I have been getting emails all day that i had sold my car and the new owner has got it up 4 sale already and advertising a car show in June on Kijiji with it
I am flattered they like the picture of my 50 Meteor, but its the point that they used it without my permission and the fact, it is still 4sale by me and not the person that posted it 200 miles away and its a picture i took and have an album full to prove it, they have it posted as a 50 Ford with 10000 miles then advertizes a car show, it might be a different circumstance if they had taken the picture themselves at a local event but thats not the case
All my vehicles have been well photographed and have appeared in several magazines / articles and web sites for the past 20 years, currently my Anglia was in the latest issue of Performance in Motion put out by Performance Improvements and i'm always very honoured that others enjoy my unique rides
Images of my 52 GMC 4x4 were used years ago to adveritize a U S Government Auction "buy this vehicle now and others just like it for $800.00" boy was i pissed
I will call the person on kijiji who posted my Meteor Monday and politley, take a chunk out of his hide..........
Pretty clear cut case of copyright infringement, particularly since it is being used in a commercial endeavour. A quickly delivered cease and desist communication is definitely in order.
Original photos are automatically copyrighted even when the creator uses it on a web site. Just because something has been posted on the internet does not make it in the public domain. Almost always you cannot download and use photos from the internet unless specific permissions for use has been granted. You may be given permission to use a photo for personal use in which case placing that photo on a commercial site would violate the owner's copyright.
I had a similar thing....I collect garden tractors and saw an ad in Kijiji that this guy wanted tractors like the one in the picture...I thought, that looks familiar.....It was a picture of my tractor on my trailer......Not a big deal really, but it bugged me a little.....If some used my picture and said it was their car when it wasn't, I would be super pissed........
mostly i figure it computer inept who can't (no camera) or lazy people who wont get their own pic and figure it won't hurt. well it does according to rodmaster and poncho62.
There are 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Pretty sad when you have to watermark all your pictures! But I guess that is what you need to do. I collect LOTS of car pictures from the net but they are for my own personal use.
"some things hurt more, much more, than cars and girls"
There are tons of pics shared on the computer every day. The strange parts is some one trying to sell your car if you still own it. Post the other guys ad we can have some fun answering it.
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The way I see it is you guys should be flattered at the use of your photos... the picture of the car and the plane may be a let down to spectators who go to the show and no plane or car... That is the problem I see........
The best way to get on your feet is to get off your ass.
I am surprised that Kijiji even lets that ad stay there Kenny...It is for a show, not a classic car for sale...I tried putting an ad for this site in the classic car section and they deleted it on me the next day.....I put one in the community section and they left it alone
i received an email from a show co-ordinator he tells me the Harvard Plane Club passed this pic on to them to use, I guess they didn't realize that the car is for sale, and how to be kijiji savy to get around red tape, i will be nice enough to work with them and help them out.........
I think I would be super stoked to have a pic of my car used to advertise a car show-There are alot of pics taken at car shows/cruises and the internet is a big place-I think it may be hard for them to track you down to ask-depending where they got the pic.
If the car is for sale anyway-could be considered a great form of free advertisement.
I chatted with the gentlemen involved and we resloved any issues, he was sent the picture by a friend and all is good, so with that said, i sent him several pictures of my meteor in front of several different vintage aircraft, Either on the picture or in the ad it will say picture was courtesy of me and The Rotary Club of Owen Sound is hosting it and proceeds of the event go to charity and i Support as much as i can when i can......
I hope he joins Ontario Rodders, i even found out he's a car guy/gearhead, he also has a RV/Boat repair business........