I remember when they were auctioning off a car for some charity, the auctioneer stated something like "all proceeds going directly to ______ charity" (I can't remember which charity it was) ... suddenly Craig grabs the mic and states "except for the commission" ... apparently there was no way in hell he was donating his commission to some stupid ass charity for sick or poor people.
I do agree that donating to charity is a persons own choice but he sure came across as an uncaring, pathetic cheap sack of **** (hmmm, got edited out ... should have typed "poopie") on national TV ... that was my first impression of him :)
-- Edited by Pint and a Pound on Wednesday 24th of October 2012 08:44:09 AM
If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)
After reading the comments and then watching the vid, its just goes to show you can have it all and not be happy. Dude needs a wake up. How can you drive a car like that with a stone face? I'll bet he couldn't wait until he got rid of the film crew...maybe they didn't pay him enough money for the shoot?
Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" RIP - a true Hollywood hero
The guy's a "D-H [dick head] still dislike him & this even makes it worse!!! No personality at all!!!& hate when he or Steve Davis stop the auction & pump up the car to get a few more bucks in Commission. Usually it doesn't work & there are no more bids after the waste of time!!!! Sorry, just my feeling towards this guy!!!!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
I guess I should add (after my earlier charity rant) that he certainly does have one heck of a setup and some pretty sweet cars although the Bugatti is not on my list of cars to own ... the Bugatti IS a masterpiece of engineering for sure but the look of it just doesn't tickle me ... I have seen one up close too, some guy from Texas had one up here a couple years ago for the Gumball3000.
Stick me in something simple like Viper GTS ACR (or maybe a Hennesey Ford GT), hand me a gas card and herd your family indoors because the streets won't be safe again till I wear tires out ... sorry, drifted off there for a minute ... what was I saying?
If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)