Thursday. End on Sunday afternoon and then headed home. Put 1500 KM on the truck all total.