My older (40's vinatge) flat V8 was designed when oil had a hefty content of zinc. (An additive that is known as ZDDP). This topic of ZINC additives has been beat to death on most auto forums and the conclusions were as numerous as the threads themselves.
One way or the other for my motor, it is an essential ingredient to avoid chewing up a bronze idler gear...and I use it RELIGOUSLY with every oil change.
Such additives are getting hard to find. But Lucas Oil Products makes a product called Engine Break-In Additive. It is very high in Zinc and used to be very readily available.
I can't find it anymore. (And the odd one I do find is tripple the price I used to pay a few years ago.)
Anyone know where I can still get this product (locally..i.e. GTA).
-- Edited by cadmanof50s on Sunday 4th of March 2012 01:09:41 PM
I've been getting mine at NAPA & using the Lucas brand. I only use 1/2 bottle ea. oil change. I also have been using "lead add" in the fuel for the 64 catalina, do that every 3rd. tank full & more frequently on long highway runs to the US!! Was told thats when the most damage is done to valve train, long peroids of valve hammering the seats??? I don't really know if nesissary, but better be safe than sorry!!!!! on both counts, save your lifters & cam w/Zinc, valve seats w/lead!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Call Darren Graham, he's a Cobourg lad, grew up in the Oshawa area... He's in the city every week and I know he will hook you up.
Darren "Swag" Graham
905-377-9473 P
Buying selling and trading garage toys and big kid stuff.
Peter..there was a thread on another forum where the folks have much older engines than the ones we generaly discus. And as you pointed out the valave damage from lack of lead is done on long highway runs. They added that it's gets worst if you are towing a heavy load. That did say that damage is done over long periods of time ...and someone pointed put that typically those same engines would be due for an overhaul about the same time as the valves start showing wear.
I figure it can't hurt to throw in a bottle of lead additive evry 2 or three fill ups.
I'l try a couple of different NAPA stores for the Lucas Break-In. The one in town didn't have any..
I also heard that Royal Purple Oil has a high zinc content also. But it is much pricier than my regular Quaker State. 10-W30.
I lost a camshaft a few years back and i had to do some digging when the new motor went together. I use Brad Penn racing oil it has lots of zinc, another great oil is Valvoline V-R1. They both have the 1400 - 1600 ppm that is required for the older motors. Lucas additives are also the best out there. When i want to find the truth i hit up my engine rebuilder or serious race guys they have the real facts.
gotta be young and dumb before you get old and wise
I have looked and went to just about every auto related store in my area looking for a zinc additive and no such luck at all. They all seem to look at me like I have a third eye, and daylight shining between my ears. I did resort to ordering it, but it was pretty costly.
Lead additive for gas? I wasn't aware that it would even be available at all, any ideas on where to get some?
Those and a few more local shops would be the ones I checked for zinc oil additive and had no clue what I was looking for... I'll have to have a look again.
Peter, have you tried asking for Lucas Break-in Oil? Maybe the local stores in your area have it. Its teh best for Zinc. I can't find it locally..but I will try CarQuest next time I'm there..
Canadian Tire stocks teh lead substitute. It is in a gold-color bottle..I usually buy the entire stock when my local store brings in a shipment..
-- Edited by cadmanof50s on Friday 9th of March 2012 10:58:54 PM
That Shell Rotella and other oils for diesel trucks may not have the zinc in them anymore. Best check the label. Like Torquewar said, go to your engine builder for the real skinny on it. If they're good, they'll be up on the latest information available. My builder (Douglas in Brantford) sells me the Brad Penn stuff and it goes in at every oil change.
Member of Brantford Piston Pushers and a Disciple of Speed of the E.L.T.A.
Davenport Carquest in Bradford sells "TKO zinc supplement". It's about $15 bottle. Use 1 bottle for 2 or 3 oil changes.
Highest zinc content additive on Market. Ask for Brian.
If you use a straight weight oil you don't require zinc additive.
Go to "Bob is the oil" and start reading.
Don't blindly accept that all oils are ok for your flat tappet engine.
I lost the cams in a 305 and my 330 Oldsmobile using modern oils. By the way, 305 cams that lost lobes still passed rockwell tests for hardness with lobes worn off. It is NOT the cams, it's the oil. After lobe failure you don't simply replace the cam & lifters, those filings have gone through your engine and damaged everything. Rebuild time.
Other than that, Have a nice day
the Kid
In the words of Red Green "Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together".
Wow ???. nobody reads car crap magazine any more ???.. They did a five page with dyno , comparison tests on oils , maybe 5 6 7 yrs ago . If you want zinc , go to your local gm , chebby dealer and ask for a bottle of E O S , engine oil supplement . Like it says in the car craft article the stuff is loaded with zinc , not as much as a hi tech race oil . But one bottle in the oil pan is enuff to bring the zinc levels up to snuff . I run shell rotella T 15 - 40 diesel and two cans of eos in my drag car engine . Pan holds 8 qts ..77.
I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith