Here is a link to my online album with about 4000 pics from the past..Photobucket can be slow sometimes but if your patient I have about 4000 pics from the past up there and about 10,00 more on mt hard drive but just to darn time consuming to post them all I probably will as time goes by..
and another link to another album I have with another couple thousand but you will need to be paitent Photobucket is slow..maybe best to use slide show..
Anyone know if that Pontiac wagon is pulling an old "Airstream" trailer back a few pics?
Carl: I remember seeing a number of "Supertest" stations similar design as the one you posted. One of those stations was operated by an old school mechanic, named "Harry Fiddy". My brother bought a first car, 56 chev/265 that burnt oil badly, and he'd stop at Harry's and buy a few quarts of "Used" oil off him, for 10 cents i think. Harry used to get upset at my brother for overfilling it, by an extra quart or two!! LOL Brother drove starting at 16 and drove for over two years with no license,, got charged ?? 5 times, "The good ole days". (He just couldn't find the money and the time to go get his license!)Lol