I've noticed that a few shows listed in Old Autos & other print are getting the prices "up there" I don't mind the $5:00 fees but still feel that "we" have the investment dollars in "our" cars & without the cars, NO SHOW!!! The spectators walk in "free" with no investment!!! Don't get me wrong, my car club put on a show for over 30 yrs. in Cannington Ont. & I know the costs, but we charged the spectators as well, $ 3 or $4 bucks. I think the shows will see a decline in attendance if they keep "boosting" the fee, & the cruise inn's will grow, but the insurance issue in my area is effecting 2 local cruise's. They may be cancelled, due to high cost, & property owners where they have it won't allow it unless insurance is "valid" Once you get over $10:00 mark, + gas, Food etc. gets to be an expensive day!!! Last yr. I stuck to local cruise's & a few shows, & one long haul to West Virginia & still put 5000mi on the Catalina.
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
I have always had that beef, but I guess they have to cover costs somehow. I guess they figure the public will not show up if they had to pay, yet we will always do anything to show off our stuff...not fair, but its life.
Personally, I get enough satisfaction just from the smiles and waves I get every day driving around
To organize a real all out show now a days the over head must be up there. I was V.P. of the Ottawa Street Rod assoc. years ago when we put on a three day run and the insurance was 1500. I have no idea how much it would be now but Im sure it hasn't gone down. We need to support as many shows as possible with as many cars as we can muster that way the government will know that the car hobby is alive. To me supporting a show especially if its raising money for a charity is a civic duty and puts our #s out there for every one to see. I would love to know how much money gets raised for charity in the province by the car community. I dont mind the entrance cost as I have had to walk the mile in there shoes.
///// Join THE LOSERS c.c. of Ontario Ask me how/////
As a member of the Rodmasters Car Club, I can tell you 1st hand that admission depends on overhead costs and how many you hope will support you. You can't compare apples with ornages, a 1 day swap meet/ cars show cannot be compared to Autofest or Syracuse or Mega Speed
Overhead can make you or brake you, theres event insurance, cost of park/location, promotional expenses, damage deposits, dj/mc ,entertainment, awards & dash plaques, signs, flyers or brochures for the past year, portable washrooms & wash stations, hydro, permits, police, paid help, dumpster and garbage bags to clean up afterwards, have i forgotten anything.......... lol
Can you imagine what it costs to lease out the International Centre with several buildings its probably an additional costs just to have the lights turned on and the washrooms unlocked.
The Rodmasters only charge $6.00 Admission per person and $15.00 per Vending Spot for their Spring Swap Meet & Fall Swap Meet/Car Show with free spectator parking
if i had to pay 15-20 bucks for a 1 day non charitable event i wouldn't go, i'd be at the drags
I try to support as much as i can, I look at it this way
I know that that the costs & regulations are increasing, but it gets to a point where you can price it out of "reach" for a lot of car owners. Our show in Canninton became too regulated by the Durham region Gov. Food vendors had to get re- inspected by health Dept. even though they were lic. in the reg. but because it was a diff. location, had to re-do it & they refused. Also had to have a certain # of toilets/per people, that involved opening up more of the arena, costs went up for custodian & double time for Sun. Insurance Co. said we had to "cancel" any games [rope tug, canoe race, etc.] or NO INSURANCE & town council wanted more & more rental fee on park!! Now they are contacting us to bring the show back, as it brought a lot of $$$ into town, but they won't cut us a break, on the fees & wanted even more!!1 We declined. The last show didn't meet the "break even" point, even though the car count was "way" up, & we didn't want to increase the addmission fee to above the $10 mark [ avg. 250 to 300] Costs & regulations put this one to bed!!! after 30+ yrs.
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
I do know the greens want us divided the more good the old car hobby can do by having car shows and giving to charity the better. I have grown up in a NDP green family and was not encouraged to have any thing to do with the car hobby (all cars are bad). So having and supporting your local charity car show tells some of the general public that we are not all street racing polluting menaces to world health. And here in Ontario is the worst province for modified cars so we better stick together.
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$10 is my limit ,insurance , price of gas and investment in my car becomes to much .I like Fleetwood , money to charity and everybody pays. I do attend goodguys events in states but they are like short vacations with my wife so yes I do spend more money. Being retired I pinch pennies. I agree with 427Carl , no price on companionship and I don't drink timmies
Its not the price of admission that bothers me as much as how our government rapes us on gas prices a round trip from Hamilton to London and back has cost me around $100 bucks or more .......
Its not the price of admission that bothers me as much as how our government rapes us on gas prices a round trip from Hamilton to London and back has cost me around $100 bucks or more .......
I can't just drive 55 ya know
I here ya, just got back from West Virginia on a "parts run" for the 52. Gas was $3:49 to $3:58 us gal. Was nice to fill up the Suburban for for $78 to $80 bucks instead of $130 + Even with US gal. & money at par it's still CHEAPER than up here!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
To me it depends on the show. I don't have a problem paying the big dollars to go to the Oshawa or Syracuse show. I feel I get my moneys worth, usually a t shirt or mug etc. When I pay more than the spectator and get nothing more than a parking spot, I do get agitated about that.
Custom CNC plasma cutting. PM me for your custom parts.
Come to the Rotary car show in the Sault in July. It like 15 bucks to show your car. you get at least $30 bucks back in car care stuff and meet a heck of a lot of nice people. All the money raised goes to help crippled children. Can't beat that
meoracing - 48 Studebaker 1 1/2 ton dually stepside. LOSERS CC
Come to the Rotary car show in the Sault in July. It like 15 bucks to show your car. you get at least $30 bucks back in car care stuff and meet a heck of a lot of nice people. All the money raised goes to help crippled children. Can't beat that
Sounds like a great show. I happily pay entry fees for good charitable causes. I have been to a few where I feel there is a lot better causes to support but since I am there now anyway I pay the fee and not go back next year.
Custom CNC plasma cutting. PM me for your custom parts.
Now here is some food for thought! Our club has the pre snow show every year and the admission is only food for the food bank. for those of you that are familiar with the show you know it is all about fun. The year before last year we donated over 8K cash and three pickup trucks of food to the local food bank. We raise a lot of money through our 50-50 sales and that helps cover the costs. We also have a very strong membership and everyone donates to the door prize table and the bake table. None of our guests are out of pocket for an entry fee only the fuel to get there. There are quite a few of us that still refuse to pay to show our cars when the public gets in for nothing. We do however help support other shows where we know the proceeds are all going to a good charity and not the promoters pockets.. See I told you guys this was going to get interesting
Modfather, that sounds interesting but how do you cover your costs. Ins. property rental etc. Thats what killed our show + all the regulations & sponsership cancellations. I know it's not easy putting one of these things on, we started planning for the next yrs. show as soon as the current one was finished!!! I still don't like the public walking in for free, when it's our cars putting on the show & how do you know the $$$ is "all" going to Charity if theres nothing left over after costs paid???
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Pete we have 5 chapters and an insurance policy that covers all of the chapters for cruise nights and special events. Each chapter is responsable for their share of the premium and it dosen't work out to be all that much. Our host club sells 50-50-tickets all year as do the other chapters. We all donate a bit for the pre-sno show so all expenses are coverd. The remaining funds are all donated to the charity of choice from each chapter. lets not forget about all of the member donations as well. Everything from our trophies to the baked goods are donated and usually home made. Then the door prize table is all member donations as well. Funny thing here is that no one is ever asked everyone just knows and does it. We also raise money and sell tickets on all of those prizes which goes to help pay costs too. And of course anything left over gets donated. The same thing with the food and beverage done by club members. It just works and has for years. Sure is a pretty nice feeling knowing we have helped some of the needy and had a great time doing it. Last but not least there are also some private donations that go along way too.
another point is. i went to a cruise and they wanted to park me in the wet grass. when i say wet even the ground was soft. i asked to park in a different location and was told no. okay i spend the big buck to restore my vehicle and you the owner of the venue make money off people coming to look at my ride. piss off i'm not parking on mucky grass. i haven't been back!!!
There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
In the Hamilton/Toronto area the government is clamping down on 50/50 draws, i seen it happenning at local cruises, you have to apply for permits and pay for them, you have to print new tickets everyweek or every draw, i think you must take a picture of the winner and post it, i'm not sure but i believe they are by-law officers, as for the dj don't get caught being paid and using downloaded music, all cds must be store bought with a barcode or copyright label, John Booth from the Crusaders Car Club that hosts The Peir 4 Cruze , Hamiltons biggest cruise night on thursdays (300-400 cars) was threatened to be closed down if he did not abide to the regulations. The issue is the government wants a piece of the action, they found out what 50/50 draws make and they don't make a cent off it, so they go after the charities that are trying to raise funds
To me it depends on the show. I don't have a problem paying the big dollars to go to the Oshawa or Syracuse show. I feel I get my moneys worth, usually a t shirt or mug etc. When I pay more than the spectator and get nothing more than a parking spot, I do get agitated about that.
Exactly! I don't mind paying $10.00 if I feel like I'm getting something for my money. What pisses me off is winning a door prise that in my mind is a kids toy. A door prises should be worth more than the entrance fee or bundled to a set value. When I win a door prise I don't want to feel embaresed when I recieve it and I have in the past.
In the Hamilton/Toronto area the government is clamping down on 50/50 draws, i seen it happenning at local cruises, you have to apply for permits and pay for them, you have to print new tickets everyweek or every draw, i think you must take a picture of the winner and post it, i'm not sure but i believe they are by-law officers, as for the dj don't get caught being paid and using downloaded music, all cds must be store bought with a barcode or copyright label, John Booth from the Crusaders Car Club that hosts The Peir 4 Cruze , Hamiltons biggest cruise night on thursdays (300-400 cars) was threatened to be closed down if he did not abide to the regulations. The issue is the government wants a piece of the action, they found out what 50/50 draws make and they don't make a cent off it, so they go after the charities that are trying to raise funds
I guess you need to run a 1/3 1/3 1/3 draw
///// Join THE LOSERS c.c. of Ontario Ask me how/////
In the Hamilton/Toronto area the government is clamping down on 50/50 draws, i seen it happenning at local cruises, you have to apply for permits and pay for them, you have to print new tickets everyweek or every draw, i think you must take a picture of the winner and post it, i'm not sure but i believe they are by-law officers, as for the dj don't get caught being paid and using downloaded music, all cds must be store bought with a barcode or copyright label, John Booth from the Crusaders Car Club that hosts The Peir 4 Cruze , Hamiltons biggest cruise night on thursdays (300-400 cars) was threatened to be closed down if he did not abide to the regulations. The issue is the government wants a piece of the action, they found out what 50/50 draws make and they don't make a cent off it, so they go after the charities that are trying to raise funds
I guess you need to run a 1/3 1/3 1/3 draw
More like a 1/4.....1/4.....1/2 draw...Guess who gets the 1/2?
Oh baby! Do I have a position on this! BUT! I'll keep my mouth shut until after we finish dealing with the Environmental Protection Act petition. I don't want my position to cloud the issue regarding vintage vehicles, especially hot rods, in Ontario. After we see the outcome of the petition I will address this. As for now, just get out where ever you can. Collect signatures and send them in.
the Kid
In the words of Red Green "Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together".
Starting this year, any shows held at a provincial park, must pay $4/car attending back to them. I first became aware of this at the Precott show at Fort Wellington. Yes our parks that we pay for now want a cut of the entrance fee, pretty easy to see the $10 registration won't go very far to cover the cost. For this and other reasons the show at Upper Canada has been moved and I'm certain others will follow. Mc Goofy picking our pockets again
It has always been one of my pet peeves when I have to pay to put a car in a show and the spectators walk in for free. It seems to me that if the spectators pay, then they respect the cars better. Where they just stroll in for free is when the cars get damaged and nothing is safe unless it is locked down.As for high cost, we just went to the L A Roadster show and it was $ 10 for the car and $20 per passenger...............$50 for the wife and I, All our friends with roadsters got in for free............I guess that is why it is the LA Roadster show. The cost of the show should be representative of the quality and quantity of the cars, also you don't mind as much if you can see the funds going to a charity.
It has always been one of my pet peeves when I have to pay to put a car in a show and the spectators walk in for free. It seems to me that if the spectators pay, then they respect the cars better. Where they just stroll in for free is when the cars get damaged and nothing is safe unless it is locked down.As for high cost, we just went to the L A Roadster show and it was $ 10 for the car and $20 per passenger...............$50 for the wife and I, All our friends with roadsters got in for free............I guess that is why it is the LA Roadster show. The cost of the show should be representative of the quality and quantity of the cars, also you don't mind as much if you can see the funds going to a charity.
I agree that spectators should pay to go to any car show, even if it's just a couple of bucks. This won't bring in a lot of revenue, but it will at least filter out the spectators that WE don't want there.
Here's a few examples that I had with my cars over the years;
I attended an open house at the Ajax Chrysler trim plant a few years back (it's closed now), where we were invited to bring our restored cars. I drove my 67 Dart GT convertible there which was restored to better than new. We were given a plant tour, and when we came out there was a couple of Asian guys sitting in my car checking it out like it was in a showroom floor.One guy was pretending to drive it, while the other was rifling through my glove box. I told them to get the f#$% out !! These were obviously NOT car enthusiasts !!
Another instance was when I brought my Street Rod out for the very first time after a 2 1/2 year, big $ build. I reluctantly drove it to the Ajax car cruise ( Canadian Tire) and parked it with all the others that showed up. I was only there 5 minutes only to turn around to see an Asian couple posing their 3 year old kid on my front fender. When I say "posing", I mean they had the little bugger standing on my front fender. I friggin lost on them, but they couldn't speak a word of English (go figure) so they had no idea what they had done wrong. These were NOT car enthusiasts either!!
Another spectator I would like to see vanish from the car meets are the parents that let their little kids wander around all the cars !! I must have told about 20 of them to "GET OFF THE DAMN RUNNING BOARDS" !! Usually these kids have a half-melted ice cream in their hand also, so you have to go and wipe down your door from where they were hanging on to peek inside the car. These are NOT car enthusiasts !!
If there was a price for spectators, at least these people would be filtered out IMHO.
Gee, I feel better now after this rant !! Don't even get me going about kids riding bicycles at a car show !!
I see your point of view(sort of), but please don't tell me you don't mind kids(or anyone else) touching your car.That's a load of BS !! I don't blame the kids, I blame the parents (we're talking 4 year old kids here that don't know any better) but the parents do know better. My running boards are painted, and so are my fenders with paint that cost me $600/gal, and I spent countless hours cutting and buffing it !! Do you think I should just ignore it when some parent deliberately places his kid on top of my fenders with his dirty shoes on so he can get his picture? NOT !! Thankfully 99% of folks that aren't into cars are very respectfull. The 1% in my examples above can take a flying leap!!
BTW, the guys sitting in my car were in their 20s !!They do know better !!
-- Edited by hemi43 on Friday 13th of July 2012 04:56:22 PM
Since we are talking about car shows/cruises here's something that bothers me. Car show/cruise entrants that are members of a car club who park in one area together (no big deal right, makes sense) ... wear their club shirts/jackets (again, nothing wrong with that) ... then proceed to pass a joint around while ON the show grounds NEAR their cars.
I don't frequent a lot of shows but have seen this club (or rather, some members of this club) do this twice now. I guess it could be the legal "medicinal" stuff, but the general public and (I'm guessing) most other entrants wouldn't know that (IF that is the case).
Everyone does need a hobby or two, but smoking weed (if that is one of your hobbies) publicly like that can't be doing our car hobby any good (in my opinion).
I go to a fair amount of car shows and don't mind paying up to $10 Any more than that it better be a quality show like Syracuse or a large show at least I couldn't care less about dash plaques or trophys, but love door prizes The truth be told, I prefer to hit the cruise nights and bench race with friends
It has always been one of my pet peeves when I have to pay to put a car in a show and the spectators walk in for free. It seems to me that if the spectators pay, then they respect the cars better. Where they just stroll in for free is when the cars get damaged and nothing is safe unless it is locked down.As for high cost, we just went to the L A Roadster show and it was $ 10 for the car and $20 per passenger...............$50 for the wife and I, All our friends with roadsters got in for free............I guess that is why it is the LA Roadster show. The cost of the show should be representative of the quality and quantity of the cars, also you don't mind as much if you can see the funds going to a charity.
I agree that spectators should pay to go to any car show, even if it's just a couple of bucks. This won't bring in a lot of revenue, but it will at least filter out the spectators that WE don't want there.
Here's a few examples that I had with my cars over the years;
I attended an open house at the Ajax Chrysler trim plant a few years back (it's closed now), where we were invited to bring our restored cars. I drove my 67 Dart GT convertible there which was restored to better than new. We were given a plant tour, and when we came out there was a couple of Asian guys sitting in my car checking it out like it was in a showroom floor.One guy was pretending to drive it, while the other was rifling through my glove box. I told them to get the f#$% out !! These were obviously NOT car enthusiasts !!
Another instance was when I brought my Street Rod out for the very first time after a 2 1/2 year, big $ build. I reluctantly drove it to the Ajax car cruise ( Canadian Tire) and parked it with all the others that showed up. I was only there 5 minutes only to turn around to see an Asian couple posing their 3 year old kid on my front fender. When I say "posing", I mean they had the little bugger standing on my front fender. I friggin lost on them, but they couldn't speak a word of English (go figure) so they had no idea what they had done wrong. These were NOT car enthusiasts either!!
Another spectator I would like to see vanish from the car meets are the parents that let their little kids wander around all the cars !! I must have told about 20 of them to "GET OFF THE DAMN RUNNING BOARDS" !! Usually these kids have a half-melted ice cream in their hand also, so you have to go and wipe down your door from where they were hanging on to peek inside the car. These are NOT car enthusiasts !!
If there was a price for spectators, at least these people would be filtered out IMHO.
Gee, I feel better now after this rant !! Don't even get me going about kids riding bicycles at a car show !!
Not to tweak anyone's noses, as a new guy here, but in the last two examples you gave, you paint a pretty bad picture for the hobby in the eyes of the general public...who also vote, and may vote for stricter environmental regs just because they're not 'enthusiasts'. Sure, it's rude, impolite, and can do a LOT of damage to the car, but being that rude old fart they'll remember with a frown, isn't going to help anything.
You WANT non-enthusiasts to come to the shows. There's more of them than there is of us, and their votes count too. My wife, father-in-law, and my dad are not 'enthusiasts' but they love going to the 'old car' shows. Hell, I brought my FIL to the Kemptville Father's Day show and he spent hours just talking to everyone about their cars. He's the kind of person that will vote on the side of the car guys, because he got a good impression of the folks there.
A good experience sits there in your head forever, and can influence you in many positive ways. Those ice-cream kids you ripped on? Maybe they love cars, but because they're kids, they have no idea they're doing something wrong. The parents probably have no idea either, but the kid is a sponge for experiences and maybe he'll grow up to be in politics, or even a rod builder. Maybe he'll be so turned off by being yelled at, that he'll spend the rest of his life campaigning for Greenpeace or some other BS environmental agency, because 'cars suck'. I wasn't raised by a car guy, but I can remember the exact point where I started to notice cars. I saw something go by on a set of chrome rims (Cragars, now that I know what they were), and it was that one thing that got me into cars for life. A set of shiny wheels. The smallest thing can have the biggest influence to a kid.
It's gotta be hard to own a car that's cost so much, and that nobody except 'enthusiasts' understand your point of view...but being that cranky guy at the car show isn't the best way to go about 'improving' the hobby's place in our society. I've only ever owned 'drivers', cars that could take a few ice cream drips or footprints, and while I may not appreciate it, I try to be polite and explain to the kids why it's not cool. Maybe you've just gotten fed up, it's not my place to say.
The non-enthusiasts are the most important part of the equation, and filtering them out means you'll have a show that's full of the same old ****, year after year, until people just stop coming because it's too dull.
Sure, tell them to get off, but don't cuss them out. Same goes for the kids, get 'em off the car, but make sure the parents know how serious you are. Don't assume non-enthusiasts have ANY idea how much work/money goes into a car like that, so they may not even know their kids were doing anything wrong. Put a good face forward, but complain on the internet, it's safer nowadays ;).
I said the last two examples, the first example would have had me doing the exact same thing ;).
Sure, tell them to get off, but don't cuss them out. Same goes for the kids, get 'em off the car, but make sure the parents know how serious you are. Don't assume non-enthusiasts have ANY idea how much work/money goes into a car like that, so they may not even know their kids were doing anything wrong. Put a good face forward, but complain on the internet, it's safer nowadays ;).
I said the last two examples, the first example would have had me doing the exact same thing ;).
If the door prizes match the entry fee I do not mind. If the entry fee goes toward a charity I like, I do not mind. If its an business just trying to make some money by charging the folks that make the show, then I mind.
I go to 3-4 cruises a week now that the bucket is on the road and will gladly support the cause with 50/50 and other misc purchases.
As for the $35 (or was it $30?) for Autofest, I just look at that as the privileged parking price...lol If I pay to show my car, I do not have to walk a mile to get to the show :D
Tbucket build pics:Build Tbucket build pics continued: Build And even more: Build
Good show coming Aug. 12, 13200 weston road at Tim & Brenda's place, $20 Per car registration donation last year raised $50,000 for prostate cancer, this $20 is worth it.
Long thread but lots of good points and some ticked folks ,i get it. I really dont mind a entrance fee but i guess its the price of doing buissness. I applaud the volunteers that throw some weekends aside to put a show on. The hobby is fun and i know lots of guys that have boats snowmobiles bikes that cost them plenty. I went to Brantford show last Sunday and Gas for a hour one way 15 bucks entrance 10 so in my mind cheap day lots of fun.
gotta be young and dumb before you get old and wise
Starting this year, any shows held at a provincial park, must pay $4/car attending back to them. I first became aware of this at the Precott show at Fort Wellington. Yes our parks that we pay for now want a cut of the entrance fee, pretty easy to see the $10 registration won't go very far to cover the cost. For this and other reasons the show at Upper Canada has been moved and I'm certain others will follow. Mc Goofy picking our pockets again
mc goofy needs a swift kick in the nuts for trying to ruin our hobby.
Sure, tell them to get off, but don't cuss them out. Same goes for the kids, get 'em off the car, but make sure the parents know how serious you are. Don't assume non-enthusiasts have ANY idea how much work/money goes into a car like that, so they may not even know their kids were doing anything wrong. Put a good face forward, but complain on the internet, it's safer nowadays ;).
"Cuss them out"? They'd be lucky if they didn't get punched in the mouth if it my car!
I said the last two examples, the first example would have had me doing the exact same thing ;).
My wife wants me to see things from a woman's point of view, so now I spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window
$5 to $20 is chump change. More than reasonable for a day of fun and playing with friends especially if the proceeds go to charity. It cost more than that to go and see a crappy movie. The gas to get there........well it cost gas to go anywhere for entertainment. JMO
There are lots of Car Shows and Car Events. It let's me pick the ones I want to attend. Most support local activities. Glad to be part of it. Thanks to the people who work putting on these events. They deserve the support.
Its all cost $$$ Im involved with putting on the Woodstock Fleemarket and was in volved the the Ingersol Rod Run years ago. It cost a lot of money and effort to put on a show. $5 or $10 is a reasonable fee for any event as far as Im concerned. Most clubs donate the profits ... I do believe spectators should pay something ($1or %2) to help support the cause and also eliminate the riffraff that dont have any interest in our vehicles. I dont take issue with kids and wifes for free if with they come with someone. (Maybe if we would charge the MOE an enterance the *%#k*^s Woudnt show) The Govt sould take note that these shows and cruisenites generate a lot of money for charity and most car people are not the proble people in our society.. Enough said for now... Got to change the oil in the rod before tomorrow...Planning on going to Hamilton Airplane museum this weekend....
The fee being charged in ALL the shows I go to in Eastern Ontario are to cover the costs (insurance is the biggy), permits, police/security if required, porta potties (the second biggest expense), etc.) Having been involved with some of the shows, in a previous life, I know that there is a lot of time and effort put in by the organizers and for that I am very thankful, without these folks I wouldn't have a place to spend my week-ends. Without these folks the MOE and MOT would have nothing to do to justify there jobs.
The biggest issue is not the fee its the politics. You advertise first come first served.....I get there at 6 AM after driving for 1-2 hours and the shady spots are reserved for a club of some sort.....first come first served except for the privileged few......this means that me and my buddies no longer attend those shows.
Small town Ontario car shows are an absolute joy to attend, regardless of the entrance fee. Usually you get a plaque or a t-Shirt and/or a picture, and a trophy (if your lucky), and most importantly a free lunch. What more could you ask for......well you get that as well.....appreciation for your ride and sometimes I actually get to take a young folk for a ride and make their day/week/year.
I hear ya motornut. I remember very well all I had to do to put on our shows For Capital Area Mopars. Many times we barely covered our costs. I do find most shows now try to raise their prices claiming charity donations. I rarely go to shows anymore due to the cost, the cars are usually the same from show to show, and it,s the same thing at each one cars and vendors. There needs to be something different done to bring people out. If we don,t get the younger generation and the average Joe out the hobby will slowly dwindle.Perhaps if different clubs came together to host a larger show with a variety of vehicles ie; daily drivers, project vehicles, tractors, trucks, motorcycles, machinery as an example. This could get a wider variety of spectator out willing to pay a decent admission. Over the years there have become more and more events. I have noticed it with car shows and motorcycle rides. Many people would love to go to lots more than they do, but due to the cost of each one they have to make choices. I try to look at things from both sides of the fence on issues. A few of the members know me and my background in the hobby. Even though I,m not as involved as I used to be, I,ll always promote it to my best ability. In the end these are only my views and opinions.