If the A$$holes had put the money collected into the place where it was 'supposed" to go instead of "General "revenue then they would have had the $$ for roads & bridges!!! BUT NO!! They "PI$$ED" it away !!!! Now "Mc GOOFY" is saying they need the increase to fix the roads, That they haven't touched in 8 yrs. Do they REALLY think were that STUPID????
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
I thought $74 was rediculous (just had to renew my 2 vehicles last month) I wasn't happy forking out $150.... now I can't wait until it's up to $200!! Seems like the cost of everything keeps going up, but wages don't budge! They will take our money any way they can... As 69SS said... back doored again!
I thought $74 was rediculous (just had to renew my 2 vehicles last month) I wasn't happy forking out $150.... now I can't wait until it's up to $200!! Seems like the cost of everything keeps going up, but wages don't budge! They will take our money any way they can... As 69SS said... back doored again!
AND no Kiss, or VASALINE!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
If the A$$holes had put the money collected into the place where it was 'supposed" to go instead of "General "revenue then they would have had the $$ for roads & bridges!!! BUT NO!! They "PI$$ED" it away !!!! Now "Mc GOOFY" is saying they need the increase to fix the roads, That they haven't touched in 8 yrs. Do they REALLY think were that STUPID????
They not only think were are stupid.. they know it...
We voted the jerks back in
I agree with Pete I would gladly pay thier "rates" if they didn't waste and steal the money more pension money for them
WRONG. Premier Mike Harris abolished pensions in 1995, that's nearly 20 years ago now.
What do they get? A unlimited lifetime Visa card?
For members who have 8 years and more there are specific severance pay arrangements once they leave office either volunatry or otherwise. I don't know if there are any members left from 1995 but if there are those members were paid out the commuted value of the pension when it was abolished in 1995.
I know my comment is arguable (and I am honestly not looking to start an argument) but I really don't think it matters who is in office. We are going to be screwed regardless of who anyone votes for and regardless of who holds office ... ALL politicians lie in an attempt to gain votes and ALL politicians raise taxes/screw us any way they can.
Sorry, gotta go lie down till my blood pressure returns to normal .... whatever normal is.
Talk 640 in Toronto was on this topic & host "ripped McGoofy" a new A hole!! he said that McGinty said "there'd be no new taxes when he was re-elected, & is saying, these are fee increases, Seems he said that when he brought in the Health Tax [excuse me FEE] when he was 1st. elected. Also said it "appears" he nailing rural Ont. as this will affect the people outside of the city & he doesn't have many seats in these area's!!! He's 'totally ignored the Drummond report that cost us a million or so, & is doing exactly what Drummond said "not to DO" & not looking at long term solutions, just raise revenue, so they can PI$$ it away on some other up coming scandle, or their buddy's bussiness's!!! Hope the opposition goes sfter them on this & puts the "prick" out on his A$$ Right now I'd vote for the "anybody but him" party!! Now it's my turn to go take a pill & lie down!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
What I believe in is standing up for ourselves. Many people pi$$ and moan about all the stuff that the government does and they do nothing about it. I mean we are a free country.. but how free are we? When they are threatening to put water meters on our wells that we payed $15000 dollars to have drilled.... It just doesnt make sense. I dont vote because I think politicians are a phucking joke. (pardon my language but) I mean they stand there infront of the canadian nation and say "WE" as liberals, conservatives, NDP.... promise you this ... blah blah blah blah.... and what happens? The exact opposite of what they promise... I dont care who believes me or who doesn't thats my oppinion and I will stand behind it untill the day I die..
Anyone that is affiliated with anypart of government association will get the most jagged piece of dull, rusted chunk of steal and screw you in the poop shoot as hard as they can when they can, and how ever they can!!!!!!!!!
anyways thats my .02 cents thought I might throw that it in there.
What I believe in is standing up for ourselves. Many people pi$$ and moan about all the stuff that the government does and they do nothing about it. I mean we are a free country.. but how free are we? When they are threatening to put water meters on our wells that we payed $15000 dollars to have drilled.... It just doesnt make sense. I dont vote because I think politicians are a phucking joke. (pardon my language but) I mean they stand there infront of the canadian nation and say "WE" as liberals, conservatives, NDP.... promise you this ... blah blah blah blah.... and what happens? The exact opposite of what they promise... I dont care who believes me or who doesn't thats my oppinion and I will stand behind it untill the day I die..
Anyone that is affiliated with anypart of government association will get the most jagged piece of dull, rusted chunk of steal and screw you in the poop shoot as hard as they can when they can, and how ever they can!!!!!!!!!
anyways thats my .02 cents thought I might throw that it in there.
Since when were we a free country? We are dictated to all the time so in my opinion we are not free. Just some food for thought and my .02
" We voted the jerks back in " I sure as hell never voted these jerks back in. I can't believe that SOB got a single vote. As far as not voting is concerned - you sir are one of the biggest causes of problems like this. Don't ever complain when they shove laws and taxes like these up your butt because you didn't bother to get off of yours to elect someone with some responsibility. The Liberals across Canada (and the States) have burdened us with big government and increased taxes for years and they keep getting back in because of the idiots that vote for them and the ones that don't bother to vote against them.
My wife wants me to see things from a woman's point of view, so now I spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window
I wonder if they knew how we really feel. Not that they would care, and yes we live in a dictatorship all of us right coast to left coast. And the sad part is they are all the same no matter what we say. I think I am goin to quit...lol
I'll stick my neck out as Rusty Nuts has, but maybe a bit further. "ALL POLITICIANS" are more then willing or are trying to screw you when they get the chance. You had the Liberals that tax and spend on one side of the table but you also have the Conservatives that will cut social programs, services and leave us paying more for these things in the end. Either end of the stick you want to say is right is still the short end of the stick.
I for one do vote, although I tend to take a slightly different stance, the last few elections I have scratched my ballot (not marked and X for anyone) as my personal protest to our electoral system. I want to show that I am more then willing to vote, but until there is a candidate that is actually deserving of my vote I will spoil my ballot. Maybe I have a twisted view but if we as a people were willing to spoil our ballots and in large enough percentages it would send a clear message to our electorates showing that we are willing to vote if given a candidate that is worth voting for. Not voting only shows them we don't care. I do think that there needs to be changes made, but I think the starting point is the electoral system, how we vote, not just the parties involved.
I do not share the same cynical opinion of ALL politicians as others however I agree with your method pistolpete. You have voted. I feel strongly about voting. The way I see it both my Grandfathers took some lead in France during WWI and my old man laid his life on the line doing Convoy duty on Corvettes in WW II so we could all enjoy the priviledges of our democracy and way of life, voting being the cornerstone. I would never insult my Dad and Grandfathers and all other verterans by not voting and I have never missed voting in a Municipal, Provincial of Federal Election. If I am out of Canada for election day I always do an advance poll and in Fact I voted today in the Federal by-election in my riding.
It was Hudak's election to loose , he totally f'd it up by not having a good platform . Every time He was asked about a policy he'd tell every one to go on the pc web site and read the book of change???? .It was a total gong show on the tory's part . What the hell were they thinking by not speaking up????? Where is Mike Harris when you need him lol