I know this was buried in another thread but some of us may have missed it.
Norwood's usually a decent turnout if it's dry and warm!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Great Weather last year, we are hoping for the same. 600 cars last year!! Lots of pictures from past shows at our site.
1947 Ford convertible, 73 Javelin drag car, 1953 Mercury pickup, 1963 F100 Unibody 4x4
JUNKYARD DOG wrote:350 cars and cold!
350 cars and cold!
That sounds about right...thanks for coming....we will try to have better weather for next year:)
Norwood Fair / Car show Was CCcccoolllddddd ! ..... but some really cool cars & trucks there. About 300 plus showed up including ours.
Sample Pics
Some of the pics were taken by Blue chev
Hope to make the Keene Pumpkin Festival
Buying selling and trading garage toys and big kid stuff.