I think there is just one in the fall....last Sunday of October
OCT. 28: ANCASTER, ON - Rodmasters Fall Swap Meet, Ancaster Fairgrounds. HWY 2/53 & HWY 52 Ancaster
From the 403 Exit 55 and it's 2km South. General Admission only $6.00 per person, Outdoor Vending only $15.00 per spot. Vendors Setup at 6:00am. Spectator Gate opens at 8:00 am. Limited inside tables available. For more info contact Steve Pedder: stevenpedder@gmail.com
You are fortunate to have swap meets,,have not seen one up here in a few years so I look forward to trips into the US. Guess we are all hoarders up north. I sell the odd thing like this Merc tailgate I shipped to Nevada
I am going. Looking for odds and ends for the 57' plymouth, and new truck. Maybe I will keep the 55' if I can find a decent 'glass flip front end for it for cheap.