Changes to the system are coming, some places are already using the system on newer vehicles because as of right now it won't work with older vehicles. The new test procedure reads of the computer in the vehicle, plugs into the diagnostic connector, no more rollers. So if you have any codes that are emission related you better get them fixed because the new system will find them and flunk your vehicle.
-- Edited by Jeep4752 on Wednesday 7th of November 2012 07:40:19 PM
I heard a --rumour--from my wifes Avon lady,whos husband runs a repair garage ,who heard from a mechanic at a garage that does Etests that coming soon to a garage near you will be a new government programme for the computers that will only say pass or fail.According to the Avon lady there will no longer be a listing for the results in the various catagories just pass or fail.Any body out there heard of this or even what this rumour is based on.If true how would you know what to fix in order to get a pass.Seams like a backward step to me .Could the Avon lady be mistaken or is there some small bit or truth to this . Ed
I did read on this site that the testing itself will be changing Jan 2013. Something about no longer needing a dyno to do the testing, just something like a tailpipe sniff and that's it (which will most likely mean that roadside test will now be possible). With these changes coming, it is very possible that your avon lady is correct. Be interesting to hear from people on here that actually are involved in emission testing (which is obviously what you were hoping for when you posted this :)
If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)
I operate a shop and yep tis true..Begining in Jan, they will not be doing the sniffer test on a dyno, they will just be plugging into your (DLC) data linc connector..their machine will be online with the ministry, they will retieve and download all the data from your vehicle and do a scan for for any codes and also will be scaning the readieness moniters for the cat and fuel air sensors(o2s).. If you try to fool the test by clearing the codes with your code reader prior to going in, It will fail as it will reset your sensor info and it can sometimes take 100s of miles or days of driving to get them set and working again. It is not extremly complicated but a lot of typing ..the information of what has probably failed is in a software package in most professional scan tools used in (what is called mode-6) this uses a program to direct the technican pretty much to the exact system that is failed..
All vehicles that do not have the OBD11 pryor to 96 will still be tested using the old sniffer but not using the dyno.. they will now do what they refer to as a two speed idle test.. idle and 2500rpm...that test will still have the Nox..HC.. stuff on the test paper...the good thing is you would be surprised how many cars/trucks I have had done in the last couple months and they have been testing the machine in my area they try it on the car/truck with the new system if it fails they do it on the old system (till Jan 1013) I have had a couple fail on the new system and pass with flying colors on the dyno/sniffer..but if you for some reason prior to the test, clear the codes, or have a check engine light on you will probably fail..if your car is running good and you have no check eng light your probably good to go, always a good idea to change the oil and make sure the air filter is clean..One more thing...They take a pic of your dash to make sure the check eng Light is out, they take a pic of your Vin number, and they take a picture of your license plate all of this information is downloaded to ministry.. looking for wrong plates on car???
I have no idea why they have the right to have all that information, we are slowly ceeding our privacy..
Thanks guys looks like the Avon lady was correct .This is exactly the information I was looking for .Maybe I'll get the van checked before the Feb due date. Ed
I operate a shop and yep tis true..Begining in Jan, they will not be doing the sniffer test on a dyno, they will just be plugging into your (DLC) data linc connector..their machine will be online with the ministry, they will retieve and download all the data from your vehicle and do a scan for for any codes and also will be scaning the readieness moniters for the cat and fuel air sensors(o2s).. If you try to fool the test by clearing the codes with your code reader prior to going in, It will fail as it will reset your sensor info and it can sometimes take 100s of miles or days of driving to get them set and working again. It is not extremly complicated but a lot of typing ..the information of what has probably failed is in a software package in most professional scan tools used in (what is called mode-6) this uses a program to direct the technican pretty much to the exact system that is failed..
All vehicles that do not have the OBD11 pryor to 96 will still be tested using the old sniffer but not using the dyno.. they will now do what they refer to as a two speed idle test.. idle and 2500rpm...that test will still have the Nox..HC.. stuff on the test paper...the good thing is you would be surprised how many cars/trucks I have had done in the last couple months and they have been testing the machine in my area they try it on the car/truck with the new system if it fails they do it on the old system (till Jan 1013) I have had a couple fail on the new system and pass with flying colors on the dyno/sniffer..but if you for some reason prior to the test, clear the codes, or have a check engine light on you will probably fail..if your car is running good and you have no check eng light your probably good to go, always a good idea to change the oil and make sure the air filter is clean..One more thing...They take a pic of your dash to make sure the check eng Light is out, they take a pic of your Vin number, and they take a picture of your license plate all of this information is downloaded to ministry.. looking for wrong plates on car???
I have no idea why they have the right to have all that information, we are slowly ceeding our privacy..
they might as well take a picture of my ass 'cause that's the last they'll see of me.
I will try to explain those..that failed for me, One was a 01 golf 1.8T a little beater I use for the shop ..peppy and easy on fuel, runs perfect but constantly sets a false code for inefficiant cat, cat is fine VW has a TSB to reflash the PCM to widen the band for the cat just never seem to have time to run into city and leave with a dealer over night..I did not realize they testing the the new machine and cleared the code before I went in and canceled all my readieness monitors they were not ready to be tested yet ..can take days to reset them..
I new the car would pass with the dyno/niffer because I drive it every and I no it's a false they ran it on the dyno/sniffer and it passed with flying colors..stupid cars, stupid computers, stupid government, the other one that failed was one that we had just done some srevice and repairs and part of the service was replacing the battery and that killed (KAM) keep alive memory shutting down all the memory for the monitors and they require sevseral drive cycles under several conditions to relearn all parimiters..Like I said if your vehicle is running good and you probably know wheather it is or not (your a rodder) and you do not have a MIL light on I beleive you have nothing to worry about..It is looking for fuel to make sure you have good fuel good control from the monitors..
You can have it done anytime ..A lot snow birds have to get done because they don't come back till spring..another thing ..Sticker prices are now $84 buckeroos we are starting to pay the bill for dip$hip Mccrookys gas plants..It's a mak-a-me-sick...
Bit of a funny (not really the right word) story regarding an emission test I had done once. 1989 Tempo (hand-me-down from the folks) had the check engine light on ... I could not figure out what the cause was. I needed to take it in for the required emission test and assumed it would fail due to the light being on. Solution, pull the dash apart, remove the bulb and drive it to the drive clean test center ... passed no problem at all. Drove it that way for YEARS and never had a problem. Never did figure out the cause.
If at first you don't succeed you do have options ... lower your standards or just plain quit are the two I usually choose from :)
You can have it done anytime ..A lot snow birds have to get done because they don't come back till spring..another thing ..Sticker prices are now $84 buckeroos we are starting to pay the bill for dip$hip Mccrookys gas plants..It's a mak-a-me-sick...
Do the "Northerners" still get the $10 lic. stickers?????Still can't figure that one ,other than "buying votes" We all live in the same Prov. but GTA area & surronding area get Emm. tests & all the hassles that go with the MOE road patrols!! Go outside that area,[SORRY CARL], & the laws are different!!!! No emm. test or road hassles, lic. plates are cheaper!!! etc. It's all one Province so why are the emm. laws not on an even playing field?? maybe that should be one of the questions for Nov, 24th.????
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
Thanks Ray, your tags are about 1/2 price to ours!! I'll bet we will see a increase in the # of "HISTORIC" plate use as I don't think these went up??? I saw lots of Hot Rods with them on this past season, which eventually will hurt the real users, & understand that you can "possibly get "HIT" with a $5000 fine if the judge decides to go MAX fine. Spoke to one owner of hot rod with these plates on it, & his attitude was "I'm screwing the gov. out of some money" I said back " ya & you may be screwing a fellow car owner out of the use of them if Gov. cancels the plate program, for improper use" !!!! Maybe we should "lobby" for a "Hot Rod" plate at may be half the reg. price?????
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
The first and biggest - there are more than a few shops out there cheating the system ie holding thier finger over the gas cap sensor - disconnecting the crankcase pcv, or even scanning another vehicle altogether - hence the video/photo of the car to be tested.
The second reason is because the Ministry finally listened to all the complainers about how expensive the dynos were, and the new scanners are much cheaper which opens the door for fair? competition.
the third reason - and the best - and not mentioned - they can read your pcm to tell if you have shut down any of your emmisions equipment even though it is still all connected properly. For example - with EFI live we can tell the PCM we do not want the back pair of 02s, the EGR, or the evap to work, as well as stepping up fuel, rpm, etc, all of which increases emmisions in thier eyes. Even if you have reset these before going in for the test - they can tell that you normally run wit hthings disabled.
Anyone that beleives we live in a democracy is livin a dream - they tell us how hot our water can be in a new house, how much glass, how it will be finished etc, where and what we can hunt, how much money we can invest in RRSP's , pension limits, how much money we can take out of country, how many cars we can have in our driveways, how we can drive or modify our cars etc etc etc etc
It isnt much wonder people revolt - we are forced to cheat and lie, just to get by as something other than as another sheep in the masses
The first and biggest - there are more than a few shops out there cheating the system ie holding thier finger over the gas cap sensor - disconnecting the crankcase pcv, or even scanning another vehicle altogether - hence the video/photo of the car to be tested.
The second reason is because the Ministry finally listened to all the complainers about how expensive the dynos were, and the new scanners are much cheaper which opens the door for fair? competition.
the third reason - and the best - and not mentioned - they can read your pcm to tell if you have shut down any of your emmisions equipment even though it is still all connected properly. For example - with EFI live we can tell the PCM we do not want the back pair of 02s, the EGR, or the evap to work, as well as stepping up fuel, rpm, etc, all of which increases emmisions in thier eyes. Even if you have reset these before going in for the test - they can tell that you normally run wit hthings disabled.
Anyone that beleives we live in a democracy is livin a dream - they tell us how hot our water can be in a new house, how much glass, how it will be finished etc, where and what we can hunt, how much money we can invest in RRSP's , pension limits, how much money we can take out of country, how many cars we can have in our driveways, how we can drive or modify our cars etc etc etc etc
It isnt much wonder people revolt - we are forced to cheat and lie, just to get by as something other than as another sheep in the masses
You're part of that big Government machine too, Seeker !!If it wasn't for all the regulation and rules we are all supposed to follow, you would be out of a job also. I understand what you do is a bit different than other "enforcement officers", but you're still a small part of this huge Government that I hope one day implodes under it's own weight !!
Remember when they were going to cancel this BS programme and all the garages bitched to the BS Liberal government so they kept it in place? What a bunch of Horse Pucky!
My wife wants me to see things from a woman's point of view, so now I spend a lot of time looking out the kitchen window
I am a drive clean inspector and repair tech. What Fatchuk said is true. The only other part not mentioned is that with previous system it didn't matter if the check engine light is on or not. The new one will, basically if your light is on you will fail. The new system will also be checking for EVAP codes and failing your vehicle if any are there. EVAP codes will never cause a fail on a sniffer test. The other thing to cause a fail is if you have anything plugged in to the ALDL connector.
Custom CNC plasma cutting. PM me for your custom parts.
I'm surprised it goes all the way up to Bancroft!! But not Haliburton. My area just N. of Oshawa is supposed to get hooked up with Haliburton for Fed. voting riding for 2014?? We are still trying to figure out WHY??? but maybe we could use this, to get the Emm test dropped here if we are joined to them as the same area????? Equal Rights??? or they could get our tests & B/S road stops. If it "ain't" smokin leave it alone!!!!
I can only please one person a day, Today is not your day!!Tomorrow doesn't look good either !!!!
I think I might just give up on cars all together and become a depressed home bound welfare bum. Please keep paying your taxes as I will need a better income to get the taxi to bring me beer when my check comes in.
///// Join THE LOSERS c.c. of Ontario Ask me how/////
Very interesting, but puzzling also, it appears even Grand bend is just out of the green area.
Grandbend will likely be included, they are just inside the Lambton county line with the rest of us victims. Check out the actual MOE web site, they state it's all of Ontario, they're just not enforcing it yet. Just like all these crap laws they have been sitting on for years, all of a sudden it's a big deal when they need money. Otherwise they ignored them. Did the samething with the seatbelt laws, passed it and then left it for near 10 years before they enforced them. Big public outcry and the reply was......well why didn't you complain about it then? Didn't have to, you dicks weren't handing out fines then. Free country, yeah right, it's an illusion. Take a look at what's being crammed down our craw at regular intervals. Yeah I'm getting a bit jaded. Anybody have a real answer for getting rid of all this BS that's "for our own good".
I was wondering if my car would pass e-test. It has no catalytic converter, i took it out for performance gains. Instead its just a test pipe, but its designed for no CEL. I don't have a CEL, and haven't got one in over 2000 kms. Since they don't use the sniffer, will it pass? I welded on the shielding from the cat to the pipe so it looks like i have one.
I was wondering if my car would pass e-test. It has no catalytic converter, i took it out for performance gains. Instead its just a test pipe, but its designed for no CEL. I don't have a CEL, and haven't got one in over 2000 kms. Since they don't use the sniffer, will it pass? I welded on the shielding from the cat to the pipe so it looks like i have one.
First of all, you didn't tell us what year the car was !! Secondly, if you removed the Cat knowing that it's against the law, I hope your car fails miserably. As long as idiots are running around out there knowingly breaking the law, there will be MOE officers enforcing these laws. Unfortunatelly some of us that are trying to comply, but may be in the "gray" area, will get caught in the net. Does this answer your question?
-- Edited by hemi43 on Saturday 11th of January 2014 12:06:29 AM
If it is a '95 or older it needs to pass a 2 speed idle sniffer test, and it will fail without a cat.
If it is a '96 or newer and you have disabled the after cat O2 sensor to avoid a check engine light, the catalyst readiness monitor will not be set and it will not pass.
The catalyst readiness monitor is not on the maybe list.
Modern cats are not a performance restriction.
There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”
If it is a '95 or older it needs to pass a 2 speed idle sniffer test, and it will fail without a cat.
If it is a '96 or newer and you have disabled the after cat O2 sensor to avoid a check engine light, the catalyst readiness monitor will not be set and it will not pass.
The catalyst readiness monitor is not on the maybe list.
Modern cats are not a performance restriction.
Its a 05 audi a4 1.8t. Moderm cats are a huge performance restriction, especially on a turbocharged car. I did not disable the sensor, its just a spacer that holds it farther out from the test pipe.
Like this
Modern Cats are not a restriction. Turbo charged or not. Even if your running that 1.8L at 2 BAR it's still less air going through than a 350 NA engine which don't have a problem with a modern CAT.
Spacing O2 sensors out is a no no. If the inspector looks, he may refuse to test.
What your describing sounds like a fail to me.
BTW, people around here like introductions as a courtesy so we know who we are talking to.
Custom CNC plasma cutting. PM me for your custom parts.
kid passed e test no cat turbo,d . I don,t think it has 0 2 sensors . . its a 94 , just had to do a sniff test . it passed fine , but is chipped to run clean ..77.
I,m as cool as Milner , but axeually a bit more like Beckwith
Modern Cats are not a restriction. Turbo charged or not. Even if your running that 1.8L at 2 BAR it's still less air going through than a 350 NA engine which don't have a problem with a modern CAT. Spacing O2 sensors out is a no no. If the inspector looks, he may refuse to test. What your describing sounds like a fail to me.
BTW, people around here like introductions as a courtesy so we know who we are talking to.
Sorry, forgot to introduce my self. I will definitely do that in the introduction section.
As for your statement on cats not being restrictions, turbos spool up a lot quicker when there is no cat directly after them. It is proven to be true, i have done my research and felt the difference. Go on any forum that has turbocharges models and there are many topics on "bang for buck mods", and a test pipe is at the top. If an inspector takes a look under my hood he wont see a spacer, just a catalytic converter shield. From underneath you can see, but they don't do that.
Thanks for your reply.
-- Edited by gurvir44 on Saturday 11th of January 2014 09:40:08 PM
-- Edited by gurvir44 on Saturday 11th of January 2014 09:50:08 PM
Asking on a hotrod forum if your car will pass an etest is really ridiculous.
The real answer will come when you take it for an etest.
If you want to know before that, get a hand held code scanner and plug it in.
Check for readiness test. You are allowed 1 unset readiness monitor for 2000 model year and up (2 unset for older). Any more , you fail, not ready.(usually EVAP is last to set)
Check for codes, if any P series codes, you fail. (there are exceptions to this rule but very rare).
If need to remove your CAT because you NEED that turbo to spool half a second quicker, well I guess ain't nobody gonna talk you out of it.
Custom CNC plasma cutting. PM me for your custom parts.
As for your statement on cats not being restrictions, turbos spool up a lot quicker when there is no cat directly after them. It is proven to be true, i have done my research and felt the difference. Go on any forum that has turbocharges models and there are many topics on "bang for buck mods", and a test pipe is at the top. If an inspector takes a look under my hood he wont see a spacer, just a catalytic converter shield. From underneath you can see, but they don't do that.
Thanks for your reply.
MOE inspectors are not as dumb as you seem to think they are. If you get pulled over by a veteran, the first thing he's going to do is point an infrared temperature sensor at your so called "test pipe" and find out that you're trying to screw the system. The diesel guys get nailed with this all the time. If you've done your research, then you would have found out that you can make high horsepower and still be emission compliant.
Just thinking out loud but at some point like a set of headers there has to be an optimum length for your turbo exhaust line and any thing after that is detrimental to performance. If you added an oversize cat and back from their it would act much like a resonator and allow you to still give the proper commands to the ECM but let the exhaust flow without any back pressure.